Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in a 3-nation summit in 2019. Source.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The current World War is expanding every day now, and yesterday it took a dangerous new turn, as two suitcase bombs killed over 100 people in Iran, where crowds of people had gathered together to pay tribute to Lt. General Qassem Soleimani on the four-year anniversary of his assassination by former U.S. President Donald Trump.

This man is considered a hero and a martyr among the Iranian people, as the anniversary of his death was commemorated this week not only in Iran, but also in Iraq and Lebanon.

This was written and published BEFORE the terrorist attacks about this special day for the Iranian people:

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Vast crowds of people have converged on Iran’s southern city of Kerman, the hometown of late commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the highly-revered commander, who was assassinated in a US strike in Baghdad in 2020.

As congresses have been held in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon in commemoration of General Soleimani, Kerman has attracted thousands of people expressing their appreciation of the late commander’s service and devotion.

People in the hometown of General Soleimani have attended rallies and commemorative ceremonies to pay tribute to the popular figure.

General Soleimani, the former commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was assassinated along with his Iraqi trenchmate Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Units, in a US drone strike ordered by ex-president Donald Trump near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020.

Both commanders were highly popular because of the key role they played in eliminating the Daesh terrorist group in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria. (Source.)

Here are Trump’s remarks after he ordered the assassination of Soleimani in January of 2020:

Here is what the Iranian President said at the 2-year anniversary in 2022 of the assassination of the Iranian hero:

So with this background, which is mostly absent from the reports of what happened yesterday in Iran with the killing of over 100 innocent people, which Iran calls the deadliest attack on their soil since 1979, we can better understand just how horrible this attack was viewed by Iranians and other Muslim nations.

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Two blasts occurred at an event held in Iran’s southern city of Kerman in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of late commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, killing at least 103 people and injuring 188 of others on Wednesday.

The first blast happened at 15:04 local time as people were packed on a road leading to a cemetery where the tomb of General Soleimani is located.

The second blast occurred 13 minutes later.

Reports suggest that at least 103 people, including children, have died in the twin blasts, and 188 others have been wounded.

Provincial officials have described the incident as a terrorist attack.

Meantime, sources told a Tasnim reporter in Kerman that the perpetrator or perpetrators of the attack have exploded two explosive-laden suitcases with remote controllers.

Aso, dozens of people were injured in a stampede in a state of panic after the blasts. (Source.)

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was scheduled to be in Ankara, Turkey today, to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, but he canceled the trip at the last minute, suggesting that Iran and those aligned with them are planning retaliatory responses.

This marks a new stage in this current war, as the way these attacks occurred using suitcase bombs, left little to no trace as to who did this. Both the U.S. and Israel were able to deny any responsibility.

With the mass crossing of the U.S. border by migrants right now, it would be foolish to believe, in my opinion, that such suitcase bombs are not already placed in strategic places throughout the U.S. right now.

World Leaders Now Rushing to the Turkish Capital of Ankara, as Turkey Takes Center Stage in this War

As I noted above, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was scheduled to be in Ankara today meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

But he’s not the only one. Russian President Vladimir Putin is also expected to arrive in Ankara shortly:

Russia’s Putin, Iran’s Raisi to meet Erdogan to discuss regional issues

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi are coming to Turkiye to meet President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the first diplomatic meeting of 2024, Presidential sources said.

Erdogan will come together with Raisi this week and will meet with Putin in the coming days.

The High-Level Cooperation Council is scheduled to convene during Raisi’s visit. The two leaders are also expected to discuss steps to halt the attacks on Gaza and prisoner swaps.

In the coming days, the eyes of the world will be on Turkiye again with Putin’s visit. Erdoğan and Putin will discuss the gas center planned to be established in Thrace. In addition, the Russia-Ukraine War, the Black Sea Grain Initiative, and the cessation of Israeli attacks in Gaza will be among the important topics on the meeting agenda.

With this, the Turkish President will discuss with Putin his expectations on the importance of establishing lasting peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

In addition, talks will be held to increase the trade volume of the two countries from $69 billion to $100 billion. (Source.)

This weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is also scheduled to visit Turkey, although it is not clear if Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will give him an audience or not, as in November Blinken only met with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, and not President Erdoğan.

Blinken to visit Türkiye on weekend amid regional tensions

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Türkiye on Saturday to discuss regional developments and bilateral relations, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said Wednesday.

Türkiye has been pressing the U.S. for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.

The two foreign ministers met in November and have been holding phone calls to discuss regional tensions.

Türkiye supports a two-state solution to the decades-old conflict and has harshly criticized Israel, calling for a full cease-fire and for Israeli leaders to be tried in international courts for war crimes. Ankara also continues to strongly criticize Western support for Tel Aviv. (Source.)

These world leaders have good reason to seek the support of Turkey, since Turkey has become a major military powerhouse in the region, being the only Muslim country that is a member of NATO.

Turkey just released their export statistics for 2023, and the Turkish defense industry set a new record in 2023 with $5.5 billion in arms exports, with Saudi Arabia being the top buyer of Turkish-made weapons of war.

The Turkish defense and aviation industry achieved a new record in export figures in 2023 with total exports amounting to nearly $5.5 billion (TL 163.8 billion), up 27.1% year-over-year.

The shipments from the sector, which demonstrated robust performance throughout the year, contributed to the record-breaking export figure that surpassed the 2022 export figure even before the year-end.

The progress demonstrated by the industry in the previous years, spearheaded by its combat drones, platforms, systems and missiles, triggered unprecedented demand and international recognition. This contributed to the sector’s export performance steadily increasing in recent years.

Throughout the year, the Turkish defense industry particularly excelled in exports of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), armored vehicles, naval platforms, ammunition and weapon systems. Strengthening its presence in the countries where exports were made, the sector also gained new customers this year.

Türkiye exports more than 230 defense industry products to approximately 170 countries. The aviation industry also exports aircraft structures, equipment and maintenance-repair services for the world’s leading platform manufacturers.

Last year, unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturer Baykar inked what is said to be the largest defense export contract in Türkiye’s history with Saudi Arabia, which came on the sidelines of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s three-country Gulf tour that included stops in Jeddah, Doha and Abu Dhabi.

The military turbodiesel engine PD170, powering national UAVs, also achieved its first export success last year.

Meanwhile, Bayraktar AKINCI was added to the series of unmanned aerial vehicles exported by the Turkish defense industry. The number of countries that signed contracts during the year reached eight.

The first export of the unmanned aerial vehicle BAHA was made to Africa, while the mini-spotter unmanned aerial system (UAS) TOGAN developed by Turkish defense firm STM, also made its first export to Africa.

The same company, one of the main pillars of the country’s defense industry and frequently noted for its developed national systems, achieved another highly valuable development in 2023. STM for the first time exported the domestically developed fixed-wing national strike UAV system, known as ‘Kamikaze UAV’ in public, ALPAGU, entirely through local capabilities.

Last year, the sector also signed an international serial production contract for tank systems for the first time.

Likewise, export contracts were signed for both land and sea versions of air defense systems.

Türkiye’s overall exports in 2023 reached a new record high of $255.8 billion, President Erdoğan announced Tuesday, which marked the third straight annual peak. (Source.)

And in spite of the fact that Turkey is a member of NATO, their exports of “military-linked goods” also increased in 2023 to Russia, much to the consternation of Ukraine and NATO.

FT: Turkish exports of military-linked goods to Russia soar in 2023

Turkish exports of goods to Russia that Moscow uses for military production have spiked in 2023, strengthening concerns about sanctions circumvention, the Financial Times reported on Nov. 27.

Turkey recorded $158 million in exports of 45 goods like microchips, marked by the U.S. as “high priority,” to Russia and five “former Soviet countries” suspected of serving as intermediaries for Moscow over the first nine months of 2023, the outlet noted.

This was three times the number recorded over the same period last year. The average figure for 2015-21 was $28 million, according to the Times’ analysis.

The U.S. and the EU have long sought to curb Russia’s ability to import dual-use goods via third-party countries.

Companies in states like Kazakhstan, Serbia, Turkey, and others have been accused of re-exporting sanctioned products to Russia, fueling the country’s war machine amid the invasion of Ukraine. (Source.)

Due to this conflict with NATO, some have speculated that the deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria in 2023 were caused by new energy weapons, sending a message to Turkey for their failure in fully supporting Ukraine in their war with Russia. See (make sure you watch the 18-minute video I produced):

Are “UFO” Sightings Preparing the Public for Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction as Happened in Turkey & Syria?

And then later in 2023, the U.S. came out in strong opposition to President Erdoğan’s re-election in the Turkish national elections, supporting his opponent instead.

But they were unsuccessful in preventing Erdoğan’s re-election, perhaps in a sign of just how little control the U.S. has over Turkey. See:

The Real Reason Why the U.S. is Trying to Control the Elections in Turkey this Week

The U.S. media continues to portray Turkey as an ally, being a member of NATO with the largest military force in NATO outside of the U.S.

But the constant killing and murdering of innocent Palestinians has obviously rattled Turkey, and if there is still any doubt as to which side Turkey will take as this war expands, please read this editorial that was just published in the Turkish English Press today regarding comments made this week by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan (yes, the same one who will meet with Blinken on Saturday – emphasis mine):

Gaza war may lead to arms race, geostrategic fractures in region

As Israel’s relentless attacks on Gaza continue to claim civilian lives by the day, the world and especially societies in the Middle East are losing hope in universal values and a global justice system championed by the West so far.

Months have passed, and more than 20,000 people have lost their lives in Gaza, mostly children. However, despite the mounting number of civilian deaths and war crimes committed by Israel, neither the U.S. nor the EU have raised their voice enough to stop and condemn the attacks. Hamas’ attack on Israel can be condemned while Israel’s attack on Gaza is not deemed worthy of condemnation by the international community.

The silence of the West is increasingly leading regional societies and their governments to question the current global system and their security, warned Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan in his meeting with media representatives in Ankara.

Countries in the region have seen that once interests are the top priority, the West will back down from its rhetoric of humanitarian values and follow a policy of turning a blind eye to crimes committed. The message drawn by many from this monthslong deadly conflict is “everyone is on their own” in the face of threats. Several Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which have close ties with Washington, were for decades unofficially relying on the U.S. for their security – be it against terrorist organizations, Iran or escalation with Israel.

Yet the new understanding of every man for himself will bring together regional countries seeking greater security mechanisms and entering new arms races in the future.

Once a big player in the Middle East, the U.S. had been seeking to lessen its presence in the region for quite some time while shifting its focus toward China and the Far East. Decreasing troops in Syria and the abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan had been some of the breaking points signaling the U.S. was less willing to deal with the problems of the Middle East. But its incapacity regarding Gaza will lead to what Fidan described as “a new geostrategic fracture.”

Türkiye’s top diplomat pointed out that the West has no mechanism or tool of enforcement to pressure Israel. This can be translated into saying that only force or the threat of force will be effective in stopping Tel Aviv. What is similarly problematic is that the Islamic world also lacks tools to enforce its will on the international community. Muslim countries must continue to be united in this case and must search for tools that could result in repercussions for Western countries, going beyond words of condemnation. If the Islamic world fails in the case of Gaza, this will further open the way for the West to act solely considering their priorities.

Still, the contact group led by Türkiye, the Arab League and the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been influential in changing the stance of some states in Europe while also being in coordination with China and Russia.

Fidan also warned of the effects of the Gaza conflict on the societal level. “If the response of governments is seen as insufficient, the public may take things into their own hands, leading to social escalation such as the Arab Spring in the past.

“Governments represent their societies and have to put in policies reflecting their wills,” he said. Indeed, the many protests in support of Gazans across the world are already a symptom of the voice of the public.

Governments in the Middle East have to act if they want to retain their legitimacy in the eyes of their public. Protests also exist in Europe and the U.S. and people see their governments are not doing enough.

This is one of the reasons why Türkiye has been speaking out against the atrocities committed in Gaza and calling for a permanent cease-fire and a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian question. Just as Fidan underlined, coherence between the aspirations of the public and the policies of the Turkish state has been an influential factor in explaining the low number of participation in global terrorist networks, while this number was higher in the West.

Governments fulfilling their duty and translating the will of the public into state policies will hinder citizens and nonstate groups from taking their fate into their own hands. Greater awareness in this field will also prevent regional groups such as Hezbollah or other Iran-backed proxies from claiming a greater role than states and gaining the support of the public. The international community has to reconsider its stance and tools for Gaza to avert the conflict from spilling into the Middle East and even toward the West. (Source.)

The Russian-Iranian-Turkish Alliance: Revival of Ancient World Empires?

The three current leaders of former ancient world empires come together as allies in the 21st Century. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. (Kayhan Ozer/Pool via AP). Source.

While most Americans have been conditioned to believe that all Muslim nations are terrorist organizations and that they are no match for the great United States Empire, most are completely unaware that the countries of Turkey and Iran are former world empires themselves: Turkey is the remnant of the great Ottoman Empire, and Iran is the remnant of the great Persian Empire, which is frequently mentioned in the Bible as it replaced the Babylonian Empire where the Jews were carried into captivity in 586 B.C.

The Ottoman Empire at its height in the late 17th Century, was reported to be larger and more powerful than the previous Roman Empire. It controlled not only the Middle East (including Palestine), but most of North Africa and eastern Europe as well. In 1453 the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople, the former capital of the Roman Empire, and renamed it Istanbul.

During World War I, the Turks aligned with Germany, and were defeated by the Allies under the British Empire. The Allies took control of Istanbul and Palestine, while the Greeks took control of Izmir (Smyrna), the third largest city in Turkey.

The remnant of the Ottoman Empire was to be divided up among the Allies at the end of the war, in the Treaty of Sèvres.

The Turks did not give up, however, and one of their military leaders, Mustafa Kemal, who became Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (father of the Turks), rallied Turkish forces from his base in Ankara in central Turkey, and the second largest city (after Istanbul) in Turkey. They drove the British out of Istanbul, and the Greeks out of Izmir, forcing the Allies to draw up a new treaty, the Treaty of Lausanne, which recognized the modern day country of Turkey.

Turkey, therefore, never became a colony or vassal state of any other country, and today is the remnant of the Great Ottoman Empire maintaining their own language and culture.

The other significant thing that happened at the end of World War I, where the British took control of Palestine away from the Turks, was that the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, favoring the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, which later became a reality after World War II in 1948.

However, modern day Turkey is not the only place where Turkic people live, as they inhabit most of Central Asia, and the former Soviet Union states of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

The former Soviet state of Tajikistan, along with some areas of Afghanistan, are ethnically and linguistically related to the Iranians, and remnants of the Great Persian Empire.

So as you can see, the Ottoman Turkish Empire and the Persian Empire have deep-rooted historical ties to Russia.

If these ancient empires join together, Americans are probably not very wise to think that the remnants of the British Empire, the UK and the USA, will be able to control such an alliance, which is also now closely aligned to the BRICS alliance which, as of a few days ago, now includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Russia is the leader of BRICS this year, and Iran is now calling for a “BRICS Secretariat”, which would then rival the United Nations.

Russia May Establish BRICS Secretariat – Iranian Foreign Ministry

BRICS was founded in 2009 by Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa as a bloc uniting the world’s largest growing economies. In January 2024, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia became new official members of the organization.

Russia may establish a BRICS secretariat, Mahdi Safari, Iran’s deputy foreign minister for economic diplomacy, told Sputnik, citing Moscow’s experience in managing international organizations.
“Russia – a country with vast experience in international and regional organizations – in my opinion could establish a new body in BRICS which will eventually evolve into secretariat,” Mahdi Safari says. (Source.)

Last month (December, 2023), however, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that BRICS should NOT take on a “Secretariat” to become like the UN, but that could change as things are progressing very rapidly in the beginning stages of WW III, and Russia has seen more intense fighting with Ukraine in the past week or so than at any other time during the Russia-Ukraine war.

Things are progressing very rapidly now, and if you are only reading U.S.-based media sources, you are not getting the full picture of this war.

As I have previously published, these are the English language government publications where you can get other perspectives on the war than just the U.S. or Israeli one:

Keep these in your news streams, because I cannot guarantee that I can publish every day, as I am also busy getting my online food business ready for what’s coming as well.

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