by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
In what could potentially be another climate terrorist attack following the horrendous climate terrorist attack in Maui last week, an “unprecedented” Pacific tropical storm has just been upgraded to a Category 2 hurricane, and is headed to California this weekend.
A storm headed in the direction of Southern California became a hurricane and later strengthened to a Category 2 on Thursday, the National Hurricane Center said in a public advisory.
It is expected to bring heavy rainfall to parts of the state after hitting Mexico.
The storm’s remnants are likely to bring flooding rain as well as strong winds to some parts of California, including the Los Angeles Basin, the Weather Channel reports. Heavy rainfall is expected to impact the Southwestern U.S. starting Friday through early next week, “peaking on Sunday and Monday,” according to the hurricane center.
Postel said the storm will likely cause large swells along the coast in the next several days.
“It is rare — indeed nearly unprecedented in the modern record — to have a tropical system like this move through Southern California,” Postel said. (Source – emphasis mine.)
Given the government’s complete failure to warn people in Maui about the deadly fire that caused such a horrible loss of life and property, if you live in the Southwestern part of the U.S., please take precautions and prepare for the worst case scenarios, while praying that they do not come to pass.
But do NOT rely on the government to give you accurate information, or you could end up like the victims in Maui who lost everything, including many of them who lost their lives, because they trusted their government officials to give them accurate information.
Tropical storms on the U.S. West Coast are extremely rare, with the last hurricane to hit California being back in 1939. (Source.)
Like the recent tragedy in Maui, you can be sure that this storm will be blamed on “climate change.”
But the fact is that weather manipulation and fires have been weaponized by the military for many years now, so I am choosing to call these storms “climate terrorist attacks.”
Dane Wigington has probably done more research on the topic of “geoengineering” than anyone else for the past several years, and if you want to look at the evidence that the military weaponizes both weather and fires, please see some of our previous coverage of his work:
URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering by Controlling the Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) is Destroying Life and the Planet: Immediate Danger FAR Greater than COVID-19
Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed as Corporate Media Predicts Killer Floods Worse than Earthquakes for California
Dane produces a news show every Saturday, so I fully expect him to cover Hurricane Hilary this Saturday, or to even broadcast an emergency update before then (he lives in California).
Current forecasts of Hurricane Hilary show it making landfall in Mexico, and then continuing on as a tropical storm through Southern California all the way up to Reno, Nevada.
If this forecast holds true, then it takes it through the Central Valley of California, which supplies about half of America’s food.
This part of California suffered deadly flooding just a few months ago this past Spring, as farmlands were completely washed out. See:
California Farmers: “We’ve Lost EVERYTHING” – $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America’s Agriculture
NATIONAL CATASTROPHE! California Farmers Suffering Record Losses from Flooding as “Worst is Yet to Come”
There is still snow in the highest peaks of the Sierra Mountains after record snowfalls this past Spring, which have kept rivers and dams at near capacity, when during “normal” years the snow in the mountains would be long gone by August, and many rivers completely dried up by this point in the summer.
A torrential tropical-type of rainfall could be deadly, not only for people living in Central California, but for the nation’s food supply as well.
So far, I have yet to see any news sources report this, as all the attention is being given to the potential impact on the densely populated cities of Southern California, from San Diego up through Los Angeles, where about 25 million people live.
I hope and pray that this storm fizzles out before it can cause such a huge potential of loss of life, property, and agriculture, but given the government’s failures to warn the people in Maui that resulted in tragic loss of life and property, I want to give people sufficient time to prepare for the worst.
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
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