by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

On June 1, 2022, it was announced that lockdowns in Shanghai, China’s largest city, were ending. Many residents rushed out into the streets to walk around outdoors for the first time in months, while others packed their bags to get out of the city as fast as they could, knowing that lockdowns could return at any moment.

For those allowed to leave their homes, in order to travel and participate in society, they must take a PCR test every 72 hours, and carry their ID code on their cell phones wherever they go. If they lose their cell phone, they reportedly cannot even return home.

Hundreds of thousands of residents still remain in lockdowns, including many who had just been allowed out on June 1st but are prisoners again in their own homes, simply because someone in their neighborhood tested positive for COVID.

In one province of China, over 1 million bank customers had their accounts emptied, losing everything, because their bank was allegedly accused of fraud.

Much of this is being censored inside of China. We have put together a short video with reports from inside China.

This is from our Bitchute channel, and it will also be on our Odysee channel, and Telegram channel.

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