Dr. Pierre Kory (left) and Dr. Simone Gold (right) and their group of doctors have effectively treated and cured COVID patients using existing, safe drugs already in the market.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. Simone Gold, head of America’s Frontline Doctors, and Dr. Pierre Kory, head of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), both represent hundreds of doctors in the U.S. who have successfully treated and cured patients diagnosed with COVID19.

Both of these doctors have testified to the politicians in Washington, D.C. about their work, but to no avail. Instead, the politicians in D.C. have awarded $TRILLIONS to the pharmaceutical industry to develop dangerous vaccines instead.

The work of America’s Frontline Doctors has centered around hydroxychloroquine, while the work of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance has centered around Ivermectin.

The FDA has refused to authorize these safe and effective drugs for emergency use, which is a criminal act, because to deny the work of these doctors has allowed them to issue emergency use authorization to the new mRNA vaccines instead.

However, individual doctors can still prescribe these drugs for off-label use, and Dr. Meryl Nass has compiled a list for the public and where to find doctors who prescribe these effective therapies.

How you can receive early effective treatment for Covid

by Dr. Meryl Nass
Anthrax Vaccine

US Doctor groups willing to treat Covid patients with appropriate medications:

1.  Dr. Zev Zelenko‘s new website. He pioneered HCQ treatments in the US:


2.  https://c19protocols.com/ (includes several I am not familiar with)

Telemedicine: https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/how-do-i-get-hcq/

Telemedicine: FrontlineMDs.com

Telemedicine: https://myfreedoctor.com/

List of Independent Practices: https://aapsonline.org/covidearlytreatment

List #2 Independent Practices: https://www.doctorsdontfearcovid.com/

List #3 “Directory of Doctors Prescribing Outpatient COVID-19 Therapy”: https://www.exstnc.com/

FLCCC Alliance: https://covid19criticalcare.com/network-support/the-flccc-alliance/

Arnot Health & Lake Erie College of Medicine (upstate NY): https://www.arnothealth.org/

Bethany Medical (North Carolina): https://bethanymedicalcenter.com/

Budesonide Protocol Practices: https://budesonideworks.com/providers/

For those who have found a  doctor that has prescribed HCQ but their pharmacy will not fulfill the early treatment prescription – it can be overnighted by – Ravkoo Pharmacy : Phone: 863-875-5700


Full article at Anthrax Vaccine.


This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

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