by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, the nasal cotton swab test for COVID is not benign, and has risk for great harm. See:

Study: Woman Suffers Brain Injury from COVID Cotton Swab Test

A woman in San Antonio was unfortunate to discover this after a hospital required her to get the PCR cotton swab test before getting a different test for her heart.

The cotton swab punctured the membrane around her brain, and now she needs surgery for a condition she did not have before going to the hospital.

Welcome to the world of “medical care” in the new age of COVID, where mandated medical procedures, even something like a diagnostic test, has potential to harm you and lead to further medical treatment.

This is how the system works, by creating lifelong patients that need continuous medical interventions.

It is the most lucrative business in the world, and it depends on continuous repeat business. Cures are not the goal, as that is not a sustainable business model.

What else are they doing with these unnecessary cotton swab tests, and will the new anal tests being required in China now make their way to the U.S.? If so, the expression “pain in the ass” is going to take on a whole new meaning.

There is of course an alternative. People could stop their religious belief in modern medicine and simply refuse to participate.

Fox 29 in San Antonio reports:

A San Antonio woman is still in shock after she says a Covid nasal swab test went horribly wrong.

“It hurt, it was an immediate instant migraine,” says Chari Timm. “I’ve never had a migraine ever in my life.”

Chari was in need of a heart diagnostic test and protocol states she had to test negative for Covid before they could run any tests. She says the swab was inserted in her nose and she instantly felt pain.

“It started from the back of my head and just extend it to the front of my head and my entire brain was an extreme pain,” she says. “Instantly fluid just was leaking out of my nose.”

Chari was leaking spinal fluid.

A neurologist from Methodist and an ear, nose and throat doctor diagnosed her with pneumocephalus days later.

Pneumocephalus is when there has been a rupture in the dural membrane, or the lining that’s around the brain, which allows air to enter the space that’s normally occupied by the head.

Read the full article at

Why do these cotton swabs need to be so long to begin with, and what else might be on them? See:

Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?

Are Cotton Swab PCR Tests Secretly Injecting Vaccines to Combat “Vaccine Hesitancy”?

Meanwhile, if you are planning on traveling to China, get ready to pull down your pants at the airport when you arrive so they can “swab” you now through your anus. From the NY Post:

China makes COVID-19 anal swabs mandatory for foreigners

But don’t worry, it is totally painless. Just ask these people in China who just went through it:

And why not?

If people have so willingly complied with the having their brains punctured and possibly injected with who knows what all in the name of COVID, why not start sticking things up through other parts of your body, along with the needles that are going directly into your skin and muscles to inject a new operating system called a “vaccine.”

The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body – Not a Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It

The technocrats, led by their leader, Bill Gates, are rolling out their transhumanist agenda in blazing speed, and the public is fully complying so far.

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

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