A sheriff deputy in Vancouver, Clark County in Washington, grabs a woman by the throat and pushes her out of the hospital. She was attempting to go help her 74-year-old mother who was being detained against her will inside the hospital.

UPDATE: 2/1/21

Clark County Sheriff and Washington Hospital involved in Medical Kidnapping of Senior Now Lying to Media and Putting lives in Danger!

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In a week where it was reported that the New York State Attorney General admitted that nursing home deaths in New York State for 2020, already recorded as numbering tens of thousands, were undercounted by as much as 50% with Governor Andrew Cuomo reportedly stating “Who cares?”, and where numerous reports all over the world have recorded hundreds of seniors dying in assisted care facilities this week after the roll out of the experimental COVID mRNA injections, something truly amazing happened in Vancouver, Washington last night.

The people of the community, many members of “People’s Rights Washington,” turned out in mass to rescue a 74-year-old woman at Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital where she had been medically kidnapped, and was being held against her will, and against the will of her daughter who has medical power of attorney for her mother.

This group of 40-50 citizens, 90% of whom were women (mothers) and their children, stared down an army dispatched from the Clark County Sheriff’s department in full riot gear, endured being grabbed by the throat and pepper sprayed, and refused to leave the hospital until 74-year-old Gayle Meyer was released back into the custody of her daughter, Satin.

Satin took her mother to the hospital the night before to get treatment for a urinary tract infection (UTI), and had been with her until 4 a.m. before returning home to get a few hours of sleep before heading back to the hospital the next day.

Their primary care physician had already written a prescription for an antibiotic, and Gayle was supposed to be released and sent home with her daughter, who is also her medical power of attorney.

But when Satin arrived at the hospital, she was told that not only could she not take her mother home, but that she could not even see her mother, because she refused to take a COVID test.

That’s when Satin called her friends, who responded by heading to the hospital to find out what was going on. The nursing staff allegedly changed their story a few times, first saying that Gayle had refused to take a COVID test and was therefore being quarantined, but then later allegedly changing their story and stating that Gayle did in fact take a COVID test, and had to remain in the hospital for at least 24 hours until the results of the test came back.

Her daughter Satin, who had been in the hospital with her mother the day before until 4 a.m., had made it clear that her mother did not need nor want a COVID test, since she only had a UTI and was only in the hospital to be put on fluids.

The nurses allegedly also stated to Satin that they had also put her mother on oxygen, which greatly surprised Satin and her friends who were now showing up at the hospital to support her and her mother. Her mother, Gayle, allegedly has never before had to be put on oxygen, and certainly a UTI does not warrant oxygen.

As we have documented many times since COVID started last year, many deaths blamed on COVID in fact are caused by improper treatment, especially when a patient is intubated and put on a ventilator, where the death rate is over 90%.

Obviously becoming very concerned at this point that her mother who had a simple UTI was now being medically kidnapped and forced to stay in the hospital against her will and receive treatments she did not want, Satin and her friends called the County Sheriff office to come and assist them get Gayle out of the hospital.

The woman who filmed the entire ordeal, Kelli Stewart, explained that she had spoken to the Sheriff dispatcher, and she was told that the Sheriff was not going to respond and get involved.

However, as they were talking, the dispatcher allegedly stated that now the hospital had also called, so they were sending officers to the scene.

As you will see in the video below, the Sheriff deputies and officers were there to protect the hospital and Big Pharma, and NOT to represent their constituents and fulfill their oath of office to protect their constituents, and in this case, to prevent a medical kidnapping.

In fact, at one point Satin attempts to enter the hospital behind another patient who was entering, and an officer grabs her by the throat, and pushes her back.

The officer then used pepper spray on the people who were standing outside, who were all unarmed and primarily women and children.

Everything was captured on video, and I have watched the entire 2 hours of film footage, and condensed it down to under 53 minutes. This is from our Rumble account, and it is also available on our Bitchute Channel, and our Minds.com account.

If you want to watch the raw footage of everything as it unfolded, you can watch it on the Ammon Bundy YouTube channel, here and here. (We have copies if they disappear.)

Interestingly, as I watched the entire two hours of footage, the word “vaccine” never came up once. It was also shocking to see the Sheriff deputy use pepper spray on innocent people. A man was sprayed in the mouth with it, and he spit it out, but it also spread to the others around him, including some children.

And yet one local CBS Corporate Media outlet described the events of last night quite differently:

‘Anti-vax’ protest sparks lockdown at ClarkCo hospital

A hospital in the Salmon Creek neighborhood of Clark County went into lockdown on Friday night after a group of “exceptionally unreasonable” people demanded the release of a patient, authorities said.

Deputies with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office were called to Legacy Salmon Creek at about 6:30 p.m. after a group of 30 to 40 people gathered outside the hospital. Deputies said the group was there to support a person who had a family member being treated at the hospital and they wanted that person released.

The sheriff’s office said the group consisted of “exceptionally unreasonable” people who were “anti-vaxxer, anti-science types” who live-streamed the incident on social media.

A spokesperson at Legacy Salmon Creek told KOIN 6 News around 8:30 p.m. that the hospital was in a so-called “silver lockdown” and no one was being allowed in but people inside were permitted to leave.

Deputies said they protected the hospital and worked to have the patient — a woman — released. No arrests were made and deputies did not resort to any crowd control measures; however, they said a small scuffle broke out when the hospital went into lockdown.

The group of people tried to enter the hospital through the emergency room entrance and someone in the crowd used pepper spray.

The patient was eventually released and the crowd dispersed at around 9:15 p.m., deputies said. (Source.)

This event clearly illustrates several important truths (besides the obvious fact that you cannot trust the Pharma-controlled corporate media).

First, the people who turned out to stand up for the rights of 74-year-old Gayle Meyer clearly shows that there are still some people left in this country who value human life, including the precious lives of our senior population.

These friends and advocates probably saved her life, because hospitals today are incentivized to treat COVID patients, and if they get them onto ventilators they receive even more COVID medical funding.

Secondly, this event also illustrates that law enforcement will almost always side with the medical tyrants and the medical industrial complex over the individual rights of the patients.

Having covered the issue of Medical Kidnapping for over 6 years now, I can personally vouch for the fact that this is almost always the case.

But perhaps the most important lesson this event teaches us, is the fact that when a community decides to act together to oppose the medical tyrants, those tyrants fear them, and their medical tyranny can be resisted.

When the People Fear the Government There is Tyranny, but When Government Fears the People There is Liberty

As Kelli Stewart mentioned several times while filming all of this, this was a real wake-up call for those who thought the “men in blue” were on our side. She mentioned how those on the other side of the political spectrum have decried the abuses of law enforcement for decades now, and it just took a little longer for those on the “Right” side politically to see the same thing.

This gives me great hope, because as I have been writing ever since COVID and medical tyranny took over this country, this is NOT a “Right” versus “Left,” Republicans versus Democrats problem.

This is an issue of We the People against the Wall Street Billionaires and Central Bankers who control BOTH sides of the political spectrum, and if we can unite together as We the People to fight this medical tyranny, then we can begin to win our country back.

And that is what they fear the most.

Clark County Sheriff Page. Telephone: 564.397.2211 – Email: sheriff@clark.wa.gov

Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center Page. Telephone: 360-487-1000 – Email.

Thanks to Cassandra Fairbanks at Gateway Pundit for breaking this story.


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