To Warn Of Super Bowl Sex Trafficking Risks, Young Women Pose In Life-Size Toy Box. Image source.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The majority of children recruited into the child sex-trafficking slave trade come through foster care, where state “Child Protection” child welfare agencies place children who have been removed from their homes.
It is estimated that the revenue generated through illegal child sex trafficking far exceeds revenue from illegal drugs and guns.
The problems of foster care being used to traffick children into the sex trade have been well documented. A recent report out of WJAC in Pennsylvania, for example, reports that 60% of sex, human trafficking victims were once involved in the foster care system.
Attorney Michael Dolce, who speaks from experience from representing children abused in foster care, wrote an opinion piece published by Newsweek last year (2018) stating that the nation’s foster care system is set up to sexually traffic children. See:
Attorney Reporting in Newsweek: Foster Care is a System Set Up to Sex Traffic American Children
We reported with horror last year that a Virginia man, Nathan Larson, was running for political office in the U.S. Congress in spite of the fact that he publicly admitted he was a pedophile. In online forums with other pedophiles, he encouraged pedophiles to adopt children out of foster care as their “sex toys.” See:
Publicly Open Pedophile Running for Office in Virginia Reveals How Foster Care is a Pipeline to Adopt Children as “Sex Toys”
A simple search of recent news stories for a search term like “sex abuse foster care” will return many thousands of stories verifying that this is not a small problem with a minority of foster care children, but widespread and actually the norm.
Here are a few stories making local headlines in February of 2019:
Will Grace Packer case put child welfare system on trial?
As the story of Grace Packer’s short life and horrific death plays out in a Bucks County courtroom in the coming weeks, jurors will be focused on Sara Packer and Jacob Sullivan, the two people accused in the 14-year-old’s rape and murder.
As the evidence is laid out against the couple, details of Grace’s life as a foster child, then an unwanted adopted daughter, may also be revealed.
The details could effectively put Pennsylvania’s child welfare system on trial. (Full Story.)
Hawaii settles lawsuit over sex abuse in foster care
Hawaii has agreed to pay $585,000 to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of two former foster children who were sexually abused by their Maui foster parent.
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports the lawsuit filed in 2014 claimed state Department of Human Services officials were negligent and should have known that Florentino Rios was unfit to be a foster parent.
Rios, who went by the name Zack Morris in Hawaii, was convicted of sexually assaulting three foster children who were placed in his care from 2009 to 2011. (Full Story.)
Foster parent convicted of rape sentenced to probation
A New Mexico foster parent convicted on six counts of rape will not serve any time in prison.
Manual Preciado, 64, was arrested in 2015 after a teenage boy came forward saying Preciado raped and molested him while he stayed in his Tucumcari home. According to court documents, the boy was attacked on a nearly daily basis over nine months.
He was the second child to come forward with such claims.
Preciado took a plea deal and faced up to six years behind bars. Thursday in court, Preciado’s attorney argued the level of abuse was taken out of context and worried for the well-being of his wife’s health if he were to be sent to prison.
Judge Louis McDonald sentenced him to time served and probation. The victim’s attorney says the light sentence sets a bad precedent for child abuse in New Mexico.
“What’s so upsetting about this, is that this child and his family will live with the repercussions of that sexual abuse for a lifetime. This man will spend not one day in prison,” the attorney said. (Full Story.)
Man kidnapped Keller girl in foster care and advertised her for sex, feds say
An East Texas man was indicted Friday after he was accused of kidnapping a 14-year-old Keller girl, sexually assaulting her and sending recordings of the abuse to men online.
Bobby Wayne Pearce, 50, was charged with aggravated kidnapping in Tarrant County and production of child pornography in federal court.
He admitted to authorities that he had sent the videos to other men online to advertise the girl for sex, officials said.
Officials tracked him down in October when a 14-year-old girl did not return from school to the privately run Keller children’s center where she lived. (Full Story.)
Judge sentences ‘serial sexual predator’ to 35 years for sedating toddler with cough medicine
In this story out of Ohio, a “serial sexual predator was sentenced to 35 years in prison for sedating a toddler with cough medicine so he could take photos and film himself abusing her.”
“The defendant is an unrepentant, untreatable sexual predator,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Megan Gaffney wrote in a sentencing memorandum.
“The public must be protected from him. If the defendant is released from prison, he will sexually abuse children.”
While his victims apparently were not foster care children, he himself came out of the foster care system:
Fletcher was taken away from his drug-addicted mother at a young age and placed in foster care, according to Foster.
He had been sexually and physically abused at a young age and was molested by an older man at age 12. (Full Article.)
This horrible story reinforces what research has uncovered about the United States’ foster care system: children have better outcomes when left in “troubled homes,” even if drug abuse is a problem with the parents, than when they are placed into foster care. Only a very small percentage of children taken out of their homes and placed into foster care are for reasons of abuse. The vast majority are for “neglect,” which has no standard definition. The REAL abuse happens in foster care. See:
The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking
Sadly, as we have previously reported, this problem is also happening in American churches. Here is a recent local story out of Tennessee:
Jury: Former pastor, foster care worker guilty on felony counts, including rape, of adopted daughter
David Lynn Richards Jr. described himself as a divorced, single dad simply trying to rein in a defiant teen.
His adopted daughter, Amber Richards, painted him as a vindictive manipulator, who punished her when she spurned his offer to take their relationship “to the next level,” after she had endured nearly two years of sexual abuse in his home.
After less than three hours of deliberation, a Knox County jury of seven women and five men found the one-time pastor and former staffer at Smoky Mountain Children’s Home guilty on nine felony counts, including rape, incest and sexual battery by an authority figure. (Full Story.)
In the Houston Chronicle’s recent investigation into sex abuse in the Southern Baptist Church, they found that the problem is most prevalent among “Youth Pastors”:
More than 100 Southern Baptists described as former youth pastors or youth ministers are now in prison, are registered as sex offenders or have been charged with sex crimes, the newspapers found.
Their most common targets were teenage girls and boys, though smaller children also were molested, sometimes in pastors’ studies and Sunday school rooms. (Full Story.)
Foster Care a Pipeline to Child Sex Trafficking for the Rich and Powerful Members of Society?

Former British Health Minister and former Child Protection Manager Lord Warner. Image Source.
In a 2014 interview published in The Guardian, former British Health Minister and former Child Protection Manager Lord Warner stated that “Children’s homes” were a “supply line” for paedophiles among the powerful elite.
Powerful people in the 1980s targeted children’s homes that served as a “supply line” for paedophiles, a former health minister has claimed.
As a former child protection manager warned that a “powerful elite” of at least 20 prominent figures carried out the “worst form of abuse”, the former health minister Lord Warner described the sexual abuse of children as a “power drive”. (Full article and video.)
As we reported last year (2018), the problem of child sex trafficking is so widespread, reaching to the highest levels of society, that an International Tribune had to convene outside the jurisdiction of any nation’s government to deal with the problem. See:
800K Children in the U.S. Missing Each Year – International Tribunal Exposes Pedophilia Problem – Victims Testify of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse
Backing up what Lord Warner stated in the story above, former Scotland Yard Police detective Jon Wedger, who specialized in child abuse investigations, gave testimony of how he discovered that child sex trafficking networks reached to highest levels of the police department, local government, and even the BBC.
Attempts to silence him failed, even after he was threatened by his superiors that he would lose his job, his children, and his home if he did not shut up.
When asked by Chief Counsel Robert David Steele why he hadn’t been killed, he replied:
Jesus loves me. Hopefully I’ve got a few more years. I’ve got a job to do.
One of my saving graces, and it didn’t meant to happen…. I actually did an interview with the UK column with a man called Brian Garish and he said it was too hot to handle and put it out online, and I thought “Oh my God, what’s he done.”
But it actually saved me.
So the alternative media really did help me.
Watch the entire testimony in the video above.
Chief Counsel Robert David Steele, a former CIA officer, gave perhaps the best summary of the purpose of Tribunal’s Judicial Commission into child sex trafficking, and how it reaches to the highest levels of our society, which has been condensed into a 15 minute video:
A partial transcript:
As a parent and as a patriot I have been outraged for some time by the clear and present danger to society of pedopredation (pedophilia or paedophilia).
I recognize now that child torture, child murder, and child organ harvesting is an ‘accepted’ practice at the highest levels of government, the NGO and multinational corporate sector, as well as throughout academic institutions and civil society.
This scourge persists because it is allowed to exist by the complicit authorities.
As a former spy and pioneer for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) I have worked with INTERPOL, EUROPOL, Scotland Yard, the FBI, and the national intelligence and law enforcement services or their representatives from over 66 countries.
What I have found, without exception, is that they are all staffed by good people trapped in bad systems – systems that are not allowed to properly address this scourge – the multi-generational crime against humanity known as pedophilia.
Pedophilia – a ‘love for children’ – is not an accurate term. There is no love for children manifest in any aspect of child slavery, sexual abuse, torture, murder, or body harvesting.
For this reason the inaugural seating of the Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking & Child Sex Abuse, at the behest of ITNJ Commissioner Carine Hutsebaut (a criminologist and psychotherapist) the term ‘Pedopredation,’ has been designated as a more appropriate term, along with the term ‘pedosexual,’ for that considerable sub-set abuses of children outside the Satanic ritual network.
It is vital to note that many organizations that started out with the best of intentions – from the Boy Scouts to the day care centers to United Nations assistance and development groups to Oxfam as the most recent example – appear to have been infiltrated by pedopredators.
By virtue of being in daily contact with the most vulnerable members of society, our children, many of the mandated organizations have, over time, attracted numerous pedopredators to their ranks, and been compromised by their lack of proper vetting processes, as well as also turning a deliberate blind eye to the transgressions of staff.
This need not be so if governments were honest and counterintelligence were to be exercised. It appears to be a matter of policy at the highest levels of global leadership to turn a blind eye to pedopredation and pedosexuality.
It appears that pedopredation – including the attendant torture and murder of infants to produce adrenalized blood via ritual Satanic abuse – is in some cases considered an elite ‘privilege’ whereupon these echelons are permitted to practice such perversity with impunity.
There are two additional causes for alarm.
First, there appears to be a deliberate campaign by the elite to infect local, state (province) and national police, prosecutors, and judges – from Australia to Zimbabwe – with a ‘taste’ for pedosexuality.
It is used as both an initiation rite into the Deep State and Shadow Government, and as a basis for blackmail.
Worse, we are now seeing two terrible trends: one toward abusing and murdering children before they learn to speak (they cannot bear witness); and the other, perhaps brought back by US forces from Afghanistan, the combination of war dogs and toddlers in a devastating combination of child rape and bestiality – dogs raping children for videos to be sold.
Add to this the growing market in fetuses, the most prized being those delivered on the floor as part of a Satanic ritual, and one has an inkling of the greatest evil on the planet.
Second, it has become clear from our early inquiries with ample documentation, that both the family courts and the insolvency courts are being used to strip children from families to convert the children into a commodity that can be sold for cash, and are also being used to strip assets from wealthy individuals who are not part of the Deep State network.
Governments are complicit in child and asset stripping, which would not occur if registrars, lawyers (barristers), and judges were held accountable. False claims and documents abound, and in their tolerated existence, challenge the legitimacy of the government.
ENOUGH! The purpose of the Commission is to do what has not been done before: to document the actual totality of missing children each year (preliminary estimates yet to be documented are eight million a year, or 22,000 a day); and also to document what happens to these children once they are ingested into the local to global pedopredation network of networks.
The average lifespan of a child once in the pedopredation (pedophilia or paedophilia) system is estimated by some to be two years — those being groomed for ‘leadership’ roles that perpetuate pedosexuality at all levels live much longer.
Learn more about The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), and their Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse in Westminster, London, here.
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