Image from documentary film on the HPV vaccine titled: Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror
by Alliance for Natural Health
The HPV vaccine was just approved for adults, despite Merck’s concerning research data. Action Alert!
It’s official: Gardasil 9, Merck’s HPV vaccine, has been approved for adults age 27-45.
The FDA made its determination in the face of substantial evidence of the dangers of the HPV vaccine and the existence of safer alternatives.
We must oppose the agency’s decision and prevent more Americans from becoming irreparably harmed by this vaccine.
This is a terrible idea for many reasons.
For women who have already been exposed to certain strains of the HPV virus, vaccination can actually increase the risk of precancerous lesions by 44.6%.
That’s right: if you are already infected with HPV, getting vaccinated could increase your risk of getting cancer.
To put this in perspective, 79 million Americans are thought to be infected with HPV, and about 14 million are newly infected each year, making HPV the most common sexually transmitted infection.
Often there are no symptoms. The CDC says that “HPV is so common that almost every person who is sexually active will get HPV at some time in their life.”
A large, government-backed push to get more people vaccinated for HPV could actually increase many people’s risk of getting cancer.
There’s more.
In our initial coverage of Merck’s petition to expand the indication for Gardasil, we pointed out that a new study shows that women aged 25-29 who received the HPV vaccine have a lower probability of becoming pregnant.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The government’s vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) lists a startling 57,287 adverse events from the vaccine, including 419 deaths—far more than any other vaccine.
A World Health Organization study demonstrated that the vaccine has a tendency to produce clusters of serious adverse events.
The American College of Pediatricians raised concerns that the vaccine could be linked to premature ovarian failure.
And let’s not forget the former Merck doctor who said that Gardasil “will become the greatest medical scandal of all time,” that it “serves no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturer,” and, like some other vaccines, that it can cause “Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS, and vaccine-induced encephalitis.”
Given these alarming facts, why would the FDA expand the number of people who get the HPV vaccine? Is the government so beholden to vaccine manufacturers that they will turn a blind eye to clear evidence of danger?
To learn more, be sure to watch our documentary on the dangers of this particular vaccine, Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype and Horror.
Action Alert! Write to Congress and the FDA, telling them that, given the safety concerns with the HPV vaccine, it is unconscionable to expand its use. Please send your message immediately.
Read the full article at Alliance for Natural Health.
Comment ont this article at VaccineImpact.com.
See Also:
FDA Approves Dangerous Gardasil Vaccine for Adults in the U.S.
More information about Gardasil
Illinois Teen Dies Three Weeks After Being Injected with HPV Gardasil Vaccine
California Nurse Gives Gardasil Vaccine to Own Daughter who Develops Leukemia and Dies
Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped
Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil Vaccine Given without Consent and Ruins Life of 14 Year Old Girl
After 3 Years of Suffering 19 Year Old Girl Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Decision We Will Always Regret
15 Year Old French Girl’s “Descent into Hell” After Gardasil Vaccine – Wheelchair Bound and Paralyzed
The Gardasil Vaccine After-Life: My Daughter is a Shadow of Her Former Self
Gardasil: An Experience no Child Should Have to Go Through
I Want my Daughter’s Life Back the Way it was Before Gardasil
Gardasil Vaccine: Destroyed and Abandoned
15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain
Recovering from my Gardasil Vaccine Nightmare
Gardasil: We Thought It Was The Right Choice
“HPV Vaccine Has Done This to My Child”
13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine
If I Could Turn Back Time, Korey Would not Have Received any Gardasil Shots
What Doctors Don’t Tell You: Our Gardasil Horror Story
Family Fights U.S. Government over Compensation for Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: When Will our Nightmare End?
HPV Vaccine Injuries: “I Cannot Begin to Describe What it is Like to Watch your Daughter Live in Such Agony”
Gardasil: Don’t Let Your Child Become “One Less”
The Gardasil Vaccine Changed Our Definition of “Normal”
Gardasil: I Should Have Researched First
“They’ve Been Robbed of Their Womanhood” – Local Milwaukee Media Covers Gardasil Vaccine Injuries
Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter’s Life Changed
Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret
Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead
Gardasil: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare
After Gardasil: I Simply Want my Healthy Daughter Back
Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me
Gardasil Changed my Health, my Life, and Family’s Lives Forever
Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience
Gardasil: My Daughter’s Worst Nightmare
My Personal Battle After the Gardasil Vaccine
Gardasil: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened to Me
A Ruined Life from Gardasil
HPV Vaccines: My Journey Through Gardasil Injuries
The Dark Side of Gardasil – A Nightmare that Became Real
Toddler Wrongly Injected with Gardasil Vaccine Develops Rare Form of Leukaemia
Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.
In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.
One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.
Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages
“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”
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