The eyes of ten-year-old children absorb five times more cell phone radiation than the eyes of adults, and the eyes of five-year-old children absorb 12 times more than adults.
by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
Microwave exposure to the eyes causes long-term damage regardless of whether it is coming from smartphones, tablets, cell tower, Wi-Fi, DEC cordless phones, baby monitors, child’s toys, microwave ovens or any other microwave source. The vision of children is even more at risk than adults.
When a person talks on a cell phone or looks at a smartphone display, the eyes receive a large dose of microwave radiation.
Even if we are not using a smartphone, our eyes are still being exposed to microwave radiation from the local environment as well as from the cell phones being used by other people near us.
Based on decades of research, we can expect the combined effects of microwave radiation used in modern microwave devices to damage our vision and to damage the vision of our children. [1]
Children have Serious Risk for Eye Related Damage
The eyes of ten-year-old children absorb five times more cell phone radiation than the eyes of adults, and the eyes of five-year-old children absorb 12 times more than adults.
These calculations were made in 1996, long before the implementation of the modern 3G, 4G and 5G microwave communication systems and the more powerful phones that use these systems. [2]
Microwave Radiation is just as Dangerous as Nuclear Radiation
It’s a lie that microwaves are harmless.
Historically, scientists divided radiation into two broad categories – ionizing radiation from sources such as uranium and X-rays, and non-ionizing radiation from other sources such as microwaves from cell phones.
It was once believed that the most dangerous radiation to human health was ionizing radiation, but we now know that prolonged microwave exposure is just as harmful to human health as nuclear radiation, asbestos, and tobacco smoke. [3]
The Eyes are Particularly Vulnerable
The authors of the Wi-Eyes website have brought together research from around the world to document the harmful effects of microwave exposure on human eyes. They summarize the situation this way:
Epidemiological studies of people living close to cell tower antennas document widespread complaints about eye and vision abnormalities (Santini 2002/ Oberfeld 2004/ Bortkiewicz 2004).
Many radiation victims damaged by cell phones, Wi-Fi antennas and smart meters complain of the same. The documented pathological effects on human eyes from RF/microwave radiation include: eye inflammation and redness, pain or burning in the eyes, a feeling of pressure behind the eyes, floaters, cataracts, deteriorating vision — including macular degeneration– and eye cancers. [1]
Microwaves Damage Human Cells at Several Levels
This is how the Wi-Cancer website describes how radiation effects cells in the human body. The authors state:
Like nuclear radiation, the antenna frequencies of RF/microwave radiation are delivered as photons (energy packets), having both particle and wave behavior.
Microwave frequencies couple with human flesh as pulsing currents, creating hot spots throughout various tissues. These currents carry electrical voltage and magnetic fields that mechanically oscillate the polarity of living cells millions to billions of cycles per second.
Because wireless radiation is pulse-modulated to produce voice and data signals, it is loaded with extremely low frequencies (ELF), plus kilohertz frequencies, riding along on the microwave carrier waves.
This complex energy causes significant vibration that atoms, molecules and tissues cannot long withstand. Cells break down from the jack-hammering effect, which causes displacement of calcium.
Leaky cells become functionally deficient. Oxidative stress, inflammation and damaged DNA are guaranteed. Premature aging and chronic disease set in.
Because cancer begins with damaged DNA, any wireless voltage that causes strand breaks in the DNA is the VOLTAGE OF CANCER. [3]
When a cell phone is held up to the ear, microwaves stream out of the multiple antennas in all directions. Some eventually reach a cell tower, which can be many miles away, but 40% of the microwaves enter the hand, ear, eye, and head/neck of the person using the phone. [4]
The Lenses of the Eyes are Extremely Vulnerable
The cells in the lenses of the eyes are the first structure to be damaged. However, the damage does not stop there. The microwaves also damage the vitreous fluid in the eye ball, the retina and the optic nerve.
The only way to possibly stop microwaves from entering the eyes would be to enclose the face with a microwave shield. Eye glasses and contact lenses do not stop microwaves from entering the eyes. If a person has glasses with metal frames, then the frames concentrate microwaves and project them into the eyes. [1]
Microwaves Contribute to Cataract Formation in the Lenses of the Eyes
When vision becomes cloudy, blurred and dim and there is sensitivity to light and glare, the usual diagnosis is cataracts. [5]
When this happens, the lenses of the eyes turn yellow or even brown and light entering the eyes is distorted or partially blocked.
Microwave related damage to the normally clear lenses appears on the back side of the lenses (posterior subcapsular cataracts). [1]
Cataract surgery can remove the front portion of the lens and replace it with a permanently implanted optically corrected lens. This restores clear vision in cases of hereditary, metabolic, or age-related cataract. [1]
However, posterior subcapsular cataracts form on the back of the lens and are usually not correctable with surgery – the damage is permanent!
The damage occurs slowly and people might not notice until the problem starts interfering with normal vision. By that point it is too late. [1]
There are No Microwave Exposure Limits for Consumers
Individual microwave emitting consumer products, such as cell phones, are not supposed to emit more than a certain level of radiation. The assumption is that if the exposure threshold is not passed, then there is no risk to human health.
However, a single device only represents a small portion of a person’s daily total microwave exposure.
So, a person who has a cell phone, tablet, and laptop, which are all connected to a microwave router, is receiving exposure from four sources simultaneously.
If we add the microwave radiation from wireless devices such as computer monitors, headphones, printers, keyboards and external touchpads, then a typical office setting is roaring with microwave activity.
If we then add in the radiation from smart meters, smart appliances, driver assist technology in cars, then the exposure levels skyrocket.
Finally, if we add the radiation from cell towers, regional Wi-Fi antennas, and microwave transmitting sources in homes and buildings around us, then our eyes and our bodies are being blasted with endless streams of intense radiation all day and all-night long.
Damage to the Eyes begins with Tiny Changes
In 2007, Chinese researchers examined changes in human eye lenses when they were exposed to 1.8 Gigahertz of microwave radiation from cell phones.
Lenses showed abnormal changes in four different proteins. The presence of these abnormal proteins is a serious danger signal.
Cataracts form after these tissue proteins clump together and start scattering light. [6]
Some Medications for Glaucoma Increase Microwave-related Eye Damage
A 1998 Canadian report warned that microwave radiation from devices such as cell phones can cause adverse reactions with a common anti-glaucoma drug. When the drug was given to test animals, eye damage began to occur at only one tenth of the radiation density that was previously used to produce damage. [7]
Cornea Damage, Macular Degeneration, Dry-Eye Disease, and other Conditions
Researchers found that the blood-aqueous and blood-vitreous humor barriers in the eyes of primates become leaky when exposed to low-intensity radio frequencies. Other animal research showed that microwave frequencies produced irreversible damage to the endothelial layer of corneas.
When human eye lens epithelial cells were exposed to microwave radiation, there were disruptions to genes and proteins, in addition to severe oxidative stress, which is implicated in senile cataracts, age-related macular degeneration of the retina, and dry-eye disease. [8]
Additionally, microwave exposure accelerates the formation of cataracts in diabetic patients. Research with animals showed a degeneration of retinal nerve endings and a small increase in retinal permeability when their eyes were exposed to microwaves. [9]
Japanese Researchers found that when the ears of children with chronic fatigue were exposed to 30 seconds of cell phone radiation, there was a change in blood flow to the eyes. Simply holding a phone by the ear as when talking caused more than a 50% reduction in blood flowing through the arteries serving both eyes. [10]
Eye Cancer
In 2001, researchers from University of Essen in Germany showed that people who regularly use microwave emitting communication devices are at significantly higher risk of developing cancer of the eye.
They compared the microwave exposure for 118 patients with uveal melanoma, who used cell phones or microwave walkie talkies, to a control group of 475 people who did not use these microwave devices. [11]
They found that those who used microwave-powered walkie talkies were over THREE TIMES more likely than non-users to develop eye cancer. The risk was even higher for cell phone users. Cell phone users were FOUR TIMES more likely than non-users to develop eye cancer. [11]
Watching Small Displays on Portable Devices also Causes Eye Problems
Current research shows that up to 90% of teenagers and young adults in China are short-sighted. Only 10% to 20% of the Chinese population was short-sighted 60 years ago. In the United States and Europe, half of young adults are short-sighted. This is twice as high as it was a half century ago. [12]
Some ophthalmologists believe that when the eyes focus on small bright screen displays for many hours each day, such as those used for smartphones, then short-sightedness can result. [13]
Other researchers attribute the epidemic of short-sightedness to inadequate exposure to natural bright sunlight. When children were forced to put down their smartphones and spend three or more hours a day playing in bright outdoor light, the progression of short-sightedness was stabilized. [12]
Conclusion – Risk Factors for Microwave Eye Damage
There are five risk-factors that you can use to evaluate potential eye damage from microwave exposure. They apply to both adults and children. These risks factors are general and can be applied to exposure to any part of the body, which includes over-all cancer risk.
The Wi-Cancer website states:
- The higher the cumulative hours of exposure, the higher the risk.
- The more years of exposure, the higher the risk.
- The higher the radiated power used by Wi-antennas, the higher the risk.
- The longer a single area of the body is exposed, the higher the risk.
- The younger a person is during their first microwave exposure, the higher the risk. (14)
The truth is simple. The total years of exposure and the intensity of that exposure to microwaves from all sources will eventually produce noticeable damage to the eyes and the rest of our body. Children are most vulnerable because they are still growing and developing.
We cannot stop our microwave exposure, but we can take steps to limit it. This is especially important for our children who depend on their parents to make wise decision regarding their exposure levels.
A smartphone or wireless tablet in the hands of a toddler [15] or school age child is a very high-risk situation!
Unlimited daily use of microwave technology by a person of any age is very high-risk activity — even more so for our children!
The risks from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and countless other wireless devices has been known for decades. We should not assume that government agencies, public school systems, and telecom companies will protect us from being harmed by microwave exposure – it is up to each of us to protect ourselves. The most powerful way that we have available to protect ourselves and our families from microwave radiation is to reduce the exposure.
Even though you might not notice the effects of microwaves today, this technology is slowly producing cumulative harm that may not be realized for 5, 10, or 20 years. Nevertheless, we will all eventually pay the price for the convenience of microwave technology when microwave-related illnesses take control over our lives.
For additional Information, I recommend visiting the Wi-Eyes website.
About the Author
John P. Thomas is a health writer for Health Impact News. He holds a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Science in Public Health (M.S.P.H.) from the School of Public Health, Department of Health Administration, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
[1] Wi-Eyes Webpage, Retrieved 5/1/2018.
[2] Wi-Eyes provides this reference: 7. Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age, Dr. George Carlo, 2002, pp. 216-217. This source features a discussion on Dr. Om Gandhi’s eye research.
[3] Wi-Cancer Home Page, Retrieved 5/1/2018.
[4] Wi-Eyes provides this reference: 6. International Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, W. Ross Adey citing Kuster et al., 1997.
[5] “Cataracts – Symptoms and causes,” Mayo Clinic, Retrieved 4/23/2018.
[6] Wi-Eyes provides this reference: 23. “Proteomic Analysis of Human Lens Epithelial Cells Exposed to Microwaves,” Li et al., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology, 2007 Nov-Dec.
[7] Wi-Eyes provides this reference: 22. “Radiation Protection Bureau on the Brain, the Eye and the Mobile,” Microwave News, March/April 1999.
[8] Wi-Eyes provides this reference: 24. “Study of Oxidative Stress in Human Lens Epithelial Cells Exposed to 1.8 Gigahertz Radiofrequency Fields,” Ni et al., Zhejiang University School of Medicine and St. Georges University of London. Published in Public Library of Science (PLOS), a peer-reviewed, open access journal (e72370), 08-26-2013.
[9] Cutz A; “Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Eye: The Occupational Health Perspective,” Physical Hazards Group, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Hamilton, Ontario, Lens Eye Toxic Res, 1989, PMID 2488031.
[10] Wi-Eyes provided this reference: 25. “Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF from Cell Phones, Games and Computers?” Gauss Tsushin (newsletter of the Japanese Gauss Network) 68, 08-15-2004.
[11] Wi-Eyes provided this reference: 29. “German Study: More Eye Cancer Among Mobile Phone Users,” Microwave News, January/February 2001.
[12] “The myopia boom : Nature News & Comment,” Elie Dolgin, 3/18/2015.
[13] Wi-Eyes provides this reference: 5. “Smart Phones May Raise Myopia Risk,” Economic Times, UK, 08-18-2013.
[14] The Wi-Cancer.com home page provided this reference: 66. “Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Glands and its Relationship with Diabetes,” Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, Scientific Advisor to ES UK, 2012.
[15] 90 Percent Of 2-Year-Olds Use Tablets and Smartphones. Do YOU Know the Risks? “10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give a Child a Smartphone or Tablet,” Elyse Wanshel, Little Things, Retrieved 5/15/2018.
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