Dr. Brownstein: Nobody Knows What Optimal Blood Pressure Values Should Be

Nobody knows what the optimal blood pressure values should be. I can assure you there is not one number that is optimal for everyone at every age. When I was in medical school, I was taught that normal blood pressure rises with age. This is still true. As we age, our arteries become stiffer therefore, we require a higher blood pressure to pump blood to the entire body. It is ludicrous to believe that an 80-year-old should have the same blood pressure as a 20-year-old. Setting blood pressure guidelines for everyone at 120 mm Hg or less guarantees that nearly every adult over the age of 40 will require a blood pressure medication in order to meet these guidelines. This study is another example of the Powers-That-Be trying to scare us into taking more unnecessary drugs.

Top 10 Stories in 2015 on Health Impact News

News highlighting the dangers of vaccines and medical kidnapping stories dominated our readership in 2015. Half of the top 10 stories were stories about vaccine dangers, and 4 of the top stories were Medical Kidnapping stories of families who lost their children to the medical system and Child Protection Services (CPS). Two of the vaccine stories, including the #1 most-read story in 2015, were stories about young women who reportedly had their lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Here are the top 10 most read stories in 2015 on the Health Impact News network.

Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding

Data suggests that 6% of the U.S. population is harboring a retrovirus in their bodies that can develop into an acquired immune deficiency. This is not the well-known AIDS caused by HIV, but Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) associated with other retroviruses. These non-HIV retroviruses were unintentionally introduced into humans over the past 75 years. The information that I am sharing in this article came mostly from an interview I did with Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D. and from the book, Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), autism, and Other Diseases, written by Kent Heckenlively, JD, and Dr. Mikovits. Dr. Mikovits is not just one of the leading scientists in the area of retrovirus related illness, she stands at the center of a scientific controversy and political battle that has ended her career as a government-funded research scientist. She spoke the truth about the fraudulent use of government research money, the marketing of inaccurate retrovirus tests, Medicare fraud, the contaminated blood supply, and the harm that is associated with vaccines and their schedule of administration. Her research showed how retroviruses are linked to the plague of modern illnesses that are bankrupting the U.S. healthcare system. The result of her unwavering determination to stick to the truth of her research and to stand up against those who want to keep the truth hidden, resulted in her being taken to criminal court and civil court. She was gagged for four years by fabricated criminal charges in Nevada, and could not speak openly about retrovirus science or the government cover-up without risking further persecution/prosecution. My article will explain the history of retrovirus contamination and the government cover-up. It will provide an introduction to effective treatments for those who suffer with the illnesses mentioned in this article. It attempts to do what our government didn’t have the political courage to do.

Magnesium — A Key Nutrient for Health and Disease Prevention

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. More than 3,750 magnesium-binding sites have been detected on human proteins, and it's required for more than 300 different enzymes in your body. As is the case with vitamin D, if you don't have enough magnesium, your body simply cannot function optimally, and insufficient cellular magnesium levels set the stage for deterioration of metabolic function that can snowball into more serious health problems. For starters, magnesium is critical for the optimization of your mitochondria, which have enormous potential to influence your health, especially the prevention of cancer.

Is This What Has Become of America? Texas Citizens Have 3 Children Seized at Airport for Wanting to Visit Dying Mother

Tammi Stefano, host of The National Safe Child Show, is joined by Kathy and Ahmed Giwa, a couple who have received national media attention recently. Kathy Giwa has a Ph.D. and is working on her second Ph.D. She is a Texas certified special education teacher, Texas certified principal and also a CPS approved daycare director. Her husband, Ahmed, holds a Masters in Computer Science and also an MBA. Ahmed works for energy companies in Houston, Texas, where they live. The Giwas are dual citizens of the U.S. and Nigeria. Their children were seized by Texas Rangers at the Dallas airport in November, after Customs and Border Control officers and local police reportedly refused to arrest them due to lack of evidence. Child Protection Services (CPS) was the one recommending the arrest. Ali Giwa, the youngest child, was medically kidnapped on April 14, 2015, by Harris County CPS – a county the family doesn’t even live in – on allegations of “failure to thrive.” Though Ali has some developmental delays, CPS never mentioned to the judge that he is in the 75th percentile with his height and weight. He was returned home on July 29, but the case remained open. The U.S. Marshal at the Dallas airport allegedly had a private meeting behind closed doors with CPS, and acting on orders from CPS arrested the parents. They were at their gate, ready to board their plane with their car parked in the airport parking garage as they were clearly expecting to come back shortly to their home and jobs in Houston. They were hoping to get to say goodbye to their grandmother on her deathbed in Nigeria (Ahmed's mother) to fulfill her dying wish. Without a trial or any charges pressed against the parents, the Giwa family was torn apart when their three young children we removed from their custody at the airport just before Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have not seen their young children for over a month. They recently told their story to Tammi Stefano on The National Safe Child Show.

Christmas is not so “Merry” when your Children Have Been Kidnapped by the State

Child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States today, with American taxpayer funds paying for the kidnapping of children for placement into foster care and adoption programs. Child Protection Services across the United States by and large do NOT look out for the interests of the child anymore, but instead look out for their own interests and programs, and billions of dollars in federal funds. Christmas is a lonely time, and a cruel reminder that their family has been torn apart, for thousands of families across the U.S. who have had their children medically kidnapped by force.

Why Are People Over Age 65 Given Ineffective Flu Shots?

For the 2014-2015 “flu season,” the reported effectiveness of the annual flu shot was only 14% in those over age 50. It has been long recognized that elderly people do not respond well to vaccination as a whole and that their immune responses to annual influenza vaccinations are especially weak. The elderly are at higher risk for serious complications from infections like influenza and pneumonia because aging immune systems often do not mount a robust response to challenge from natural pathogens or vaccines. The number of Americans over age 65 hospitalized for influenza in the 2014-2015 flu season was higher than had been previously reported since government health officials began to collect the data in 2005. Regardless of the highly questionable therapeutic value and potentially harmful side effects of the influenza vaccine, public health authorities insist that the annual flu shot is the best defense there is for seniors.

Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested

When police arrested North Carolina mother Marty Peele on charges of child abuse last summer, her friends say they knew there had to be another explanation for 4 month old Micah's injuries. They say that the picture that was painted by the media was inconsistent with what they know of Marty, and that she couldn't possibly have done the things that she has been accused of. Petreana Anderson is one of Marty's friends who considers herself "a pretty good judge of character." She told Health Impact News: "I hate that they [the media] painted her as a monster. That woman wouldn't hurt anybody." Local media reported that Marty was accused of breaking 12 of Micah's ribs and 2 shoulder blades, as well as leaving deep bite marks. However, several expert doctors have now issued reports that there are indeed very plausible explanations for Micah's injuries, and they strongly assert that he was not abused. Child Protective Services has ordered her not to have any contact with her baby, or with any other child under age 18, and she is facing a criminal trial for felony child abuse.

Natural Cough and Sore Throat Remedies

Millions of people suffer from sore throats and coughs each year. In the U.S., sore throat is often one of the first signs that you're coming down with a cold, especially if a runny nose and cough soon follow. In most cases you don't need to see your physician for a sore throat, and fewer than 1 in 10 people actually do. Even so, sore throat is the second most common acute infection seen by family practitioners. In 85 percent to 95 percent of cases, sore throats in adults are caused by viruses. Only about 10 percent are due to bacteria, including group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, while allergies, acid reflux, and even dry weather can also cause a sore throat. If you feel a sore throat coming on, you needn't suffer through it. There are many natural remedies that can not only take the edge off but also help with healing. As a bonus, many of the remedies that follow work for both coughs and sore throats because they tackle the underlying viral infection.

Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients

Health Impact News has been a leader in the alternative media publishing research and testimonials supporting the positive use of coconut oil with people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. These remarkable stories of families seeing dramatic improvement from Alzheimer's and dementia are documented at CoconutOil.com. In many cases, adding several spoonfuls of coconut oil a day to the diet of one suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia has resulted in memories returning, the ability to once again converse with friends and loved ones, etc. (Read the testimonials.) However, pharma-based physicians and groups have largely condemned the use of coconut oil, stating that all the evidence is "anecdotal," lacking peer-reviewed scientific research. Of course coconut oil is a natural food, with virtually no risk or side effects, and funding for research on a natural food is difficult to come by when no product can be patented as a result of the research, such as lucrative pharmaceutical drugs. As we have stated in the past, the lack of scientific research on coconut oil and Alzheimer's should not stop people from trying it. Some are taking notice and beginning to publish studies, however, so the claim that coconut oil improving Alzheimer's lacks scientific support may not be true much longer. A clinical trial in Spain was published this month (December 2015) studying the effects of coconut oil on Alzheimer's, and the results were very promising. Another study in Florida is in process and should be published in 2016.

State of Michigan Threatens Family Hog Farmer and Veteran Who Stood Up for his Rights

Michigan pig farmer Mark Baker got some strange holiday greetings from his state’s Department of Natural Resources late last week: a search warrant, served by regulators accompanied by state police. The warrant apparently had to do with a packaging issue discovered with one customer using Baker’s pork–a pretty severe action for one possible packaging problem. This latest escapade by Michigan authorities is merely their latest effort to make life in Michigan a hell on earth for farmer and U.S. Air Force vet Baker. The state has been after him for the last four years for having the gall to want to raise pigs it considers feral, and illegal. When Baker in 2013 got a judge to uphold Baker’s right to raise his pigs his way, the state wasn’t pleased. In fact, in a direct courtroom confrontation with pig farmer Mark Baker, recorded on video, assistant attorney general Hal Martin told Baker, “You don’t get it, do you?” As I pointed out in a 2014 blog post, what Martin meant was this: You don’t get it that we have absolute power over you. Michigan has merely been keeping its word. These regulators are good at imitating the Mafia, and carrying out threats.

EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt North Carolina Officials Try to Silence Whistleblower Using Child Protection Services

A massive fraud cover-up in the state of North Carolina has Randy Davis fighting mad. The corruption involves senators, the NC Commission of Indian Affairs, the Coharie Intra-Tribal Council, and entire departments within Sampson County – including Child Protection Services (CPS) – where Randy lives. The laundry list of crimes, which stretches back to the 1920s, is extensive and involves everything from misuse of federal HUD and USDA funds, to virtually every civil rights violation imaginable, to a massive land grab and falsifying birth and death certificates. The whole ugly story resembles the mafia – whole generations of families in NC with multiple crimes and cover-ups. And Randy Davis not only knows everyone involved – he allegedly has hundreds of documents, audio and video to prove every bit of it. That apparently makes him a high value target that needs to be silenced. But using CPS to take his daughter didn’t keep him quiet. She has been on the run for the past year - in hiding so CPS can’t grab her to be used against her father. Three arrests on eight different trumped up charges (all eventually dismissed) and 136 days in jail without cause – all to coerce him into revealing his daughter’s location – unsuccessful. With this story – an exclusive to Health Impact News – Randy is now coming forward to tell an astonishing story of governmental abuse of power and corruption.

Victory for Medical Choice as New York Supreme Court Reverses Mandatory Flu Vaccine Rule

With little public discussion, the New York Board of Health unanimously passed the Vaccine Powers Rule in 2013. The rule required New York City children attending a day care center or aged 6 months to 59 months to be given a yearly flu vaccination. For a moment, it appeared that children would be excluded from class if they didn’t receive the flu vaccine for the first time in the State’s history. California’s Senate Bill 277, signed into law in 2015, took things further by requiring all students to be up-to-date with all vaccines to receive an education in the state. On December 16th, 2015, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Manuel Mendez ruled on behalf of The Supreme Court of the State of New York to end the mandatory flu vaccine rule. Mendez said in his decision that the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene “lacked the statutory authority” to mandate the influenza vaccines because they are not required under state law.

World War II Veteran Medically Kidnapped in New York Dies in Pain on Thanksgiving Day

Laredo Regular relates the tragic ending of this World War II Veterans life: "My Grandpa, Julius Corley, officially passed away on Thanksgiving afternoon after being on life support in the prior weeks. He never got to come home." Julius' story began long before Health Impact News was contacted about his plight in the fall of 2015. Julius was a World War II Veteran being held at New York's Montefiore Hospital against his will and those of his legal and medical guardians. Julius had been medically kidnapped by Montefiore when he was transferred from their affiliate, The Laconia Nursing Home, after the family filed a complaint about the conditions there. Laredo laments, "My grandpa never got to come home. He died in pain in the Montefiore main branch. It was painful. We had hopes, but to know that he was in pain like that and passed away is awful. The entire situation played out so awfully."

Four Methods for Making Homemade (and Raw) Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the most recognized cultured foods in North America. Often over-sweetened and generally made with low-quality ingredients, it is one of the few fermented foods easily accessible at any grocery store. But it isn’t all it could be – not by a long shot. Good quality, probiotic-rich yogurt can be cultured fairly simply at home using the best milk available to you. Unprocessed cow’s milk, goat milk, and raw milk of all varieties can be used to make yogurt from thick to thin. It can then be sweetened with raw honey or fresh fruit, making a delicious breakfast or creamy treat.

15-Year-Old Vaccinated by Force with Gardasil now Suffers from Paralysis and Pain

Caroline was born in 2000 and is now 15 years old. My daughter was very sociable, full of energy and always together with her many friends – running, cycling and playing football. She always had a good appetite. Even though I had written in the notice book and given information that if she did not want the vaccine, then she MUST NOT be given it – Caroline was held by one nurse whilst another nurse administered the vaccine! A few days later, half of Caroline’s face became paralyzed, and she was admitted to the local hospital. I am beginning to lose hope for Caroline’s future as she is gradually becoming more and more ill. Maybe HPV infections do take some people’s lives; maybe they don’t. All I know is I would rather have watched my daughter enjoy her teenage years instead of spending those years worrying about her future. Please DON’T let your children be test subjects for a vaccine which has ruined the lives of so many.

Glyphosate: Pathways to Modern Diseases

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide, Roundup. Its usage on crops to control weeds in the United States and elsewhere has increased dramatically in the past two decades. The increase is driven by the increase over the same time period in the use of genetically modified (GM) crops, the widespread emergence of glyphosate-resistant weeds among the GM crops (necessitating ever-higher doses to achieve the same herbicidal effect), as well as the increased adoption of glyphosate as a desiccating agent just before harvest. GM crops include corn, soy, canola (rapeseed), and sugar beet. Crop desiccation by glyphosate includes application to non-GM crops such as dried peas, beans, and lentils. It should be noted that the use of glyphosate for pre-harvest staging for perennial weed control is now a major crop management strategy. The increase in glyphosate usage in the United States is extremely well correlated with the concurrent increase in the incidence and/or death rate of multiple diseases, including several cancers. These include thyroid cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, and myeloid leukemia. The World Health Organization (WHO) revised its assessment of glyphosate's carcinogenic potential in March 2015, relabeling it as a "probable carcinogen."

Indiana Parents’ Trip to E.R. Results in Children Kidnapped – Names Slandered in Local Media – Lives Ruined

On June 8th, 2015, Nikki and Rodney Wisler of Anderson, Indiana, noticed bruises on their one-month old daughter Leigh Ann. They took her to Community Hospital Anderson’s Emergency Room, as advised by their pediatrician over the phone. The concerned parents worried that their new baby might have a genetic disorder that caused the bruises, since their 2.5 year-old daughter Caridie had been diagnosed with a genetic disorder the previous year. Initially, the E.R. did not find anything of concern, and since the baby was not in pain, they sent the parents home, advising them to follow up with their regular pediatrician the next morning. The following day, their pediatrician sent the parents back to the hospital for x-rays and a head ultrasound. After they left the hospital, they were called back again for additional x-rays to “rule out a fracture.” Later, the pediatrician called them, saying there was a tibia fracture, and directed them to come back to the E.R. to have the baby's leg splinted. The pediatrician explained that she had to call the Department of Child Services (DCS) because there was an unexplained fracture and bruises. Nikki and Rodney weren’t concerned, since they knew they had done nothing wrong. However, they were traumatized when DCS seized custody of their children that night and accused them of abuse. Without an investigation or even a home visit, warrants were issued for the Wisler's arrest. The Wisler's lost everything: their children, their reputations, their jobs, and their home. The Wisler’s are shocked how the system can be so heartless and punitive towards loving parents, and how the doctors, social workers, and prosecuting attorneys are quick to call "child abuse" and destroy a family without an investigation or any evidence. Further evidence has shown that there was actually no fracture, and doctors have reversed their opinions on the matter. However, the Wislers are still without their children, and without employment as the community believes they are guilty of child abuse.

GMO Chicken that Produces Drugs in Eggs Approved

The floodgates are open for more genetically modified animals—possibly even humans. Last week saw the approval of another genetically modified animal— this time a chicken genetically altered to produce a drug in its eggs. The drug is designed to replace a faulty enzyme in people with a rare genetic condition that prevents the body from breaking down fatty molecules in cells. This is the stuff of dystopian science fiction stories, and we may be approaching such a world faster than we think.

The HPV Vaccine Changed Our Reality

Our daughter Ellen was a happy healthy 12 year old girl who loved to swim competitively and take part in charity runs; she was enjoying secondary school taking part in the school band as well as representing her school at swimming and running events. On 14 January 2010 Ellen had the first Human Papillomavirus vaccination, Cervarix, and the second one on the 25th of February. Since those vaccinations our family lives have been turned upside down. Ellen is no longer a healthy confident independent young girl. Every day I regret ever having allowed her to have the HPV vaccine and can’t help wondering how different all our lives could be if we had made a different decision.