Your Private Medical Records Are Being Sold to Drug Companies

Not only are your private medical records being sold to drug companies, but half of all US states leave enough information in the records that YOU can be clearly identified. Hospitals and other medical organizations are supposed to be bound by HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) to keep medical records private. Patient information that is shared is supposed to be stripped of key identifying information (this is known as the Safe Harbor rule). However, HIPAA and other privacy legislation is riddled with so many loopholes that it has been estimated that over 800,000 organizations can access your private records.

Less Than 1 Tsp Ginger and Cinnamon Daily Relieves Muscle Soreness

Many well-intentioned workout resolutions have been thwarted by the first signs of sore, stiff muscles in the days following a visit to the gym. A new study finds that two common kitchen spices, cinnamon and ginger, help relieve that post-workout muscle pain.

Video: Top 3 Coconut Oil Health Benefits

Coconut Oil has many wonderful health benefits, too many in fact to include in our online video, however we would like to name a few and talk about the top 3 properties we discuss in this video. We will also share with you a couple of ways to use it in your daily life to get its benefits.

Sensible Sun Exposure Can Help Prevent Melanoma, Breast Cancer, and Hundreds of Other Health Problems

Exposure to sunlight increases nitric oxide production in your body, which lowers blood pressure and benefits your cardiovascular system. According to researchers, this benefit alone may outweigh the potential skin cancer risk. Vitamin D from sensible sun exposure appears essential in preventing 16 different types of cancer, including melanoma, and a host of other health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, fractures, and infections.

Rotavirus Vaccine Deceit: Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with the Vaccine Industry

The rotavirus vaccine is a textbook example of what’s wrong with the vaccine industry. It works for only a limited number of rotavirus types, causes severe adverse effects including death, was approved via corrupt agencies & officials with financial ties to the manufacturer—and it results in far more cases of a far more deadly disease.

Study: HPV Rate Lower Among Unvaccinated versus Vaccinated

While the mainstream media recently became the mouthpiece for Big Pharma and the HPV vaccine by covering a study published by the CDC reportedly showing that the HPV vaccine lowered HPV infections, the facts of the actual study point in a different direction, showing that unvaccinated girls had a lower rate of HPV infection.

Green Tea Compounds Effective Against Tumors and Genetic Diseases

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world and many people drink it for its pleasant taste, comfort, and general health benefits. But green tea can do much more. It can save lives. Researchers at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia discovered that two compounds found in green tea show great promise in the treatment of two types of tumors and a deadly congenital disease.

Ketogenic Diet in Combination with Calorie Restriction and Hyperbaric Treatment Offer New Hope in Quest for Non-Toxic Cancer Treatment

A mounting body of research suggests most cancers are highly responsive to therapeutic ketosis - a natural physiologic state induced during prolonged states of decreased glucose - in combination with calorie restriction and use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Healthy cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from using glucose to using ketone bodies. Cancer cells lack this metabolic flexibility, so when you eliminate carbs, which are metabolized to glucose, you effectively starve cancer of its primary fuel source.