Vaccines: Why are informed consent laws being ignored?

Throughout the 20th century, countless medical consumers have battled to obtain the right to informed consent. Although the U.S. Constitution does not specifically address the issue, multiple court cases have upheld the premise that the constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy insures that people are protected from governmental interference when deciding private matters, such as when they make decisions about accepting or refusing medical care. Every medical consumer now has the legal right to participate in their health care decisions via the doctrine of informed consent, but when it comes to vaccinations, these laws are being ignored. Vaccines are a medical intervention. As with any medical procedure, there are risks involved to certain individuals. Under the informed consent doctrine, you have a right to know these risks and alternative treatments prior to granting your consent. Remember, informed consent is the law – not simply an option.

MMR Vaccination’s Abject Failure in Measles and Mumps

Those who suggest that the unvaccinated are responsible for people with weak immune systems ignore the fact that even the vaccinated succumb to the diseases. They ignore the fact that their vaunted herd immunity has never been shown to work. It’s nothing but a theory, and the goal posts for it keep getting pushed farther out. They presume to have the ethical right to force the risk of harm on some to protect others. But they never explain why those others are more deserving of protection than the innocent child who is sacrificed on the altar of herd immunity.

Traditional Herbal Remedies Proven to Increase Breast Milk Production

Research on herbal remedies for increasing breast milk production have found that several natural compounds have the ability to safely stimulate an increase in milk production and thereby increase infant weight and growth. Researchers from the University of Illinois recently reviewed the evidence for herbal galactogogues – those traditional herbs that can stimulate more milk production, also called lactation. Their review found that several traditional remedies may well have clinical application – given that the herbs were found by clinical research to increase milk production among those tested. Traditional clinical application of an herbal remedy over centuries comes with its own set of controls: That is, each time an herbal remedy is prescribed or passed down to the next generation, it undergoes a clinical evaluation among the patients that have taken the remedy. A traditional healer could not readily retain his or her position among the community if he or she was not able to clearly provide viable treatment. And with the passing down of a remedy from one generation to the next comes a necessary proving among that next generation of patients. This gradual yet time-tested manner for clinical evaluation of natural remedies has resulted in an almost-perfect record as traditional remedies have met with modern clinical research. Those rare failures have typically been the result of a misapplication of the herb as an extract or otherwise weakened set of active constituents. An in practically every case, the herbal remedy has proven to be safe and easily tolerable by those using it.

Statin Use For 10 Years? Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer by over 200%!

The Big Pharma Cartel has scared Americans into thinking that if they don’t lower their cholesterol, they are a ticking time bomb that will eventually end with a fatal heart attack. It is an amazing feat when you consider that these drugs have never been shown, in any individual who has not had a heart attack or stroke, to save lives, prolong lives, or reduce the risk of a fatal heart attack. A recent study reported that in women, current users of statins for 10 years or longer had a 83% increase risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and a 97% increase risk of invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast as compared to never users. Among women with high cholesterol levels, current users of statins for 10 years or longer had a 204% increase risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and a 243% increase risk of invasive lobular carcinoma as compared to never users. Breast cancer is a plague affecting nearly one in seven U.S. women. There are many, many studies showing a lowered cholesterol level increases the cancer risk. It should come as no surprise that chemically lowering cholesterol levels will increase cancer rates.

Lavender Aromatherapy Proven to Calm Premenstrual Emotions

While conventional medicine continues to drug women with PMS with addictive SSRIs, Japanese researchers have determined that Lavender essential oil can alleviate premenstrual emotional mood changes, confirming other research showing that Lavender aromatherapy produces overall calming effects.

Serving Others: Your Path to Wellness

Jesus had spent the past three years with his closest disciples, and his teaching while residing in their physical presence was about to come to an end. He was about to be arrested and then executed within hours. He had one more lesson for these disciples, and it was the greatest lesson of all. Learning this lesson would completely change their lives, and also completely change the world.

Curcumin Found To Outperform Pneumococcal Vaccines In Protecting Infants

Despite no evidence of its effectiveness to prevent disease, public health agencies and the medical community insist that infants and children between the ages of 2 and 12 months require up to four shots of the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV). Now new research finds a substance in turmeric, curcumin, may outperform the vaccine in providing long lasting protection against potentially deadly lung damage in infants. Dr. Manjeet Kumar, specialist in pediatric medicine says the finding could revolutionize the pneumococcal vaccine schedules for children before the age of one year. "We know the Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have been particularly ineffective in the last decade for most children and Dr. Rehan's study is demonstrating a long-term protective mechanism which is now absent through standard vaccination practices," he stated.

Beyond Weight Loss: A Review of the Therapeutic Uses of Ketogenic Diets

Recent work over the last decade or so has provided evidence of the therapeutic potential of ketogenic diets in many pathological conditions, such as diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, neurological diseases, cancer and the amelioration of respiratory and cardiovascular disease risk factors. The possibility that modifying food intake can be useful for reducing or eliminating pharmaceutical methods of treatment, which are often lifelong with significant side effects, calls for serious investigation.

How Organic Farming Could Release Us From the Curse of Fertilizer

Proponents of factory farms and genetically engineered crops argue that monocropping, or crop specialization, is the only way to feed the masses and that it's far more profitable than having small independent farms in every township. But is this really true? A number of studies show just the opposite! In fact, studies are showing that medium-sized organic farms are far more profitable than ANY sized industrial agricultural operation. Not only that, but organic farming practices use natural, time-tested techniques that naturally prevents soil depletion and destruction, and doesn’t use chemical fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals that pollute our soil, air, and waterways.

USDA Wants Fewer Poultry Inspectors—But More Chemicals

In an effort to “modernize” and “streamline”, filthy commercial chickens will now be “sanitized” using twice as many dangerous chemicals. The Obama Administration is proposing the implementation of “new methods in poultry inspection.” What does this mean? Fewer inspectors, less oversight, and, to compensate, an increased reliance on “antimicrobial intervention”, which is generally the use of high levels of chlorine or other antimicrobial agents to reduce pathogens on the meat.