Aisle Not: Why One Woman Quit Grocery Stores for a Year

by Megan Bedard
Take Part
One year ago, Carla Crownover kissed grocery stores goodbye.
She had just seen Food, Inc.,Participant Media’s documentary on the seedy underbelly of the food industry, and she wanted nothing to do with the conventional food system that feeds the majority of Americans.
She pledged to abstain from grocery stores for 365 days and to […]

NJ Stands to Lose Freedom of Religious Exemption for Vaccines: Is Your State Next?

by The Age of Autism
NJ, your right to a religious vaccine exemption is about to be denied. Which state is next?
It’s time to make our voices heard at our elected legislative offices with a MASSIVE call-in/ write-in campaign. Contact info and details are below.This must be done today (2/16) and tomorrow, Thursday (2/17)

Call your local […]

Repeat DNA Function Negates Classic Evolutionary Argument

by Brian Thomas, M.S.

Certain repetitive DNA sequences have long been viewed as “confirmation” of evolution. Since they are not genes that code for proteins, they were supposedly available for alterations that would eventually lead to a brand new function after all the “right” […]

Controlling depresssion naturally: olive oil, coconut oil & flaxseed oil are important to produce enough serotonin

By Dr. Linda Johnson, For the Daily News


Eating a diet that excludes refined and processed foods will have a positive impact on depression. Keeping serotonin levels balanced is not only possible, but imperative. Besides a specialized Chinese formula available to keep serotonin balanced, you can also take control by incorporating some […]

Grain-free & soy-free diet along with a tablespoon of coconut oil in pet food daily helps improve dog’s immune system

by Dr. Fox


My wife and I adopted a 7-year-old wheaten terrier last February from the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America (SCWTCA). She received little to no care for her six years with the original owner. As a result, both ears were so severely infected that she had both eardrums […]

Cat Dementia: Vet recommends catnip, fish oil, and coconut oil

If cat becomes obsessive, check for dementia
by Dr. Fox

Health Impact News Editor comment:

A reader asks Dr. Fox about their part-Siamese 17-year-old male with three legs cat and its crying for no apparent reason. Dr. Fox responds with some advice including “A few drops of fish oil in his food (increasing to 1 teaspoon daily) […]

Helminth Therapy: Can specific intestinal parasites be beneficial in treating disease?

It seems unlikely that helminths, worm-like critters that like to hang out in our intestines, would have any kind of beneficial effect; however, research is showing that some specific worm parasites actually alleviate inflammatory immune response. (1)

These specific intestinal parasites have been shown to relieve autoimmune flare-ups and lessen […]

Want to Ditch the Fluoride? Homemade Toothpaste using Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

by Crunchy Betty

You might’ve heard the big controversy swirling around fluoride these days.

It’s not new.

But it’s heating up lately. A lot.

In fact, Natural News just ran a very impassioned op-ed piece about the dangers of fluoridation in water. Calgary recently voted to stop fluoridating its water supply, while nearly simultaneously, parts of England are now fluoridating […]

Alfalfa Farmer Sues Monsanto

by Cassandra Anderson
Phil Geertson is a conventional alfalfa seed grower who has been involved in efforts to stop GE (genetically engineered) alfalfa since 2003 resulting in a Supreme Court decision in 2010 on Forage Genetics/Monsanto’s GE alfalfa.
Mr. Geertson began his career as a Registered Civil Engineer but later changed his life’s work to farming […]

Study Shows many Agricultural Pesticides Disrupt Male Hormones

ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Many agricultural pesticides disrupt the normal function of male hormones, according to new tests. Image: Photo courtesy
Pesticides May Block Male Hormones
Many agricultural pesticides disrupt male hormones, according to new tests
by Marla Cone and Environmental Health News

Many agricultural pesticides – including some previously untested and commonly found in food  – disrupt male hormones, according […]