American Medical Association Advice: Mature 12-Year-Olds Can Consent to Vaccination Without Parents

At the recently concluded annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) in Chicago, AMA delegates adopted a doozy of a new policy. The powerful trade group agreed to develop model legislation that pressures state legislatures into allowing minors to “override refusenik parents on vaccination.” In 2000, the Supreme Court reasserted the fundamental right of parents to oversee the care, custody and control of their children, a right recognized by states until children reach age 18. Where vaccines are concerned, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act—passed in 1986—legally requires health care providers to distribute vaccine information materials to the parent or legal guardian of any child to whom the provider intends to administer a vaccine “prior to the administration of such vaccine” [emphasis added]. Does it trouble the AMA that its pronouncement goes against legal precedent as well as social custom? Apparently unconcerned about “chipping away at parental rights,” AMA representatives are gung-ho about the organization’s new policy position. Not only do they want minors as young as 12 to be able to consent to vaccination regardless of their parents’ “flawed beliefs”—while still expecting parents to pay for the vaccines—they also believe that doctors should be the ones declaring a child “mature enough” to consent to vaccination. A question that anyone familiar with the AMA’s history should be asking is, why would we trust the AMA to make such vital decisions in parents’ stead?

Enduring Mockery, Insults, and Death Threats, Pediatric NICU Nurse Comes Forward to Talk About Her Own Child’s Vaccine Injuries

It’s been too long I have stayed silent. It’s time to share my story. To speak the truth in love. My adult career as a Registered Nurse has been centered on the NICU, PICU, & Pediatric populations. Growing up I had all my vaccines. ​Fast forward to nursing school. I remember watching a short video, the CDC schedule & the importance of our patients receiving the full schedule. The denial of the autism link - and that’s it. We did not study ingredients, we were not told about vaccine injury/death, or how to report to VAERS when an injury occurred. Upon graduating and securing my first job in the NICU, I thought nothing of the injections I pushed into the thighs of my screaming newborn patients, nor of the “poor feeding,” lethargy, high-pitched screams, & breathing abnormalities that would sometimes follow. This was all normalized as common for the short period after vaccines. I questioned nothing as my own belly grew and grew with my own first child. I was a nurse after all, and this was science. How different things would be had I stood firm and learned back then what I know now. The toxic load of aluminum, formaldehyde, human and animal tissues, etc and etc, were too much for my son’s neurological system and detoxification system. He lost his words & eye contact altogether, started flapping, spinning, walking on his toes, horrible GI symptoms, food limiting, had no desire for social interaction, etc. He was diagnosed with severe autism. And our world was turned upside down. Us pro-vaxxers & Ex-vaxxers are NOT enemies! We all want the same thing - safety for our babies. ​Do you know why we are suddenly, and in such great numbers, stepping out of hiding, bearing the mockery, insults, wishes of death on us and our children?? It’s because we can’t afford to remain silent any longer, there is TOO much at stake for ALL of us!

The Vaccine Wars: How Most Pediatricians Now Represent Big Pharma Instead of Their Patients

Pediatricians’ offices have become ugly battlegrounds. Intelligent, well-informed and loving parents asking legitimate questions about vaccinations are being belittled and treated with disrespect and contempt by too many pediatricians robotically implementing the CDC’s inflexible vaccine schedule in clear violation of the informed consent principle. The National Vaccine Information Center is regularly contacted by mothers reporting that pediatricians are refusing to provide medical care to their babies if they decline or ask to delay even one of the two dozen doses of nine vaccines that CDC officials order pediatricians to give infants in the first year of life. The sacred trust between mothers and pediatricians fostered by mutual respect and shared decision-making has been broken. Sadly, the admiration and trust that mothers used to have for family pediatricians is melting away and being replaced by fear. Doctors are not our masters. We pay them well to do a job, not to exploit and terrify us. Discrimination, coercion and force have no place in modern medicine or in public health policy.

Childhood Vaccine Schedule: Where is the Science?

Americans have been carefully taught to fully trust the recommendations made by medical doctors and public health officials, and many do trust without questioning. After all, we expect and want to believe that the recommendations being made by the “medical experts” are evidence-based and thoroughly tested for safety. In the case of the childhood vaccine schedule recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the general assumption is that the safety of giving infants and children 49 doses of 14 vaccines between day of birth and age six has been thoroughly researched and proven safe. Many parents (and perhaps many pediatricians) would be surprised to learn there are a number of important unanswered questions about the number of vaccines, timing, the order and the ages at which recommended vaccines are given to babies and young children.

Doctors in India Demand Public Transparency on Dangers of New Vaccines

According to a recent article published in the Hindustan Times, Indian doctors have once again questioned the safety and efficiency of new vaccinations that have recently been added to the national immunization schedule. The team made it abundantly clear that, in their professional opinion, all vaccinations should be fully investigated and critically assessed for their suitability, safety, protective efficacy and affordability before they are introduced into any vaccination schedule. Health Impact News believes that they are absolutely correct, and given the number of children who have been adversely affected by vaccinations, many parents would probably also agree.

Insistence on One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine Policy Is Making Kids Sick

Why are vaccines “one size fits all”? How did we go from 7 shots (24 doses) being “fully vaxxed” to 50 (69 doses) in ONE generation and not think twice about the effects of all those chemicals and diseases being injected to our children’s newly and still developing bodies, and assume that there cannot possibly be ANY repercussions from this? Why do so many choose to refuse to acknowledge that possibility? I never wanted my children to be vaccinated. Not even a little bit. And up until today, I have only been honest about that with a few people that I went to for support when I was pregnant with my first. I did not get that support. If you are a believer in vaccines, then anyone that thinks twice about it is “the problem.” With my oldest, I was open with our pediatrician about my concerns and the fact that I was totally against what I was about to do. She was completely supportive and offered a *VERY* delayed schedule, and I took it. I felt like I was getting what I wanted, just a little bit. She was constantly sick with colds and ear infections the first two years. She was on Claritin for allergies, but all in all seemed “fine,” so we stuck with it. Then Izzy came along . . . Izzy was vaccine-injured at six months old.

Many Doctors Vaccinate Out of Fear

I feel sorry for many doctors. I really do. It must be a terrible thing to live and work in fear. Retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD often mentions in his lectures how he encounters doctors who either do not agree with the recommended schedule of vaccines or have some serious problems with mainstream vaccine science. He notes how hesitant the doctors are to make their views known in public for fear of being labeled quacks by their peers or their employers and risk endangering their reputations and careers.

JAMA Study: Kids With Fewer Vaccines Have Fewer Doctor and Emergency Room Visits

by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor

JAMA Pediatrics published a new study earlier this year looking at vaccination rates. The results of that study made headlines throughout the “mainstream” media outlets at the time, but none of them had headlines like ours. Yet, ours is probably the most factual headline representing the true facts of […]