How Many Families Have Been Destroyed by Clergy Sex Abuse and Psychiatric Drugs?

    A new TV miniseries was released earlier this month (June, 2024) titled: Six Schizophrenic Brothers. The documentary is based on the 2020 book by Robert Kolker, "Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family", an account of the Galvin family of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a midcentury American family with twelve children (ten boys and two girls), six of whom were diagnosed with schizophrenia. The TV miniseries interviews several of the surviving family members, including two of the brothers who are still alive and are still being treated for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, of course, is not a real disease. There are no lab tests one can take to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, or any other psychiatric disorder for that matter. It is simply a label applied to people who exhibit behavioral traits that are deemed as an "illness" that prohibits a person from acting "normally" in society. So if schizophrenia is the wrong diagnosis for what the Galvin family suffered, what caused the initial problem that led to the psychiatric drugging of six of the boys?

      Updated Psychiatric Manual Makes Grief, Racism, and Childhood “Mental Disorders” to be Treated with Drugs

      Americans love their drugs. We are some of the most medicated people on the face of the planet, which means that this will not be a popular article, because I will expose people's idols, showing how evil Big Pharma is, and how they maintain control over the U.S. population through people's addiction to these prescription drugs. The latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatry's "bible" that gives them the "authority" to prescribe drugs for "mental disorders," is scheduled to be updated this month (March 2022) with new "disorders" that psychiatrists can now prescribe drugs for, which will undoubtedly put more people on their psyche drugs now. The first thing to understand when it comes to the DSM is that there is not one single "mental disorder" that can be diagnosed by a laboratory test. These disorders are voted upon by the leaders in the field of psychiatry. Therefore, to accept their diagnosis of a "mental disorder," is to put your trust in them, to believe in them and their alleged "expertise" on mental health. Adding new diagnoses to the DSM also weaponizes medical tyrants allowing them to commit people, most often seniors, to medical institutions against their will, and then have a judge award that "mentally disabled" person to the State, where the State can then seize all their assets and liquidate them to pay the patient's medical bills. This is adult medical kidnapping, and it happens in this country every day, about 3x more often than children being medically kidnapped and forced into Foster Care. Psychiatry also plays a huge role in medically kidnapping children, as a school teacher or official, or a social worker, can recommend a psychiatric diagnosis of a child, and then have drugs prescribed, and if the parents disagree, they are charged with medical neglect and their children are taken away from them and awarded to the custody of the State. And State-appointed Foster Parents have no choice over what drugs their foster children are ordered to take, because they are wards of the State. So an update to the book that makes all of this "legal," the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), will undoubtedly lead to more medical tyranny, and more medical kidnappings. New additions to the DSM this month will reportedly include excessive grief, racism, and new guidelines for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which will basically make childhood a mental disorder.

        Holding the American Psychiatric Association Accountable for Minimizing Pedophilia to a “Disorder” Rather than Criminal Child Abuse

        Can someone fire the American Psychiatric Association? Or, better still, can it step down as the self-acclaimed expert on the subject of human behavior? With mounting sexual assault scandals now being reported, has anyone thought to bring to account the APA for excusing pedophilia as a “mental disorder,” an act that not only attempts to excuse criminal behavior as a mental disorder, but also categorizes some instances of pedophilia as a “sexual orientation?” The fact is that pedophilia must never be considered anything but a crime. Yet according to the APA’s Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), should a person not feel guilt or shame about their pedophilic impulses, then this ceases to be a “disorder” and becomes a pedophilic “sexual orientation.” After public outcry about pedophilia being designated as a sexual orientation, the APA released a statement that the phrase “sexual orientation” was used in error and that the correct terminology was “sexual interest,” a term which still seeks to normalize a criminal offense.

          Pennsylvania Civil Rights Attorney Medically Kidnapped for “Mental Health” Evaluation – Whereabouts Unknown

          Andy Ostrowski was kidnapped by law enforcement from his home in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania this week while live-streaming on Facebook. Police entered his home without knocking, carrying tasers and clubs, claimed they had a warrant (which they apparently never showed to him) to take him in for a “mental health evaluation,” and proceeded to turn off his computer and remove him from his home by force. His current whereabouts is unknown at the time of publication. Mr. Ostrowski is a former Civil Rights attorney, past candidate for U.S. Congress, author, radio show host, and judicial reform activist. Ostrowski exposes judicial corruption, something we have covered extensively at Health Impact News, particularly on our website. Earlier this year, Ostrowski filed a federal lawsuit in Pennsylvania, naming the “American System of Justice” as a Defendant, along with the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and others who are alleged to have compromised our access to justice, and the loss of basic rights and protections. The kids for cash, Penn State/Sandusky, and porngate email scandals are cited as examples of these influences. Mr. Ostrowski believes they are using the veil of "mental health" to attack him, since they cannot fight him in the legal system. The public needs to demand to know where Mr. Ostrowski is located, and ask for his immediate release!

            Psychiatrists’ Torture of Patients Lawsuit to Proceed

            Former residents of an Ontario, Canada, psychiatric facility have been given the green light to proceed with a class action civil suit against two psychiatrists who, for years, carried out torturous treatment programs. Given the nature of the torturous “treatment” residents were subjected to, one can only wonder why the named psychiatrists are not being held criminally responsible for the acknowledged abuses. Justice Perell explained that “the three programs ... implemented by the doctors.... were torture and a degradation of human dignity.”

              Psychiatric Hospital Chain Under Department of Defense & FBI Investigation

              The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have joined the multi-Federal agency investigations into the largest psychiatric hospital chain owned by Universal Health Services (UHS). In April 2017, Senator Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, also called for a federal probe into UHS’s behavioral facilities, describing one Tulsa, Oklahoma facility, Shadow Mountain Behavioral Health, as having “a pattern of conduct that is extremely concerning and casts a dark cloud over UHS’s ability to properly care for its patients.” In 2010, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR), a 48 year mental health watchdog, began documenting abuses that employees and former employees of UHS psychiatric facilities, patients and their families reported to it. CCHR has filed more than 4,000 complaints to law enforcement, health officials, state FBI agencies, Federal and State legislators, and to the state branches of Tricare. The UHS scandal is symptomatic of a system that there are insufficient controls and accountability, where fraud can be committed against government programs, and those responsible continue to operate, including the psychiatrists treating hundreds of thousands of Americans in such facilities. CCHR continues to call for not only Federal and State investigations but effective action that shuts down a failed and abusive psychiatric-behavioral system that seems to put profit before patients.

                How the Government Destroyed Dr. Loren Mosher’s Research Proving Therapy by “Non-professional Caregivers” was Superior to Psychiatric Drugs

                Psychiatrist Loren Mosher (who earned medical degrees from both Harvard and Stanford) was the highly esteemed founder of the experimental Soteria Project, which was subtitled “Community Alternatives for the Treatment of Schizophrenia” from 1971 to 1983. The Soteria Project proved that patients with first-onset psychotic breaks could be successfully treated - even cured - outside insane asylums by non-professional caregivers, in unlocked neighborhood facilities and without the coercive use of neurotoxic, dependency-inducing and dementia-inducing drugs. Five years before his untimely death in 2004, and long after he was hounded out of the NIMH and mainstream psychiatry for doing the right thing, Dr. Mosher wrote: “Despite what the pharmaceutical companies would have us believe, we don’t need ‘a better life through chemistry.’ The Drug May Be Your Problem will help debunk this myth and provide practical advice on how to avoid psychiatric drugs and get off them.”

                  Veterans Kick The Prescription Pill Habit, Against Doctors’ Orders

                  1 in 3 veterans polled say they are on 10 different medications. While there is concern about overmedicating and self-medicating — using alcohol or drugs without a doctor's approval — there are also some veterans who are trying to do the opposite: They're kicking the drugs, against doctor's orders.

                    When does Ordinary Life Become a Mental Illness? When Psychiatry and Big Pharma say so

                    You must be crazy. Psychiatry and Big Pharma say so. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American psychiatry’s manual of mental illness diagnoses, was published last year. It’s supposed to “revolutionize” diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. If you and I submit passively to it, it probably will.

                      Big Pharma want to “Protect” the Elderly from “Dangers” of Coconut Oil and Natural Supplements

                      A new study has been published by a psychiatrist working for a VA hospital educating other psychiatrists on how to protect their patients against the dangerous side effects from coconut oil and other natural supplements. However, with no recorded deaths due to the side effects of coconut oil or other natural supplements in recent years, and with the medical community themselves admitting that over 100,000 people a year die from their prescription drugs, one has to wonder who is really being "protected" with this advice?

                        Senior Care: Music Beats Drugs in Fighting Dementia

                        Prescription drug abuse against the elderly is an epidemic problem in the U.S. today. Consider the following facts: According to the Office of the Inspector General, 304,983 elderly nursing home residents in the U.S. were given dangerous, and often deadly, antipsychotic drugs, of which 88% were prescribed off-label for dementia. Antipsychotic drugs can double the risk of death and triple the risk of stroke for seniors and there are now about 1 million nursing home patients on antipsychotic drugs. However, research now backs up the experience that personalized music has tremendous therapeutic benefits for seniors, allowing them to overcome dementia without drugs. Lemon Grove Care & Rehabilitation Center near San Diego has reported that since they introduced iPods and personalized playlists to their residents, antipsychotic medication has been reduced by over 50%!

                          The Link Between Antidepressants and Violent Crimes

                          Another act of mass violence is in the news here in the U.S. with the events in Santa Barbara, California, this holiday weekend. When is the mainstream media going to start covering the link between psychiatric drugs and violence, instead of always using these tragic events as an opportunity to push for more gun control?? Far too often we hear news of a deadly attack at a school, mall or military base -- violent crimes committed by those we least suspect. Many of those violent outbreaks have involved guns. Sometimes, however, there's another common thread: antidepressants. Anti-depressants are some of the most widely prescribed drugs in America. Millions of doctors and their patients appear to like these drugs, but there is a darker side.

                            The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Military Suicides and Sudden Deaths

                            Hundreds of impassioned protesters, including veterans, marched against the American Psychiatric Association which held more than 65 sessions on psychiatric treatment of military personnel, veterans and their families. Retired Colonel John A. Henke, a clinical psychologist and highly decorated Air Force pilot who worked with the Pentagon stated: “Instead of helping veterans recover from war, their pain has been masked with potent drugs. These, including opioid painkillers and mind-altering psychiatric drugs, are feeding addictions and contributing to the fatal overdose rate among VA patients that is nearly double the national average.” Citizens Commission on Human Rights launched a petition requesting the U.S. House of Representatives Veterans Affairs Committee to investigate with public hearings the role of psychiatric drugs in veteran suicides, sudden deaths and recent shootings at Fort Hood and the Washington Navy Yard.

                              Senate Bill Would Subject Children to Mental Health Screening Without Parental Consent

                              Nothing would prevent a social worker from taking a child from an innocent family and having a “mental health care provider” (which could even include an unlicensed intern) conduct a psychological witch hunt under the guise of a “mental health screening,” prior to the initial detention hearing. The results of the screening (that is, the subjective analysis of one hand-picked mental health provider) could then be used as evidence to give the state authority over the child when in fact no abuse or neglect exists.

                                Fort Hood Shooting: Investigating Psychiatric Drugs & Violence Connection is Long Overdue

                                Thirty-seven percent of recent war veterans are being diagnosed with PTSD and 80 percent are of those are prescribed a psychiatric drug. The Veterans Administration's mental health budget has soared from less than $3 billion in 2007 to nearly $7 billion in 2014. From 2005 to 2011, the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration increased their prescriptions of psychiatric drugs by nearly seven times. That's more than thirty times faster than the civilian rate. Violence and psychiatric drugs is a deadly formula America is becoming too intimately familiar with. Rather than continually send heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, it is time for lawmakers to investigate the connection between prescription psychiatric drugs and violence.

                                  Homeschool Mom Wins Appeal for Protecting Daughter from Forced Medical Treatment From Police and CPS

                                  In what appears to be a final victory for Maryanne Godboldo and her daughter Arianna, a Detroit Judge has removed all charges against Maryanne for trying to protect her daughter from the unlawful seizure by CPS and local police because she refused psychiatric medication for her homeschooled daughter. "This court finds that the defendant in fact did use reasonable force in this case -- did not use deadly force ... to prevent an illegal attachment, to prevent the removal of her child by the Detroit police," said Judge Richard Skutt. "This court feels (Detroit police) did not, one, have the authority to remove the child at that time." Parents who have taken their children off of psychiatric drugs after seeing the dangerous effects on their child have been charged with medical neglect and had their children forcibly removed from their custody. The charge of "medical neglect" is an oxymoron when it comes to the issue of psychiatric labels and drugs because A) there are no medical/scientific tests to prove any child diagnosed "mentally ill" has a medical condition of "mental illness", as none exists and B) Because the psychiatric drugs prescribed against the parents will have been documented by international drug regulatory agencies to cause mania, psychosis, suicidal ideation, heart problems, diabetes, stroke, and sudden death. The "medical neglect" being perpetrated on these children is by those forcibly drugging them against their parents wishes. Detroit Michigan Attorney Allison Folmar has successfully won cases such as the case of Detroit mother Maryanne Godboldo, who faced down a SWAT team and tank and police who broke into her home, and Folmar was victorious in her battle when a judge ruled the order which prompted the seizure of Maryanne's daughter was not only illegal, but unconstitutional. Folmar has fought and won other similar cases and now is focusing on enacting laws to protect parents from having their rights obliterated under the guise of "mental health".

                                    Woman Confined by Force to Psychiatric Ward for Praying and Fasting

                                    The use of psychiatry to "diagnose" people with "mental" illnesses and restrain them against their will in psychiatric wards is not new. Unfortunately, such stories are becoming much more common in the present-day USA. Justina Pelletier's story, for example, is gaining national attention even in the mainstream media right now. This 15-year-old girl has been confined to psychiatric care against her desire and the desires of her parents for over a year now. Psychiatry is not a medical science based on biology. There are no laboratory tests that can detect "mental disease." All mental illnesses are defined by psychiatrists according to behaviors and then voted on to be included in their "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM). The latest version, version 5 (DSM5) was published last year and is very controversial. New "disorders" are added with each revision, making it legal to prescribe dangerous and addictive drugs for these published mental diseases. This week the Courthouse News Service has published a news release regarding a case filed in court where a 56-year-old woman was forcibly confined to a psychiatric ward against her will for praying and fasting. Medical tyranny is alive and widely practiced in the U.S. today. And there are signs that the role of psychiatrists will increase under Obamacare.

                                      Former Navy Seal & Army Colonel Awarded for Fight Against Mass Drugging of Our Armed Forces

                                      In the wake of an epidemic of suicides among military personnel, retired Chief Petty Officer, Navy SEAL, Mikal Vega and retired Army Colonel and psychologist, Bart Billings don’t believe that “taking care of their own” ends on the battlefield and are courageously speaking out about the harm caused by the mass drugging of service men and women. Coinciding with the mental health watchdog, Citizens Commission on Human Rights’ (CCHR) release of their documentary, The Hidden Enemy, which reveals in great detail psychiatry’s infiltration and abuse of military forces, CCHR honored Vega and Billings during its 45th Anniversary and Human Rights Awards Banquet on February 1st, in Los Angeles. Vega and Billings were being honored for their advocacy on behalf of their brothers-in-arms who have experienced psychiatric abuses in the military. Each, in his own way, has gone above and beyond the call of duty, carrying the battlefield mantra of “no man is left behind” to the home front. One in six American service members is on at least one psychiatric drug and between 2005-2011, the U.S. Department of Defense increased their prescription of psychiatric drugs by nearly seven times. That’s more than thirty times faster than the civilian rate. Last year, more service members died by suicide than in combat and 22 veterans are killing themselves every day. Both of the award recipients are intimately familiar with the devastating rate of drugging going on in the military under the guise of “treatment.”

                                        U.S. Operators of Drones Suffering: Suicide and Antipsychotic Drugs are Result After Watching People Killed Repeatedly

                                        We have previously reported about the widespread abuse of over-prescribing drugs to veterans, and the high suicide rate. In this new story just published in The Guardian, a woman who worked on the US drone program reveals that suicide and prescription drug abuse is also a problem with drone operators, who have to continually watch people killed, many of them innocent victims of the drone program.

                                          Court Appointed Psychiatrist Rules Dad ‘Unfit’ Because He Refused to Take Son to McDonald’s

                                          A defamation lawsuit in New York alleges a court-appointed psychiatrist told a judge a man who refused to take his son to McDonald's was an unfit parent. David Schorr, 43, a Manhattan attorney, filed a lawsuit in city Supreme Court alleging court-appointed psychiatrist Marilyn Schiller filed a report in his custody battle saying he was "wholly incapable of taking care of his son" and should be denied weekend visitation rights for refusing to take his 4-year-old son to the fast-food restaurant.