Non-Toxic Bug Repellent Recipe with Coconut Oil

Looking for an all-natural, non-toxic insect repellent that doesn’t contain the chemicals (like DEET) that most of the commercial brands do? There are many natural, non-toxic ingredients that can be used to make a bug repellent that won’t harm you and your family. Most homemade bug balms and bug sprays utilize the strength of essential oils.

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Bug Repellent

by Nicole
Unplugged Sunday
Like many of you reading this blog, spending time outdoors is an essential part of our family’s soul-soothing, unplugged time together. But what about the mosquitoes? A swarm of bugs can put a damper on a nice hike in no time!
Luckily Mother Nature has given us a solution to keep pesky insects away: […]