by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
Most people think about diets as something that we follow when we want to lose weight. Keeping our weight down to a normal range is valuable, but thin people can be just as unhealthy as fat people. The diets that I will be discussing in these articles are used to restore health when we have been overtaken by the effects of chronic illness. Chronic illnesses such as learning disabilities and autism develop very early in life. Other chronic illnesses take many years to develop. Most people don’t have a clue regarding how pharmaceutical drugs and their dietary choices are ruining their health. Two of the greatest offenders in health disruption for children and adults are vaccines and glyphosate.
I spent several days reviewing some of the diets that are commonly used to help children and adults with the illnesses that result from vaccine use. I looked at: Gut and Physiology/Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), Body Ecology Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), Modified Atkins Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Gluten Free – Casein Free Diet (GF/CF), Feingold Diet, Low-Oxalate Diet, and the Rotation Diet. In addition to special diets, there are various recommendations for taking supplements. Some of these include enzymes, certain fats and oils, vitamin D, B12, and other nutrients.
A brief examination of these diets may lead a person to believe that they are radically different. Sometimes the recommendations in one diet conflict with those made in other diets. This can lead to confusion. “What is right for me?” “Which is right for my children?” “Where do I begin?”
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