Trump Starts New War in Middle East by Bombing Yemen Women and Children

    Last night President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. military to start bombing Yemen. Just hours before this happened, he wrote this on his Truth Social platform: "To all Houthi terrorists, YOUR TIME IS UP, AND YOUR ATTACKS MUST STOP, STARTING TODAY. IF THEY DON’T, HELL WILL RAIN DOWN UPON YOU LIKE NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE!" It is doubtful that any Yemen leaders would have even seen this warning and threat by Trump, let alone had a chance to respond to it, before Trump ordered the bombing. In Trump's announcement, he does not claim that the Houthis have killed any Americans, or actually threatened anyone in the United States. Only that they have attacked ships in the Red Sea, and hurt the economy of the U.S. At the time of my writing this, it is being reported that the bombs launched into Yemen have killed more than 30 people, mostly women and children, and hundreds others are wounded. The Yemen media has released a video of some of the victims being treated, along with mangled bodies of dead children. I have included this footage along with a short news report in the following video. WARNING! THIS IS VERY GRAPHIC! But I encourage you to watch anyway, because THIS IS THE FACE OF ZIONISM. The Zionists are now in control of the U.S. Government, and our new Jewish President Donald Trump has just started a new war with Yemen, by executive order, without any approval from Congress. Trump's approval ratings are dropping fast, and when the people of the United States see their brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers serving in the U.S. military return home in body bags, I wonder how much more support the American public will give to these blood thirsty Zionists?

      Netanyahu Gets Standing Ovation Promoting War with Iran while Yemen Leader Announces Beginning of 5th Phase in War with More Attacks on Tel Aviv

      Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the U.S. Congress this week just days after Israel's capital city of Tel Aviv was bombed by Yemen's Houthis. And yet it wasn't the Yemen Houthis he condemned, but their favorite "enemy," Iran. This rhetoric against Iran has been going on since the 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan was caught in a scandal sending Iran militants to overthrow Nicaragua, all funded by the U.S. There was a copy of an Israeli newspaper from 1984 that was reporting almost exactly the same thing 40 years ago that Netanyahu, and his Zionist friends, are saying today, that was going viral on social media: "Iran is in the Final Stages of Building a Nuclear Bomb!" The obviously staged Trump shooting is now being blamed on Iran as well, with Donald Trump saying that he "hopes America obliterates Iran" if he is assassinated, just as many other Christian Evangelical leaders have also called for the destruction of Iran. This attitude completely ignores the fact that millions of Jews and Christians also live in Iran, along with millions of others who do not support war or many of the policies of their Islamic leader. Netanyahu, who is more popular in the U.S. than he is in Israel, most certainly does have a problem, however, and it is no wonder why he is begging for military aid from the U.S. But his current most urgent problem is not Iran, but instead Yemen, who has now successfully shut down the shipping lanes in the Red Sea, and even launched a new kind of drone that penetrated U.S. air defenses and blew up a building in downtown Tel Aviv. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, has vowed that more strikes are coming against Tel Aviv, and that they have now launched the "fifth phase" of their military action against Israel. People in this country are INSANE if they think that the U.S. and Israel can take on Iran in a war, when we cannot even deal with the much smaller country of Yemen, and their inexpensive weapons which are quickly depleting the U.S.'s weapon stockpiles and chasing our ships home. And all of this while we continue spending $billions on Ukraine, where Russia has claimed they can easily defeat our "superior technology" weapons by simply jamming their signals, making them useless Why are we fighting these wars and wasting this money? Meanwhile here back at home, we cannot even take care of our own people, especially those most vulnerable.

        Israel Humiliated by Houthis as Downtown Tel Aviv Bombed by Undetected New Drone Class! Netanyahu Heads to U.S. Congress as ICC Arrest Warrant Still Outstanding

        In an event barely mentioned in the U.S. media yesterday (Friday, July 19, 2024), Yemen's Houthi militants launched a new class of drones into the heart of Tel Aviv, considered the capital city of Israel by most of the world (97 embassies are in Tel Aviv compared to only 6 embassies in Jerusalem,) and is the country's economic and technological center. The drone attack appeared to be targeting the U.S. Consulate in Tel Aviv, exploding very near it, and allegedly went undetected by American Israeli defense systems, being the first attack of its kind. This was truly an historical never-before-seen attack directly on Israel's second most populous city, indicating that the Houthis are stepping up their attacks and not just simply targeting ships in the Red Sea anymore. While I have seen some reports that this attack on Tel Aviv yesterday might delay Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington D.C., news from D.C. seems to indicate that the trip is still on for this coming week. This begs the question: Will anyone try to arrest Netanyahu on the outstanding warrant for his arrest at the International Criminal Court? Protests are being planned in D.C., and Mike Johnson, the current Zionist leader of the House of Representatives, has threatened to arrest other lawmakers who do not support Israel.

          Is the Red Sea About to Become a Graveyard Again that Brings Down a World Empire?

          The naval war in the Red Sea continues to develop, with expectations growing that the U.S. will soon start bombing Yemen, while the Houthis continue to threaten shipping by attacking all ships passing through. The U.S. is building a coalition in the area to protect ships, but that coalition apparently does not involve any of the key Arab oil-producing states (except for the small island country of Bahrain), such as Saudi Arabia, which has recently made peace with Yemen after years of war with them. So the big question now is will Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, and other Gulf nations join this effort led by the U.S., or stay out in support of the Palestinian people? Military actions in the Red Sea seem inevitable now, based on the rhetoric coming from both sides. Iran has warned that the U.S. will face "extraordinary problems" if they start a war in the Red Sea. Former CIA analyst Larry C. Johnson appeared on Redacted yesterday to discuss what some of those "problems" might be for the U.S. in the Red Sea, which he says includes reduced military forces arming their ships, as well as the need to port and restock ammunition.  Hussain Al Bukhaiti, a political analyst aligned with the Houthi movement, states that the Houthis are not afraid of the United States and their coalition.