60 Percent of Veterinarians Continue to Over-Vaccinate Their Adult Canine and Feline Patients

Veterinarians and Vaccines: A Slow Learning Curve
by Nancy Kay, DVM
Am I feeling frustrated and disappointed? You bet I am after reading an article titled, “Vets Slowly Move to 3-Year Vaccine Protocols” in the most recent edition of Veterinary Practice News. According to the article, approximately 60 percent of veterinarians continue to over-vaccinate their adult canine […]

Vaccination Scandal: Vet Fired and Attacked for Giving Lower Doses to Smaller Pets

by John Nickerson


STAMFORD — A vaccination scandal that ousted a well-liked veterinarian from his West Avenue pet hospital inside PetSmart is now threatening to strip the experienced animal doctor of his license to practice in the state.

An ardent advocate for pets at his practice, Dr. John Robb says he will fight the state to […]