Blood Pressure Pills Being Recalled due to Link to Cancer

Blood pressure medications are among Big Pharma's continual best-selling drugs. They are continually prescribed as people get older, when their blood pressure readings go up naturally, while Big Pharma lowers blood pressure reading standards to create more hypertension cases. Blood pressure drugs are a steady business that's often disrupted with recalls. Since November 2018 through just after the start of the New Year 2019, six blood pressure pharmaceuticals have been recalled, all for containing a carcinogenic compound known as N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) in their active ingredient valsartan. NDEA is classified as a probable carcinogenic, a classification of group 2A, just one level below group 1, carcinogenic. Even the corporate-sponsored mainstream news outlets have published warnings about these recalls. Maybe it's time to look beyond pharmaceutical drugs to manage blood pressure.