Utah Ritualized Child Sexual Abuse Investigation: Is There A History Of Ritual Abuse In Utah?

    In the nearly 4 weeks since the Utah County Sheriff’s Office announced an investigation into allegations of “ritualized child sexual abuse” in three Utah counties, they have received more than 120 tips in the form of phone calls, texts, and emails. UCSO Public Information Officer Sgt. Spencer Cannon told the Salt Lake Tribune that the office has “pulled in” sergeants with experience in sex assault cases to help review the information. The Last American Vagabond (TLAV) has been following the unusual situation since May 31st when the Utah County Sheriff’s Office announced they were working with multiple county and federal agencies investigating reports of ritualistic child sexual abuse from as far back as 1990. The Sheriff’s Office said the investigation began in April 2021. The investigation subsequently discovered previous reports alleging “similar forms of ritualistic sexual abuse and trafficking” that occurred in Utah County, Juab County, and Sanpete County during the time between 1990 and 2010.

      Law School Director: Stop Terminating Parental Rights – Preserve Family Relationships

      Attorney Vivek Sankaran, director of the Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic at the University Michigan Law School, has written an excellent piece that was published in The Chronicle for Social Change titled: Termination of Parental Rights: What’s The Rush? Vivek writes that family courts today are too quick to remove parental rights when one parent is deemed "unfit." An attorney himself who has represented children in foster care, Vivek gives an example of a father who was incarcerated for drug usage, and yet stayed involved in his daughter's life for the 8 years he spent in prison, and even helped fund her time in law school, where she was able to finish her degree and graduate. He was able to stay involved in his daughter's life because his parental rights were not severed, which is what happens in most states, sadly, when a parent is deemed "unfit" to parent. Vivek writes that in one state, Utah, the Court of Appeals has questioned the necessity of terminating parental rights so quickly, and that this ruling could serve as a model for other states.

        Utah Teen Dies from Gardasil Vaccine Injuries

        In 2016 we published the story of Colton Berrett, who received the Gardasil HPV vaccine at the age of 13 and became paralyzed from the neck down. We published his interview with the VAXXED film crew in Utah, where he appeared with this mother and siblings, and also his nurse. He had learned how to walk again and was seemingly on the road to recovery. It is with deep sympathy and sadness that Health Impact News has just learned that Colton has passed away.

          Babysitter Arrested for Shaken Baby Syndrome – But CPS Still Refuses to Return Baby to Parents

          When Michael and Chelsea Wolken of Canyon County, Idaho, picked up their 5 month old baby last month from the babysitter's house, they were concerned that she wasn't acting right. Now, the babysitter has been charged with felony injury to a child and accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Now that the parents are no longer being blamed, their baby should be home. Child Protective Services doesn't see it that way, and they appear to be looking for any reason they can find to keep the child in their custody. The parents are devastated and just want Baby Rylee home, where she belongs.

            Utah Health Official Bans Gardasil Vaccine

            The Salt Lake Tribune is reporting today that the physician who directs Utah's Southwest Public Department of Health has decided to exclude the Gardasil HPV vaccine in public health clinics. Given the fact that national talk show host Katie Couric just aired a program this week calling Gradasil "controversial," for which she was widely criticized and attacked by mainstream media who were claiming there was "no controversy" regarding Gardasil, this story breaking in Utah today suggests that even in the U.S., physician support for Gardasil is not as unanimous as the mainstream media would like you to believe. And this is not even "new" news in Utah, as "The decision to exclude the vaccine from its public health clinics in Beaver, Iron, Garfield, Kane and Washington counties was made years ago...." Dr. David Blodgett, the director of the Department of Health gave the reasons why they are not stocking the controversial Gardasil vaccine in the Salt Lake Tribune: "The backlash and sentiment against it was strong enough that there’s no reason to go there. No one wants it and it’s too expensive when we’re not funded to provide it." Blodgett cites other problems with Gardasil, namely that it was fast-tracked through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a belief that its benefits were oversold by drug maker Merck. "The science wasn’t good... We had physicians in our community arguing that we not make it available," said Blodgett. So this is not a lone doctor crusader expressing doubts about Gardasil, but a reflection of many physicians in the community.