Cuba’s Urban Farming Revolution: How to Create Self-Sufficient Cities

    Havanas’s unique agricultural infrastructure emerged from punishing trade sanctions following the fall of the USSR but today provides an exemplary precedent that could be applied worldwide.

      Raising Backyard Chickens Is Easier Than You Think

      Admit it. You’ve been tempted to get chickens. They’re cute, you get fresh eggs—what’s not to like? But there’s a major intimidation factor, since it’s not like you can just swing by your neighborhood pet store to pick up chicks and supplies. Raising backyard chickens isn’t very difficult once you get everything set up.

        Replace Your Lawn with an Edible Garden and You Will Get Arrested in Many Cities Across America

        Productive Property vs. the Lawn Police
        by Karen De Coster

        It’s amazing to see the number of individuals who are being persecuted for using their own property for productive purposes. This house and garden in Florida violated an “appearance code.” Appearance is always subjective, that is, until the government perverts definitions to enforce its arbitrary laws.

        Individuals […]

          Urban Agriculture: 3-D Vertical Barrel Gardening

 – Our most striking video yet! We’ve yet to show anyone our test barrels without them being visibly impressed, and we’re sure you will be too. Complete plans/DVD sets are available from our website and detail a step-by-step process to recycle a used 55-gallon, 30-gallon, or 5-gallon plastic container into a garden able […]

            Urban goats for organic raw milk in a San Francisco backyard


            Heidi Kooy lives in a fairly dense part of San Francisco- her row house touches her neighbors’- with just 1000 square feet of backyard, but she manages to squeeze in an organic garden, fruit trees, chickens and, most recently, a pair of goats.

            When she began her experiment in urban farming, […]

              Urban Chicken Consultant Helps Start Backyard Flocks

              Photo courtesy
              by Emily Badger
              The Atlantic Cities
              Jennifer Murtoff’s best marketing device is her rubber chicken purse. People always ask about the rubber chicken purse. That gives her an in to talk about chickens, about how she started raising them in the 4th grade in rural Pennsylvania, about how she has loved them […]

                Study suggests cities could produce most of their food

                by Greg Henderson
                Urban agriculture, the practice of growing food on rooftops, in backyards and in community gardens, has been an increasing source of food in developing countries for the last half century. In recent years the practice also has become popular in America, especially in many post-industrial cities that have experienced decline as manufacturing businesses […]

                  Adventures in Backyard Agriculture: Building the Pico-farm

                  by Southern Fried Scientist
                  Several months ago, I began a new personal challenge to live more sustainably. I wanted to do something more substantial and larger in scale than the conventional methods of reducing your environmental impacts, which involve changes in habit, not changes in lifestyle. After many discussions, Bluegrass Blue Crab and myself decided it was time to […]

                    Urban Agriculture: The City Chicken Project in New York

                    Be a Good Egg—Support the City Chicken Project!

                    Through the City Chicken Project, Just Food provides the training, coops and hens that schools and community gardening groups need to raise healthy chickens and delicious eggs. This project was started in partnership with Heifer International, but Heifer is no longer funding projects in NYC, so we need […]

                      The Future of American Job Creation? Urban Agriculture in Milwaukee to Provide 150 Jobs to Low Income Residents

                      Photo by Carlos Ortiz/Flickr
                      by Will Allen

                      Video Courtesy of Fresh The Movie

                      Dear Friends,
                      Growing Power is undertaking the most ambitious challenge in its 18-year history. In a partnership with the City of Milwaukee, we have been tasked to create up to 150 full-time jobs for low-income city residents. The plan is both a […]

                        Urban Agriculture in Ottawa Could be a Model for Food Security in Other Cities

                        Health Impact Editor Comments:
                        Watch this very informative video and see how Ottawa Canada is leading the way in modern urban agriculture. Urban areas have used up agricultural land to house more of the world’s population, and most food purchased has traveled an average distance of 1500 to 2500 miles to get to your grocery store. Watch how one […]

                          The Chicken Underground: Raising fresh food against the law?

                          Luke Rudkowski, founder of We Are Change and contributor to RT’s Adam Vs. The Man, travels to Georgia where he finds farmers-in-hiding who break the law and risk a $6000 fine for raising backyard chickens.
                          Reality has been turned on its head under the audacity of state power as the system rubber stamps little-studied genetically […]

                            Turning backyards into Urban Farms – A Successful Model Feeding People in the City!

                            By Jared Page


                            24-year-old Sharon Leopardi is the owner of Backyard Urban Garden (BUG) Farms, a community-supported agriculture (CSA) business that uses Salt Lake City residents’ backyards as places to grow, tend and harvest fresh produce to sell to consumers. Her goal in starting the business a little more than a year ago was to prove that […]

                              Cuban Urban Sustainable Agriculture creates 300,000 jobs – lessons for US?

                              by Livable Future
                              I’ve just returned from eight days in Cuba studying their sustainable agricultural system — especially their urban agriculture sector — and I have several key take-aways.

                              One of the biggest insights was the untapped potential of urban agriculture as a creator of good jobs. The Cuban system was reported to have […]