Abandoning Traditional Fats for Processed Vegetable Oils Has Led to Declining Health

Three decades ago, the food available was mostly fresh and grown locally. Today, the majority of foods served, whether at home, in school or in restaurants, are highly processed foods, filled with sugars, harmful processed fats, and chemical additives. During that same time, obesity rates have skyrocketed, and one in five American deaths are now associated with obesity. Obesity-related deaths include those from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, dementia, and depression, as nearly all have metabolic dysfunction as a common underlying factor. Unfortunately, the healthiest fats, including animal fats and coconut oil, both of which are saturated, have been long portrayed as a heart attack waiting to happen. Meanwhile, harmful hydrogenated vegetable oils such as corn and canola oil have been touted as “healthful” alternatives. Ditto for margarine. Boy, did they get this wrong. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Cooking with Traditional Foods – Menu Planner!

Health Impact News Editor Comments: We welcome today KerryAnn Foster, a veteran author and publisher on the subject of Traditional Foods. KerryAnn has the Internet’s longest running traditional foods menu mailer program that can save you time, money, and energy by subscribing to menu plans and recipes based on traditional foods. Today she introduces us to the […]