Thimerosal Mercury in Vaccines Associated with Tics According to CDC Research

    Between November 2013 and September 2014, I was in direct contact with the CDC Whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson. I recently wrote about my interactions with Dr. Thompson in an editorial piece that appeared in the winter 2017 edition of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (22:119). One of the key issues that I discussed with Dr. Thompson was the relationship between thimerosal and tics, based on CDC’s own publications. The literature regarding thimerosal and tics (both motor and phonic) is quite compelling. Several of CDC’s own studies show that high levels of thimerosal exposure via infant vaccines can lead to tics later in life. Given this consistent body of evidence, one would think that the CDC would call for a ban on the use of thimerosal in vaccines. However, this has never happened. In fact, the CDC will not even state a preference for administration of thimerosal-free vaccines. Tics are a common feature in autism (occurring 4 times more frequently in autistic children than in neurotypical).

      How a Fugitive’s Fraudulent Study is Behind the “Science is Settled” Claim that Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

      Did you know there is a fugitive from the U.S. Justice Department thriving openly in Denmark who created a fraudulent study used to eliminate autism claims from vaccines? His name is Poul Thorsen, and he is a psychiatrist who was contracted by the CDC to perform the notorious “Danish Study.” The Danish Study, published in 2003 by the journal Pediatrics asserted that autism rates in Denmark rose dramatically after mercury was no longer used in vaccines for children in the Netherlands, thus “proving” that there is no association with thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines to autism. The Danish Study became a major study quoted by the FDA, the IOM (The National Institute of Medicine) now renamed the National Academy of Medicine, and the CDC to “disprove” the dangers of thimerosal in vaccines and the MMR even without thimerosal. It became the cornerstone of all media and public denial of autism from vaccines. Even worse, it served as the legal basis for dismissing over 5,000 autism claims in The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program or “Vaccine Court” in 2010, and totally removing autism claims from vaccine injuries completely.

        Missouri Laws to Ban Mercury and Foreign DNA in Vaccines

        In January 2017, State Representative Lynn Morris introduced HB 331 in the Missouri House of Representatives prohibiting vaccines containing mercury or other metals used for preservation or any other purpose from being administered to a child or adult in a public health clinic in Missouri. If passed, the legislation would take effect on Aug. 28, 2018. A second bill, HB 332, introduced by Rep. Morris, seeks to restrict the use of certain vaccines containing foreign human DNA. It requires that chicken pox and shingles vaccines administered to patients in public health clinics must not contain foreign human DNA contaminates. The two bills are in response to public concerns regarding vaccine safety. Vaccine mandates and policies at the state level are generally based on the vaccine schedule and guidelines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention’s (CDC). HB 331 and HB 332 aim to invalidate the CDC’s recommendations of vaccines that include mercury and other toxic substances. Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that “All forms of mercury are quite toxic, and each form exhibits different health effects,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to minimize the dangers of mercury in vaccines. The FDA admits that thimerosal (a mercury based preservative) is still being used in vaccines in varying amounts.

          California Officials Increase Mercury-laced Vaccines for Children and Pregnant Women

          In California in 2004, AB 2943 was introduced by the California Assembly and passed, going into effect in 2006. Considered a precautionary measure, it prohibited injections to children under three and pregnant women with vaccines containing 0.5 micrograms of mercury per 0.5 milliliter of vaccine dose in multiple vaccine packages such as the MMR and DTaP three in one vaccines. The California Immunization Coalition (CIC), a quasi-public agency, sent a letter to the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services requesting the exemption be exercised for this flu season because there is a shortage of flu vaccines, especially the nasal mist vaccine Fluzone, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur. Concerned California activists allegedly reached Sanofi by phone twice recently and were told there is no shortage of the Fluzone vaccine that complies completely with California's AB 2943. So why the rush to use flu vaccines with high levels of thimerosal?

            Dr. Oz Warns About Mercury in Flu Shots

            Dr. Oz spent considerable time covering the issue of thimerosal being used as a preservative in the annual flu vaccine. Thimerosal contains mercury, a well-known neuro-toxin. Dr. Oz interviewed Dr. Mark Hyman and former U.S. Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his show to discuss mercury in vaccines. While it is certainly worthwhile to warn the public of the dangers of mercury in the flu vaccine, Marcella Piper-Terry of points out several facts regarding this issue that were not covered during the show, and how Dr. Oz did not exactly get his facts straight on a few things. Sadly, this is representative of the current level of knowledge concerning vaccines both among the mainstream media and modern-day physicians. Parents of vaccine-damaged children do their homework and research well, and in many cases are more educated on this issue than both the mass media and many doctors.

              CDC Whistleblower: Mercury in Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women Linked to Autism

              Today, the Autism Media Channel released a short video where CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson states, in a phone call to Dr. Brian Hooker, that injecting mercury into pregnant women creates a "clear and present danger" to the unborn child. Thimerosal, a form of mercury used as a preservative in vaccines, was removed from most childhood vaccines a few years ago, but is still in the annual flu shot, which is recommended for pregnant women. Dr. Thompson, in the video below, insists that this mercury in vaccines causes "tics" in children, and these tics are 4 times more prevalent in kids with autism. "Tics" are defined on the CDC website as: "Tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things. For example, a person with a motor tic might keep blinking over and over again. Or, a person with a vocal tic might make a grunting sound unwillingly." Watch the short 1 minute video.

                Report: FDA Deliberately Deceptive – Poisoning Millions of Americans

                US consumers are in dark about mercury in dental products—and they are kept there deliberately by the government. This is documented in a new report being released this week by Consumers for Dental Choice called “Measurably Misleading: Evidence the FDA and Dental Industry are Deliberately Deceiving American Families about Mercury Dental Fillings and Why That Now Has International Consequences.” Mercury is a known neurotoxin, yet mercury fillings presents one of the largest consumer consumption of mercury worldwide, and dental amalgam represents the largest use of mercury in consumer products in the US. We’ve also been kept in in the dark about mercury in other consumer products because of the FDA. Thimerosal, a mercury compound often found in flu vaccines, is being ignored as a danger.

                  CDC Caught Hiding Data Showing Mercury in Vaccines Linked to Autism

                  In a press release issued last year, one that almost no mainstream media sources have bothered to report, it was announced that Dr. Brian Hooker had finally received documents from the CDC through a Freedom of Information Act that revealed the CDC had access to data linking Thimerosal in vaccines to autism, non-organic sleep disorders, and speech disorders. Two members of Congress helped Dr. Hooker draft his letter to the CDC, after having spent nearly 10 years submitting over 100 Freedom of Information Acts to no avail. This information was completely blacked out of the mainstream media. This information is very damaging to the CDC, which has stated for years that there are no studies linking the mercury of Thimerosal in vaccines to autism. You can watch for yourself the most recent testimony given by the CDC in the November 2012 Congressional Hearing on Autism. Thimerosal is still used today in the flu shot that is administered to pregnant women and infants. The mainstream media's official position regarding vaccines and autism has been that it has been "proven that there is no link", and Dr. Andrew Wakefield is used as the standard scapegoat being presented as a "disgraced doctor" who supposedly got caught fabricating his study. Of course, Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study has been replicated in at least 28 other studies, and no case has ever been won against Dr. Wakefield in a court of law. Litigation is still pending, and one of the doctors who was a co-author in the study has been completely exonerated in the U.K. Yet, the man who supposedly conducted studies for the CDC proving that vaccines do not cause autism, is a wanted criminal for stealing millions of dollars from the CDC, and is still on the run from the law. But that story is seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media.

                    Study: Key Markers Identified in Children that Make them Susceptible to Autism when Mercury is Present in Vaccines

                    One of the real tragedies in vaccine damaged children is that because the U.S. Government denies any link in vaccines causing autism, no research is ever conducted to find out why certain children suffer from autism after being vaccinated, even when the Vaccine Court rules in their favor. So as a result, the vaccines causing the problem continue to be marketed to all children, and the rate of autism continues to climb. The government and medical system wants you to believe that vaccines are safe for everyone, and they refuse to examine or research why some children react differently to vaccines. So research like this one published recently in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health must be done with private funds and no help from the government. This study has identified key markers that make certain children more susceptible to the toxic effects of mercury in vaccines, which could help doctors determine who should be receiving certain vaccines, and who should not due to increased risk. Sadly, you are not likely to read this in the mainstream media, nor learn of it from your doctor.

                      Vaccine News: AAP Opposes Ban on Thimerosal, While Study Finds More Vaccines Equate to Increased Hospitalization and Death

                      By Dr. Mercola

                      According to public health doctors and a medical trade association representing U.S. pediatricians, poor children in developing countries should continue to get vaccines containing the mercury preservative, thimerosal, because providing these children with mercury-free vaccines “would devastate public health efforts in developing countries,” the New York Times reports.1

                      The defense for keeping thimerosal in vaccines […]