The Way of Jesus Christ Leads OUT of Jerusalem and the Temple – No Going Back

This is my third article resulting from my recent deep dive into the New Testament book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews in the New Testament section of the Bible was written to Jewish believers in Jesus Christ teaching them how to deal with the Satanic Jews who opposed them. The book of Hebrews is like a discourse and training manual about how to refute the Satanic Jews, which today are usually referred to as "Zionists", and include those who, as it was during New Testament times in the First Century, claim to believe in and follow Jesus Christ, but encourage or even demand that believers return to the Jewish Old Covenant ways. This article then is the third one in this series on Hebrews, and it is based on the last chapter in Hebrews, Chapter 13. Having already established the superiority of the New Covenant which replaced the Old Covenant, Paul concludes this treatise on Satanic Judaism in Hebrews by showing how The Way, which was the designation used to refer to the true believers in Jesus Christ in the First Century, leads believers OUT of Jerusalem and the Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans just a few years after this was written. The believers were then to "seek the city that is to come", which is not the earthly Jerusalem, but the heavenly one. Paul makes it very clear that The Way of Jesus is OUT of Jerusalem, where Jesus himself was executed OUTSIDE of the city and the temple, and that to follow this Way is to also share in the abuse that Jesus suffered, which led to his execution. Those who follow the Zionists and look for the restoration of Jerusalem and a new temple there, are following Satan and the same fate that awaits him, just the same as the false believers during Jesus's day. Nothing has changed. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13)

The Way of Salvation has ALWAYS been by Faith and Obedience – Not by a “Chosen” Nation or Religion

I have previously reported that the New Testament portion of the Bible did not start a new religion called "Christianity." I have also recently written on the Biblical term "the Faith" to show that the Bible also does not endorse a specific religion. In another article I recently published, I explained how there are differences between the Old Covenant ("Old Testament") and the New Covenant ("New Testament"). What I want to report in this article, is that there is one thing that did not change between the Old Testament and the New Testament, and that is the fact that salvation by God has always been by faith, and not through a "chosen people" or a "religion", and that this has always been true. It was true before the Old Covenant (the Law given to Moses), during the Old Covenant, and it is true today during the New Covenant period of time.

Are You on the Right Path in Life? There May Not be Much Time Left to Decide

We are living in unprecedented times, at least unprecedented during the lifetimes of every human being currently alive on planet earth today. World events are unfolding so fast right now, that very soon everyone will probably be faced with very few options to choose their path into the future. In the madness and insanity that dominates the world today, it is very easy to get lost in the daily pressures that surround us, and lose site of the most important things in life. We all make choices every day that have consequences which will shape our future. Many of the external circumstances that affect our decisions each day are out of our control. But our choices are not out of our control. The only thing in this world that you can control, is yourself. Too often we have heard from those carrying out the evil plans of the tyrants the words: "I have no choice. I'm just doing my job." But we always have a choice. And ultimately, it boils down to a choice between freedom, or slavery. Paradoxically, choosing freedom over slavery can lead to our physical death. But it is still your choice to either live as a slave, or die free. Therefore, the biggest question you need to address today is, are you ready to die? Are you prepared for where your path leads after your physical death? Because if you do not fear physical death, then nobody has control over you!

When the World Hates You, You’re a Rebel Standing on the Truth and Proving You Don’t Belong Here

Jesus made it very clear to his followers, both then as well as today, that to follow him was to take a path that leads to persecution and hardship, going against the crowd and having the world hate you, because you represent the "light" that Jesus is in the world, which in turn exposes the evil of the world system, ruled by Satan, the father of lies. Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) A choice now confronts every one of us, and it is most certainly NOT a choice between political parties or ideologies. It is a choice between good and evil, between Satan and the ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness, or Jesus and the ruler of the Kingdom of God. The pretenders, mostly the religious who belong to their churches or religious institutions, will not make it. Because one is not saved by their associations or belief systems. One is only saved by a person, who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Knowing about him is not good enough. Satan knows about him too, and that knowledge does not save him. Jesus is the vine, the life source, and as he stated in that upper room discourse, "apart from me you can do nothing." But together with him, we can do EVERYTHING! "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." Satan knows this, and he fears it. But are there enough true disciples of Jesus Christ who know his power left in the world to make Satan tremble? We're about to find out.