Why did Big Tech Billionaires Fund the Distribution of Sound of Freedom? The “New Right” Technocrats are Redefining Conservative Politics and Religious Values

I (and many others) have already reported on the fact that the original funding to produce the film "Sound of Freedom" came from Billionaires, many of whom have direct associations with child trafficking themselves. In an investigative article published this week on The Information, Julia Black has reported that Elon Musk's venture capital firms rescued Angel Studios from bankruptcy last year with a $47 million funding round that allowed them to distribute the box office hit, Sound of Freedom. She wrote: "In February 2021, a Mormon film producer named Jeffrey Harmon returned home to Provo, Utah, raving about an exclusive gathering he’d just attended in Austin, Tex. He’d been invited by an old friend, Stephen Oskoui, who ran Austin-based venture capital firm Gigafund alongside Luke Nosek, a founding partner of Founders Fund and a member of the famed PayPal mafia. According to sources close to Harmon, the event was attended by a who’s who of tech elites, including Oskoui, Nosek and, most memorably, Elon Musk. At the gathering, Harmon had the chance to speak to Musk and Oskoui about VidAngel, the film company founded with three of his brothers that would soon become rebranded Angel Studios. Later that year, Oskoui and Nosek’s Gigafund led a $47 million funding round to support Angel Studios in its efforts to upend Hollywood with religious programming and other 'stories that amplify light.' This summer, the fruits of that investment appeared: Angel Studios released the blockbuster film about child sex trafficking 'Sound of Freedom,' which has surpassed $210 million in global box office numbers and become a rallying point for Christian conservatives and the far right. The investment in Angel Studios was an unusual one for Oskoui and Nosek, who had never previously shown interest in the entertainment industry. The duo started Gigafund in 2017 with the intention of raising funds for Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, and followed up with a $125 million investment that year. In the years since, they have followed up with bets on other firms owned by Musk as well as on companies developing nuclear energy solutions (Last Energy), photonic artificial intelligence chips (Luminous Computing) and precision genome engineering (Synthego)." This funding of religious content by Big Tech is part of what some people are defining as "The New Right", where former PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, part of the infamous PayPal Mafia, is seen as one of their leaders. See: Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets - "They’re not MAGA. They’re not QAnon. Curtis Yarvin and the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics." It is not surprising that these Technocrat Billionaires that make up the "New Right" are defining Christianity through Mormon lenses, as there are elements within Mormonism that find transhumanism as an acceptable outcome of modern technology.

The Technocrats Exposed: Almost 70,000 Layoffs in Big Tech so far in 2023 as Techno-Prophecies Fail

The massive bleeding of jobs in the technology sector is rapidly increasing here in the first month of 2023. According to Layoffs.fyi, while 1040 Tech Companies laid off 159,684 employees in 2022, here in the first month of 2023, 229 Tech Companies have already laid off 68,502 employees. And we haven't even finished the first month of the year yet! One of the dirty little secrets of Big Tech and their science fiction is that behind all the glitz of their technology and false claims is a mammoth workforce sourced overseas with cheap labor from countries like India and the Philippines that is necessary to keep all this technology running. There are millions of these “ghost workers” employed by Big Tech overseas to keep their technology running. The free ride the technocrats have been enjoying for the past 2 decades since the dot-com bust is coming to an end, as the money dries up and investors stop investing in things which cannot accomplish what the techno-prophecies claimed it could do, but is only seen on TV in science fiction movies and programs. There is another word in the English language that is a synonym for the word "artificial," and it is "fake." If you want to start acknowledging that you are not going to fall for the technocrats false techno-prophecies, stop referring to "AI" as "artificial intelligence" and start referring to it as "FI", "fake intelligence," because that is a much truer expression to use based on reality.

The Fantasy of Autonomous Self-Driving Cars is Coming to an End as Tesla Faces DOJ Criminal Probe

For years now the technocrats have made huge predictions about how technology is rapidly advancing and is poised to replace humans, or become hybrids with them, in the not-too-distant future. The problem with this soaring faith in technology is that many of the lofty techno-prophecies have been largely science fiction, and the kind of propaganda that Hollywood has been brainwashing people to believe in for decades now. Starting with the mega box office successful Star Wars films back in the 1970s, along with popular TV franchises such as Star Trek, the technocrats have brainwashed the public into believing that such technology as replicating food at the push of button, or transporting people through space, or android and holographic "people" were the destiny of technology, and how it would become a normal part of our lives. Well, welcome to 2022, where none of that stuff has happened yet, and never will, because it is all science fiction. But we now have several generations of people who still believe in the techno-prophecies, and some of them have become billionaires where they could actually throw a ton of money into trying to invent some of this science fiction. Perhaps the one technology that has received some of the most techno-prophecy funding is "self-driving vehicles." Well if no one else has publicly said this yet, I will be happy to be the first one to do so: The fantasy of completely autonomous self-driving vehicles that will replace human drivers is now officially DEAD. Reuters announced this week that the DOJ has started a criminal probe into Tesla's claims of "self-driving" cars, which allegedly began last year, and is perhaps the reason why Andrej Karpathy, the former head of Tesla's AI department and Autopilot driving assistance software, abruptly quit this past July after working on Tesla's self driving vehicle system for five years. While not mentioning the Reuters' exclusive report on the DOJ's criminal probe into Tesla, Ford and Volkswagen announced this week that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down.

Exposing the Technocrats False Claims: Millions of Low-Pay “Ghost” Workers Needed to Keep Their Software Running

The Globalist Technocrats love to scare the common folk peasants with the hype of their "technology" and such grandiose Star-Trekish fantasies such as "transhumans" and sophisticated robots that are supposedly going to take over the world and replace humans. It's all fake. I earned my living from technology in the late 1990s running my own consulting firm, and many of the tech moguls of today, such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, are my age, and so I have watched their technology grow and evolve over the past few years. I clearly remember the days pre-1982, which was about the time the PC (personal computer) was developed, with the Internet and "World Wide Web" only becoming popular later in the mid to late 1990s. It is easy to think that this kind of technology has been around for a long time, but the fact is that it is all still relatively new, and its growth has been very rapid in a short period of time. Today's younger generations probably cannot even imagine life without cell phones and the Internet, but I remember them quite well, and not only did we get along just fine without modern technology, but I would even go so far as to say life was better in many ways without it. The new technology brought convenience and many other luxuries that enhanced life, but it also brought about many ways to enhance and proliferate evil as well, such as child pornography and sex trafficking. So for myself, having watched all of this stuff develop in such a short period of time, and even supporting it and earning my living from it for several years in the 1990s, it is easy for me to see that all the grandiose claims being made for technology today, such as "transhumanism" and the idea that man and machine can be intertwined like a Star Trek Borg, or that advanced computers will replace humans, is only real in Hollywood where they can "beam" human beings across space by deconstructing their molecules and putting them back together again in a different location, or pressing a button on a "replicator" that instantly produces food and other goods. It makes for interesting entertainment, but it has no basis in reality, and it never will. It is a false god. Recently published reports have exposed just how frail their technology is, where these multi-billion dollar corporations like Microsoft, Amazon.com, and Google actually employ millions of low-pay human laborers referred to as "ghost workers" just to keep their software running properly.

Big Brother in Disguise: The Rise of a New, Technological World Order

Look around you. Everywhere you turn, people are so addicted to their internet-connected screen devices—smart phones, tablets, computers, televisions—that they can go for hours at a time submerged in a virtual world where human interaction is filtered through the medium of technology. This is not freedom. This is not even progress. This is technological tyranny and iron-fisted control delivered by way of the surveillance state, corporate giants such as Google and Facebook, and government spy agencies such as the National Security Agency. So consumed are we with availing ourselves of all the latest technologies that we have spared barely a thought for the ramifications of our heedless, headlong stumble towards a world in which our abject reliance on internet-connected gadgets and gizmos is grooming us for a future in which freedom is an illusion. Yet it’s not just freedom that hangs in the balance. Humanity itself is on the line. If ever Americans find themselves in bondage to technological tyrants, we will have only ourselves to blame for having forged the chains through our own lassitude, laziness and abject reliance on internet-connected gadgets and gizmos that render us wholly irrelevant. Orwell’s masterpiece, 1984, portrays a global society of total control in which people are not allowed to have thoughts that in any way disagree with the corporate state. There is no personal freedom, and advanced technology has become the driving force behind a surveillance-driven society. Snitches and cameras are everywhere. And people are subject to the Thought Police, who deal with anyone guilty of thought crimes. The government, or “Party,” is headed by Big Brother, who appears on posters everywhere with the words: “Big Brother is watching you.” Make no mistake: the Internet of Things and its twin, the Internet of Senses, is just Big Brother in disguise.

Planned Surveillance and Control by Global Technocrats: A Big-Picture Look at the Current Pandemic Beneficiaries

Global financial patterns and pronouncements point to a seismic overhaul of governance and financial systems that is playing out beneath the surface of the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching far beyond the health domain. Increased centralized control has the potential to create an unbridgeable chasm between a tiny handful of winners and a majority of losers. To foster an integrated analysis of the technocratic and financial forces and agendas at play, this rapid review identifies some of the pandemic’s principal beneficiaries across the interwoven financial, tech, biopharmaceutical, and military-intelligence sectors, assessing developments in the context of the accelerating global push for technocratic consolidation and control. The evidence suggests that Trojan horse coronavirus vaccines may challenge bodily integrity and informed consent in entirely new ways, transporting invasive technologies into people’s brains and bodies. Technologies such as brain-machine interfaces, digital identity tracking devices, and cryptocurrency-compatible chips would contribute to the central banking goal of replacing currencies with digital transaction and identification systems and creating a global control grid that connects the world population to the military-pharma-intelligence cloud of the global technocrats. Moreover, using vaccines as a delivery vehicle for surveillance technologies cancels any legal liability.

Satan Owns NOBODY! The Invitation to Join God’s Kingdom is Available to EVERYONE!

Jesus Christ: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the assembly; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation..."(Colossians 1:15-22) In this world we have good news, and we have bad news. The bad news far outweighs the good news, at least by volume. But in terms of quality, the best news is what is described by the apostle Paul in the verses just quoted above in his letter to the believers in Colosse during the First Century. In short: Jesus created EVERYTHING, and Jesus OWNS everything. And yes, EVERYTHING is literal and means EVERYTHING. Put in negative terms: Satan owns NOTHING. Satan owns NOBODY. In fact, Christ OWNS SATAN, because he created him, he who was formerly an Angel of Light, but is now the Prince of Darkness. Satan, the Devil, once had a claim on others, on those who rebelled against God, as he did. But not anymore. After Jesus came to earth in human form, taking on the form of a helpless baby that Satan tried hard to destroy, and then grew up into a man and freely gave up his own earthly life as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world, he paid a costly price to purchase back everyone who was previously lost. One of the biggest lies that Satan, the father of lies, wants you to believe, is that you cannot be saved. That you are beyond hope, that because of your past, or your family, or some terrible things you have done in your life, that you are beyond hope and doomed to whatever the future has in store for you. This is a lie! You were created in the image of God. And even if you have been traveling down the wrong road in life, as long as you have breath and a heart beat, you can claim the redemption that Christ paid for by his own blood, which satisfied God's anger and judgement against your sins: past, present, and future. The redemption that Christ purchased is rightfully yours. Not because you deserve it. Not because you earned it. But because God loves you, and he wants you to come home.