Dr. Humphries Examines Data on Gardasil Vaccine From Merck’s Own Package Inserts

    Dr. Suzanne Humphries joins Polly Tommey with the VAXXED film crew to discuss what vaccine manufacturer Merck reveals about their Gardasil vaccine from their own package inserts. These package inserts are supposed to be read by every physician who administers the Gardasil vaccine, and every patient is required to be informed of the side effects of the vaccine. Sadly, this almost never happens.

      Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. – Vaccine Strain of Measles Virus Found in Measles Outbreaks

      Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician). In this lecture, she addresses a study done in Croatia where a child who was vaccinated with the MMR vaccine was tested positive for the measles vaccine strain Schwarz eight days after vaccination. This was a significant finding, because the child's symptoms were thought to be similar to rubella, and without testing, the sickness would have been possibly mis-diagnosed as rubella, or the wild-type strain of measles the vaccine is designed to protect against. Since this study in 2010, others studies have also confirmed that those vaccinated with the MMR vaccine are susceptible to becoming infected with measles, the vaccine measles virus, and not the wild virus. Are health officials testing cases of measles in the current outbreak in the United States, to determine if the measles strain is the wild strain of the vaccine strain? Not likely, and it is not likely that the mainstream media "TV doctors" will even discuss this as they falsely vilify parents who choose not to administer the MMR vaccine to their children as the cause of these outbreaks. Some of these cases are confirmed to be among those who have received the MMR vaccine, and for those who have not been vaccinated, is it possible they were infected from those recently vaccinated when the vaccine was still "shedding," and that the vaccine-strain of measles was passed on from the vaccinated child to the unvaccinated child?

        Dr. Offit Wants to Eliminate Religious and Philosophical Vaccine Exemptions

        We have previously reported how Dr. Paul Offit, the mainstream media's go-to doctor to support vaccines, has huge conflicts of interest, and is a very dangerous man. We mentioned how Paul Offit wants mandatory vaccines for every single child in the United States, and he feels his voice in the matter should over-rule parental choice. So with the mainstream media giving him basically a free pass to preach his message, Offit has attacked anyone who dares to question his view on vaccines. Earlier this year, he publicly stated at the Health Journalism 2014 meeting that journalists should NOT be balanced in their reporting about vaccines. He wants only one side reported, his side, and he stated publicly that journalists who publish the other side should go to "journalism jail." Offit thinks that only medical exemptions should be issued for vaccines, and has campaigned for ending religious and philosophical exemptions. Allowing only medical exemptions would give complete control of America's school-age children to the medical system in regards to vaccines. So should doctors like Offit be considered authorities on religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines? He claims science trumps philosophy or religion. So if you object to things in vaccines such as cells from aborted human embryos, monkey kidneys, aborted calf fetus blood, mouse brains, etc. - too bad. According to Offit, only doctors should make those decisions. For a response to Dr. Offit by another doctor, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, we republish with her consent a previous rebuttal she wrote to Dr. Offit below. Turns out that not all doctors agree with Offit after all...

          Dr. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccine Safety: “They Don’t Want You to Hear the Other Side”

          Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a medical doctor with specialties in internal medicine and nephrology. She has years of experience in seeing and treating illness resulting from vaccine damage, particularly kidney failure. It is highly unlikely you will ever hear her interviewed in the mainstream media, because the mainstream media only presents one side of vaccine safety. Dr. Humphries was recently interviewed while traveling in Sweden last month. The information she shares in this 22 minute video is information every person in America should have access to, particularly doctors and those administering vaccines. We summarize and review the video here. I have been covering the vaccine issues for many years now, and I must say that what Dr. Humphries covers in this 22 minute video is by far the best presentation on vaccine safety I have ever watched. People, watch this video!! If you have doctors who are open-minded and want to learn about the inherent dangers of vaccines, show them this video! Churches and other places of worship need to get together and show this video. Let's educate people on the entire truth of the issue of vaccines, because the government and medical system does not want you to know this, and the mainstream media in general is not doing their job in covering this issue. Learn why this doctor who used to administer vaccines now says: "I don't believe in vaccines. I don't even believe a little bit in vaccines. I believe they can do more harm to me than I may ever be able to make up for."

            Doctors Against Vaccines: The Other Side of the Story is Not Being Told

            The pro-Pharma mainstream media would like everyone to believe that doctors and "scientists" all agree that vaccines are safe and effective, and that dissenters are uneducated or uninformed parents. Not true. Doctors and scientist who dare to speak out against the status quo, putting their own careers in jeopardy for telling the other side of the story, are of course few, and clearly in the minority. But that does not mean they do not exist. It just means they are few in number, because they value truth and the health and well-being of the public more than financial connections to the pharmaceutical industry. Leslie Manookian, producer of "The Greater Good" film, lists over 150 scientists and physicians who have questioned vaccines publicly. Below, we bring you short videos from three different doctors who all do an excellent job of summarizing the "other side" of the story when it comes to vaccines.

              An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence that Vaccines Eliminated Diseases

              Medical history books, almost uniformly extol the virtues of vaccination. Upon reading these books, one is left with the impression that during the 1800s and into the 1900s, there were rampant plagues that killed countless scores of people and that, because of vaccines, this is no longer the case. This is certainly what we believed growing up, and most people we talk to have a similar impression. It generally permeates society as an established fact. The problem with these statements is that they are not supported by the evidence.

                Antibiotics are Among the Most Abused and Overused Pharmaceuticals that Contribute to Human Disease

                Antibiotics, antivirals and antifungals are among the most abused and overused pharmaceutical agents that contribute to human disease. And now, scientists are running out of options. Many drug resistant micro-organisms are no longer responding to the older drugs, and there are less and less new ones being developed. The only solution is to stop the rampant use of these largely unnecessary drugs.

                  Is There Solid Science Behind Vaccinating Pregnant Women?

                  The truth is that there is little if any scientific support for the pro-vaccine media interpretations of Quinn at al. or that vaccination has ever, or will ever, convey herd immunity or protection to infants.

                    Smoke, Mirrors, and the “Disappearance” of Polio

                    In this lecture, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD, explains how she began treating patients in 2009 with complete kidney failure after receiving vaccinations, which led her to further investigate vaccinations. When she saw the hospital she was working at in 2009 give flu vaccines to very sick people upon admittance, she sounded the alarm, but […]

                      Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Study Finally Being Done

                      By: Suzanne Humphries, MD

                      Parents say vaccines cause autism and autoimmune diseases and many other acute or chronic disease. The question is: is there any truth to this? How many kids have avoidable chronic illness as a result of vaccines?

                      One way to find out would be to compare vaccinated children with unvaccinated children. The pro-vaccine […]