NIH Experiments on Babies without Parental Knowledge

    The NIH is seeking to experiment on 1824 premature babies without parental knowledge of the risks involved. A previous experimental study conducted without parental consent resulted in the deaths of 237 babies, and was exposed resulting in a public outrage. A public meeting was held on August 28th, where parents testified that they had no knowledge of the risks involved, or even that an experiment was taking place. If the extremists within the NIH and the medical centers that have enormous financial stake in conducting "comparative effectiveness research" succeed in getting an escape hatch from informed consent, you or your loved one may become a human guinea pig without knowledge or consent in future unwanted medical experiments. Watch the video testimonies of parents from August 28th. If you value your human right to say "No" to being subjected to a medical experiment in which you or your loved one may be exposed to risk of harm, then express your concerns and post your comments for the public record.

      NIH Continuing to Experiment on Premature Babies without Parental Knowledge of Risks

      The NIH is seeking to experiment on 1824 premature babies without parental knowledge of the risks involved. A previous experimental study conducted without parental consent resulted in the deaths of 237 babies, and was exposed resulting in a public outrage. A public meeting was held on August 28th, where parents testified that they had no knowledge of the risks involved, or even that an experiment was taking place. If the extremists within the NIH and the medical centers that have enormous financial stake in conducting "comparative effectiveness research" succeed in getting an escape hatch from informed consent, you or your loved one may become a human guinea pig without knowledge or consent in future unwanted medical experiments. Watch the video testimonies of parents from August 28th. If you value your human right to say "No" to being subjected to a medical experiment in which you or your loved one may be exposed to risk of harm, then express your concerns and post your comments for the public record.

        Premature Babies, Targets of Unethical Experimentation

        Newly obtained documents from the oxygen experiment (SUPPORT) reveal far more extensive medical ethics violations than those specified in the March 7, 2013 letter by the Office of Human Research Protection to the University of Alabama. SUPPORT experiment was not designed to support or improve the babies’ survival rate or to decrease the risk of retinopathy; indeed, multiple elements of the protocol sacrificed rather than supported the babies’ survival needs. The consents were obtained from mostly young single mothers who were in labor. They trusted the doctors at the medical centers--but they were deceived. They did not suspect that the experiment for which they entrusted their babies was designed and conducted as if their vulnerable tiny premature babies were lab rats.