The Nutritional Calorie Theory for Weight-loss Benefits the Soft Drink Industry – Not Consumer’s Health

    A new study has been published questioning the validity of counting food calories as an indicator of health and obesity. 22 researchers from around the world agreed that the theory stating a "calorie is a calorie," no matter what the food source, is not a theory backed by science. An enduring dietary dogma has been the emphasis on calories, even to the extent of calorie counting one’s food intake and comparing the food’s caloric values as provided by tables of calorie measurements according to food types and amounts as an indicator of whether or not a food is healthy. This theory of food nutrition lacks scientific merit, similar to the saturated fat dogma/cholesterol dogma which has been contradicted by real science. It benefits the soft drink industry, which would like everyone to believe that calories from their highly processed drinks are no different than calories from fruits and vegetables.

      Public Health SCANDAL! Sugar Industry Hid Science Linking Sugar to Heart Disease – Blamed Saturated Fats and Cholesterol Instead

      For the past year, a group of researchers with the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), has reviewed historical scientific literature funded by the Sugar Research Foundation since the 1960s, which gives us a great perspective on how the war on saturated fats became public policy. These researchers at UCSF have revealed how the Sugar Research Foundation influenced Harvard medical researchers financially and otherwise to report open-ended inconclusive research that omitted a lot of conclusive negative health data. Their first article was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Internal Medicine) in 2016. The title of the study is Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research: A Historical Analysis of Internal Industry Documents. The New York Times, which has given some press to exposing the saturated fat myth for about ten years now, was one of the few mainstream media outlets that covered the UCSF study: "How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat." NPR was another news source that covered the UCSF study in 2016: "50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat." The same UCSF team of researchers had another paper published last month (November 2017) by the open access journal PLOS Biology titled, "Sugar industry sponsorship of germ-free rodent studies linking sucrose to hyperlipidemia and cancer: An historical analysis of internal documents.” The UCSF researchers managed to get research data that was never published. The study was not completed because the sugar industry was not getting the pro-sugar “science” they had sought. The science actually led to the conclusion that refined sugar is implicated in heart disease and cancer.

        How to Use Raw Honey in Place of Sugar in Baking

        Raw honey is one of the healthiest sweeteners readily available for use in baking. Honey is a much better choice than processed sugar. Granulated sugar made from cane sugar is actually is a natural product. However, most types of granulated sugars in the market go through a very refined processing method which strips out most of the natural nutrients. In addition, granulated sugar from sugar beets is more than likely from a GMO source. Therefore, you’re better off using raw honey, which is a whole food that in its natural state needs no further refining. And its healthier too! The information here will show you how to replace sugar in your baked goods with raw honey.

          Your Tax Dollars May Buy 400,000 Tons of Sugar to Keep Prices Artificially High

          The US is the world’s largest sugar producer. The US Department of Agriculture makes loans every year to processors of domestically grown sugarcane and sugar beets. Over 50% of the sugar is from GMO sugar beets. Last October, sugar processors borrowed $862 million from the USDA. The loans did little to keep sugar prices high, however: they have fallen 18% since October. Sugar processors are afraid they’ll have to default on their loans, which could result in $80 million in losses to the USDA’s price support program. USDA is considering helping them out once again—this time by buying 400,000 tons of sugar, just so they can pay back their loan!

            Is Refined Sugar the Main Cause of All Modern Diseases?

            Health Impact News Editor Comments: This is a very good article with supporting evidence and video showing the danger of sugar in our diet. One needs to always be cautious, however, with labeling a entire food group as a “toxin” or as “poisonous.” Sugar is a component of almost all whole foods, and cannot […]