Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Stella Immanuel About the COIVD Injections: A Luciferian Agenda Targeting Humanity

    Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com interviewed Dr. Stella Immanuel today on his Brighteon platform as part of his "Brighteon Conversations." Readers of Health Impact News will be familiar with Dr. Stella Immanuel of the Frontline Doctors, who runs her own medical clinic in Houston. Mike and Dr. Stella discuss the COVID-19 injections, and discuss the spiritual battle with the Luciferian Agenda.

      Dr. Stella Demands an Apology after Studies Prove She was Right on HCQ – Vaccines Not Needed!

      Dr. Stella Immanuel, a medical doctor from Houston who has cured hundreds of her patients with COVID symptoms by using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), was one of a group of doctors who went to Washington D.C. last summer to tell the nation that there was a cure for COVID, which included the older, already FDA-approved drug, hydroxychloroquine. Many other doctors, some with very prestigious credentials, from around the world were seeing the same results with early treatment of COVID patients, and a near 100% success rate with no deaths. But the FDA and Anthony Fauci refused to endorse an emergency use authorization to let hospitals use the drug, stating that their clinical experiences were not enough, and that there was a lack of peer-reviewed literature. They allowed this lack of published studies to be used as an excuse to prevent patients from receiving this treatment, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths, while TRILLIONS of dollars were poured into new vaccines and drugs instead. This is one of the real crimes committed during the Plandemic. Now, at the beginning of 2021, many studies have been published documenting the effectiveness of HCQ, and Facebook has announced they will stop censoring information related to HCQ, and the American Journal of Medicine has also admitted that their stand on HCQ was wrong. Dr. Stella Immanuel is now demanding an apology from the Pharma-controlled media, and the government health agencies who attacked her and her character for recommending HCQ, stating that someone "has to be accountable" for all these needless deaths.

        Dr. Stella Emmanuel Cleared by Texas Medical Board for Complaint while Real Criminal Doctors Still Free After Murdering Millions

        Houston physician Dr. Stella Emmanuel, part of the Frontline Doctors group that went to Washington D.C. last month, posted a copy of a letter she received from the Texas Medical Board to her Twitter account this week showing that the complaint against her had been dismissed. The complaint was allegedly filed against her because she had a 100% success rate curing hundreds of COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug with a 65-year safe history that Anthony Fauci, a bureaucrat politician doctor who does not treat patients, claims is ineffective against COVID. The FDA also refuses to allow the drug's use in a wide variety of settings for treating COVID patients. Dr. Emmanuel is not alone in her reporting of success in treating COVID patients with HCQ. Hundreds of doctors around the world are reporting the same thing. This has to be the biggest medical scandal in the history of the United States. These doctors are all claiming that no one has to die from COVID because their treatment of using HCQ, zinc, and an antibiotic has a near 100% success rate in the early stages of the illness. That makes those in government office handling the COVID response and denying life-saving treatments MASS MURDERERS. How can they continue to get away with this?

          Frontline Doctor Stella: “I should let people die because I’m scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because I’m scared of the WHO? I’m not scared of any of them. I’m not going to let people die.”

          Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of the Frontline Doctors that appeared in Washington D.C. last week where their press conference, and Dr. Immanuel's testimony that "Nobody needs to die from COVID" with her example of treating 350 patients with COVID and ZERO fatalities, went viral with over 20 million views, before Big Tech censored the doctors and scrubbed all of their videos from the Internet, was interviewed in her home city, Houston, on Saturday by Clicked2Houston.com. You can watch the final edited version where local Houston media obviously felt compelled to give Dr. Anthony Fauci and the WHO's opinion on that matter. But Clicked2Houston.com has done everyone a favor by also publishing the entire interview with no edits as well. In line with the "Fair Use" doctrine and given how quickly these videos disappear, Health Impact News has also grabbed a copy and published it on our Bitchute channel. It is clear from the reporter's questions and comments that he is trying to trap Dr. Immanuel, but she quickly and forcefully responded to every question and criticism that was put to her, and put the tyrannical medical authorities and the complicit corporate media on the defense instead. "Ask Dr. Anthony Fauci, when was the last time he saw a patient? When is the last time he put a stethoscope on a patient? And I’m willing to ask him that. I’m still waiting for him to come and give me a pee sample to find out if whether he’s on hydroxychloroquine to treat himself. Let TMB (Texas Medical Board) come after me. I should let people die because I’m scared of TMB? Or I should let people die because I’m scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because I’m scared of the WHO? I’m not scared of any of them. I’m not going to let people die! And if they come after me, it’s going to be on! I’m not going to let people die."