AMA Study: Statin Drug Use Linked to Diabetes

    By Dr. Mercola

    A recent meta-analysis has demonstrated that taking statin drugs is associated with excess risk of developing diabetes.

    Researchers looked at five different clinical trials that together examined more than 32,000 people. They found that the higher the dosage of statin drugs being […]

      Statin Side Effects – Why Doctors Need To Start Listening To Their Patients

      by Dr. John Briffa
      The Cholesterol Truth


      Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended caution in prescribing the statin simvastatin. The evidence suggests that at doses of 80mg, this drug significantly heightens the risk of muscle damage and breakdown known as rhabdomyolosis. The breakdown products of muscle can actually go on to cause kidney […]

        Study of nearly 4 million people shows that statins do NOT prevent heart attacks


        Study title and authors:
        No connection between the level of exposition to statins in the population and the incidence/mortality of acute myocardial infarction: An ecological study based on Sweden’s municipalities.
        Staffan Nilsson, Sigvard Molstad, Catarina Karlberg, Jan-Erik Karlsson and Lars-Goran Persson

        Division of Community Medicine, Department of Medicine […]

          One in Four Over 45 Take Unnecessary Statin Drugs

          by Dr. Mercola

          Many Americans take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs — including half of men aged to 65 to 74, and nearly 40 percent of women aged 75 and older.

          In fact, a grand total of one in four Americans aged 45 and older are taking a statin. That means there are almost 32 million Americans taking […]

            Statins Associated With Significantly Increased Cancer Risk In The Elderly

            by Dr. John Briffa
            for The Cholesterol Truth

            As a population we’re living longer. Generally speaking, older individuals are more prone to chronic conditions such as heart disease. With statin drugs continuing to be a mainstream mainstay in the prevention of heart disease, the elderly represent a growing market for these drugs. While this may be […]

              Unborn Babies to Take Part in Statin Trial

              by Cholesterol Truth

              Researchers at the University of Edinburgh want to test statins on a group of pregnant women to see if these drugs can help prevent pre-eclampsia — a potentially fatal condition which affects up to 8 per cent of pregnant women in the UK.
              The researchers believe that if the trial is successful, it could be […]

                Statins: The Crucial Data Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Know About

                By Dr. John Briffa


                Before we look at the stats, let’s define the two main settings in which statin drugs can be used in practice:
                1. Primary prevention – use of statins in essentially healthy people in the hope of preventing a first heart attack or stroke.2. Secondary prevention – use of statins in individuals who […]

                  Statin Drugs Implicated in Multiple Sclerosis

                  by David Evans
                  This post includes a synopsis of a study published in the Journal of  Neuroscience Research 2010 Nov 15;88(15):3361-75
                  Study title and authors:
                  Simvastatin interferes with process outgrowth and branching of oligodendrocytes.
                  Smolders I, Smets I, Maier O, vandeVen M, Steels P, Ameloot M. Biomedical Research Institute, School of Life Sciences, Hasselt University and Transnational […]

                    More Nonsense — Scientists Now Have Heart Attack Prevention Vaccine

                    By Dr. Mercola
                    Scientists claim to have produced an antibody that reduces the scarring produced in the heart and brain following a heart attack by more than 60 percent. This scarring can cause as much as 80 percent of the permanent damage caused by a heart attack or stroke. The research has been tested on animals, […]

                      Ancel Keys Was Wrong about Heart Disease and Cholesterol

                      Health Impact News Editor Comments: It is widely known that Ancel Keys was the researcher from the University of Minnesota credited with inventing the lipid theory of heart disease, which led to the highly political McGovern Report in the 1970s which recommended a low fat diet to supposedly reduce heart disease. Here is some […]

                        The Necessity of Cholesterol and Dangers of Statin Drugs by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

                        Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride shares damning evidence regarding statin medication and the reason why cholesterol is so essential for the health of the body.

                        The Great Cholesterol Con
                        The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It
                        by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

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                        Now: $13.99
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                          Statin Drug use Results in a 39% Incidence of Structural Muscle Damage

                          by Health Diets and Science

                          This post includes a synopsis of a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal 2009 Jul 7;181(1-2):E11-8

                          Study title and authors:
                          Association between statin-associated myopathy and skeletal muscle damage.
                          Mohaupt MG, Karas RH, Babiychuk EB, Sanchez-Freire V, Monastyrskaya K, Iyer L, Hoppeler H, Breil F, Draeger A.
                          Department of […]

                            What You Need To Know About Cholesterol And Statins

                            Dr. Charles Majors explains the dangers of cholesterol drugs, what cholesterol is, and how our bodies need cholesterol.

                              Statin Drugs linked to rise in Diabetes

                              By Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.

                              Coronary heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, killing one in five adults, and doctors are very quick to prescribe statins. In fact, statin drug sales rank in the billions each year globally.
                              These drugs are so pervasive that they are no longer just indicated for hypercholesterolemia, […]

                                Statin drugs can destroy your memory and lead to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)

                                In this interview, Dr. Duane Graveline, a family doctor with 23 years experience and a former astronaut, discusses the health implications of cholesterol, statin drugs, and coenzyme Q10.

                                Total video length: 72:02

                                Download Interview Transcript
                                See All Mercola Videos
                                by Dr. Mercola

                                Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

                                Dr. Graveline has an interesting background that makes him particularly suited to speak on the topic […]

                                  Athletes Cannot Use Statins Due to Muscular Problems

                                  by Tom Naughton

                                  It was yet another bang-up Super Bowl. I love it when the game is in doubt until the very end … although as a Bears fan, I didn’t mind seeing them blow away the Patriots back in 1986. I like the pomp of the Super Bowl, the hype, the […]

                                    Statins Raise Stroke Risk

                                    by Dr. Mercola

                                    Anyone who has had the type of stroke caused by bleeding in the brain should avoid the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins, according to researchers. The drugs increase the risk of a second stroke in these patients.

                                    It was especially true of people who had strokes in one of their brain’s four lobes, […]

                                      Have Statin Makers Fleeced More People Out of More Money than Madoff?

                                      by Dwight C. Lundell M.D.
                                      For 25 years as a thoracic surgeon, my life was passionately dedicated to treating heart disease; I gave many thousands of patients a second chance at life.

                                      Then a few years ago I made the most difficult decision of my medical career.  I left the surgery that I loved to have […]