Vascular Surgeon: Why I’ve Ditched Statins for Good

    Recent advice proposed by the British NICE – the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence – is advocating that 15 million more people in the UK, most with no history of heart disease, should be taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. Unintentionally, this move may have done more to educate people on the dangers of statin drugs than anything previously published in the alternative media, which has been warning people against the dangers of statin drugs for many years now. Popular doctors in the UK who go against the mainstream medical system in the UK have found willing publishers in the mainstream media in recent days, to publish the other side of the "statin wonder drug" hype that now wants to put almost 25% of the UK population on medications with known and published side effects and little to no benefits. Suddenly, statin drug whistle blowers in the U.K., such as Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, are getting op-ed pieces in mainstream media. Dr. Kendrick had an article published in the Guardian: Statins aren't a wonder drug - The claims made for statins are overblown. They are not a cure for most of the major diseases afflicting western civilisation. Even mainstream medical doctors are starting to speak out, such as Dr. Kailash Chand, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association. He recently spoke out against the NICE proposal, stating that he also had suffered “awful” muscle pains while taking statins, and that plans to prescribe them to millions more adults will “only benefit drug companies”. (See: Deputy Chairman of British Medical Association Condemns Statins). Add to this chorus of voices now vascular surgeon Dr Haroun Gajraj, who wrote an op-ed piece in the Telegraph yesterday. The British population is certainly getting an education on the other side of the story regarding statin drugs, but don't expect to read about this in the pro-Pharma U.S. mainstream media.

      Big Pharma Hiding Dangers of Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs

      Are statin drugs the biggest fraud in the history of medicine? Consider the evidence: "Bad" cholesterol is actually a myth, as cholesterol is essential to life. The brain contains only 2% of the body’s mass, but 25% of the total cholesterol. Lowering cholesterol by drugs may be contributing to Alzheimer's. Lipitor, the best selling-drug in the history of medicine, at one time outsold every other drug on the market with no serious competitors. Statin drugs are known to have serious side effects, including these that the FDA warns against: liver damage, memory loss and confusion, type 2 diabetes, and muscle weakness. Now, a group in the U.K. is reporting that the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaboration in Oxford has an agreement to keep secret much of the information contained in its huge database which holds results from 27 trials of these drugs, nearly all of which were run by a drug company (story below). This follows the publication last year (2013) of a study published in the Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases: The Ugly Side of Statins. Systemic Appraisal of the Contemporary Un-Known Unknowns which concluded: "These finding on statin major adverse effects had been under-reported and the way in which they withheld from the public, and even concealed, is a scientific farce." And now, in both the USA and the UK, doctors are being encouraged to prescribe even more statin drugs. Fortunately, many doctors are now stepping forward and speaking out against this biggest medical fraud of all time.

        Deputy Chairman of British Medical Association Condemns Statins

        What is one way to get doctors to wake up to the dangers of the drugs they prescribe? Put them on the same drugs! Apparently, this simple technique has worked in the U.K, as leading doctors speaking out against the dangers of statin drugs now include Dr. Kailash Chand, deputy chairman of the British Medical Association. What has caused Dr. Chand to sound the alarm? The Daily Express reports that he has suffered “awful” muscle pains while taking statins, and claims that plans to prescribe them to millions more adults will “only benefit drug companies”. Dr Chand warned that giving the drugs to low-risk patients was “a commercialisation device” and not in their interests. Many experts say it is unnecessary to “medicalise” a problem which could be controlled with simple dietary changes, pointing to a study showing that eating an apple a day cuts cholesterol levels as effectively as taking statins. Dr Kendrick, who has written a book called The Great Cholesterol Con, said: “I can stop people dying from heart disease by pushing them off the edge of a cliff. They might not like the end result."

          Beta-Blockers Killed 800,000 in 5 Years: “Good Medicine” or Mass Murder?

          Most people assume that scientific integrity is somehow assured; that there are safeguards along the way, preventing fraudulent research from harming patients. Unfortunately, scientific misconduct has become a very serious and widespread problem that threatens the entire paradigm of science-based medicine—unless changes are made. Again and again, papers assessing the prevalence of scientific fraud and/or the impact this is having shows that the situation is dire and getting worse. In short, we have lost scientific integrity, and without it, “science-based medicine” is just a term without substance. Conflict of interest is another pervasive problem within the research field, and the featured article highlights a case that contains both. Beta-blockers are drugs commonly used in the treatment of high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. They work primarily by blocking the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenaline) from binding to beta receptors, thereby dilating blood vessels, which reduces your heart rate and blood pressure. Until recently, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) also recommended using beta-blockers in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. A recent article in Forbes Magazine highlights how medical guidelines based on questionable science may have resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of patients in just a few years: “Last summer, British researchers provoked concern when they published a paper raising the possibility that by following an established guideline UK doctors may have caused as many as 10,000 deaths each year,” Larry Husten, editorial director of WebMD professional news, writes. Now, they have gone a step further and published an estimate that the same guideline may have led to the deaths of as many as 800,000 people in Europe over the last five years… The 800,000 deaths are comparable in size to the worst cases of genocide and mass murder in recent history.”

            New Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines Could Double the Number of People on Dangerous Statins—Including Perfectly Healthy People

            One in four Americans over the age of 45 currently take a statin drug, despite the fact that there are over 900 studies proving their adverse effects, which run the gamut from muscle problems to increased cancer risk. Now, new treatment guidelines for high cholesterol will likely DOUBLE the number of Americans being prescribed these dangerous drugs, bringing the total to an estimated—and staggering—72 million people! 12 of the 16 panel members of the new guidelines are affiliated with more than 50 different drug companies, many of which have a financial interest in the outcome of this report.

              A Pox on Cholesterol Lowering Drugs: Statins Raise Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Risk

              A new study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases reveals an association between statin drug use and increased risk of herpes zoster (shingles). Researchers from St. Michael's Hospital, Ontario, Canada, conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study of Ontario residents 66 years of age or older, with a study period of thirteen years. They matched 494,651 individuals treated with a statin to an equal number of individuals not treated with one. In the main analysis, the rate of herpes zoster was higher among users of statins relative to nonusers of these drugs.

                Dr. Brownstein on New Cholesterol Guidelines: Fugetaboutit

                This week, the new guidelines on preventing heart disease were released by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. The media reported widely about this. Now, for most people, monitoring LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels is not indicated. If your risk of developing cardiac disease is over 7.5% over a ten year period, then statins are recommended. The risk can be calculated by going to the American Heart Association website and plugging in your cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol numbers as well as your age and whether you smoke or not. It is hard for me to believe that this is where modern medicine is at. I guess nobody needs to see a health care professional anymore—just put your numbers in and if you have a 10-year heart attack risk of >7.5%,then you must take a statin for the rest of your life. I have one word for this nonsense: fugetaboutit. People do not get vascular events from a lack of a statin medication. Vascular events occur from a myriad of reasons including eating a poor diet, dehydration, as well as nutrient and hormonal imbalances. Don’t be scared about the media headlines. As you become more educated you will be more comfortable making your health care decisions.

                  Cholesterol Numbers Meaningless, but FDA to Approve New Class of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Anyway

                  Recently, the latest guidelines (issued by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology) on preventing cardiovascular disease were launched in the US, with a great blare of publicity. The key message was that targets for lowering cholesterol levels are now gone. Don’t worry about cholesterol levels! This is a remarkable U-turn and not only that. What they are saying, in effect, is that lowering LDL is of no use at all. So you might think that the logical next step is that fewer people should be taking statins. Yet weirdly the guidelines now recommend that far more people start to take statins. Perhaps another forty million in the US alone.

                    CoQ10 versus Ubiquinol – What You Need to Know, Especially if You Take Statins

                    Coenzyme Q10 is used for energy production by every cell in your body, and also helps protect against cellular damage from free radicals. CoQ10 is especially important if you’re taking a statin drug as statins deplete your body of CoQ10, thereby speeding up progression of heart disease. Ubiquinol is the reduced form of CoQ10 – the effective form your body naturally uses to transfer free electrons – and research shows that this reduced form is superior for your health in a number of ways, primarily due to its superior bioavailability if you’re over 25. CoQ10 has been available for many decades, but the reduced version, ubiquinol, has only been commercially available for about six years. Prior to that it could only be made for research studies. There are well over 100 studies supporting its use and demonstrating its many health benefits, including its beneficial effect on statin-induced myalgia and other diseases rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction. Studies have demonstrated that ubiquinol has a positive effect on: inflammatory processes, septic shock (which is also associated with mitochondrial dysfunction), cardiac arrest and stroke recovery, and periodontal disease (including gingivitis and dry mouth).

                      ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Scam and Pharmaceutical Criminal Activity

                      ABC News in Australia has done an incredible investigative report on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, daring to expose organized crime in the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. This is an area where no mainstream media outlet in the USA dares to go, due to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. In this excellent investigative documentary, cardiologists are interviewed to reveal the fraud of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and the criminal activity that has allowed this class of drug to become the best-selling class of drugs all-time. Some of the top cardiologists in the U.S. have stated that there is not one single study showing that people who take statins will actually live longer. This fraud is now coming out into the open. After ABC Australia aired Part 1, The Heart of the Matter, last week, Australia’s top medicine safety expert, Emily Banks, urged ABC not to air the follow-up, because it might encourage people to go off their anti-cholesterol statin drugs. “If people stop using their statins . . . it’s very likely that it will result in death.” But those scare tactics and attempts at censorship failed, and below is Part 2 as it was aired in Australia, and is now available for the world to watch. If you or someone you know are prescribed a cholesterol-lowering statin drug, you would do well to invest 30 minutes of your time to watch this investigative report. You are not likely to learn this information from your doctor, and it could literally change your life.

                        Study: Lifestyle Trumps Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs for Primary Heart Attack Prevention

                        A review of the published statin research revealed a categorical lack of evidence to support the use of statin therapy in primary prevention of heart attacks. Statins may actually increase cardiovascular risk in women, the young and people with diabetes. The cholesterol-lowering drugs are also linked to an increased risk of cataracts, memory impairment, diabetes, erectile dysfunction and over 300 adverse health effects. Lifestyle changes were far more effective, and safer, for primary heart attack prevention than statin drugs.

                          Statin Drugs Being Tested on Critically Ill Patients

                          In a recent article published in JAMA, critical ill patients underwent statin drug testing because it was thought that statin therapy may decrease the mortality of ICU ventilator-assisted patient. In the end, more people died in the statin group than in the placebo group. Who in their right mind would think that critically ill patients would get better by poisoning a crucial enzyme? Keep in mind that we cannot live without adequate amounts of cholesterol.

                            Cholesterol Drugs Linked To Eye Damage, JAMA Study Confirms Anew

                            A new study published in JAMA Ophthalmology titled, "Association of Statin Use With Cataracts: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis," reveals that the top-grossing, cholesterol-lowering drug class known as statins is significantly increasing the risk of cataracts within exposed populations. Statin-induced eye damage will be a surprising finding to some, especially to statin drug advocates who have argued that the purported 'antioxidant' effects of statins 'may slow the natural aging process of the lens.'

                              Statins Are the Greatest Medical Fraud of All Time: Study Reports

                              A new study clarifies that statins are the greatest medical fraud of all time. The claims made for them are false. The amount of harm they do is staggering, resulting in millions of lives devastated and ended. The worst part of all, though, is that it was entirely predictable—but studies were designed to hide the truth. The media, the health agencies, and the doctors all provided cover for Big Pharma. After all, there was money to be made.

                                The Ugly Side of Statins: An Honest Look at the Research of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

                                Lipitor, the blockbuster cholesterol-lowering statin drug produced by Pfizer, was the world's most successful drug during the time its patent was active. It's total sales exceeded $140 billion, more than twice its nearest competitor. When its patent expired at the end of 2011, the FDA issued its first warning statements on cholesterol-lowering drugs at the beginning of 2012, which included memory loss, diabetes, and liver damage. But how many people had already suffered these effects, and many others, before the FDA issued any warnings? Still, the class of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins continues to earn major revenues for drug companies today, especially among generic brands now. With almost 1 out of every 4 Americans over the age of 55 currently taking a statin drug, we may just be seeing the tip of the iceberg on how damaging these drugs have been, as they are now being linked to Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases as well. Statin drugs may very well become the largest criminal act ever committed upon the American public, eclipsing the Vioxx scandal that is responsible for more than 60,000 deaths. Almost all of the major drug companies today are convicted criminals, with settlements in legal cases well into the billions of dollars. But no one goes to prison, and the drug sales continue. This just published study reviewing the so-called scientific studies backing the rationale for cholesterol-lowering statin drugs is probably the most comprehensive one to date. It is: "a comprehensive review of Pubmed, EMBASE and Cochrane review databases undertaken for articles relating to cardiovascular primary prevention and statin side effects with the aim of harmonising their roles within contemporary clinic practice." And the conclusion of this review of the scientific studies? "These finding on statin major adverse effects had been under-reported and the way in which they withheld from the public, and even concealed, is a scientific farce." Read the complete study and spread the word.

                                  Study: Higher Cholesterol Levels Associated with Longer Life – Statin Drugs Useless

                                  If you have high cholesterol levels you should take a statin right? That is the mantra promoted by conventional medicine. In fact, statins have become the most profitable class of medications sold by The Big Pharma Cartel. I have seen countless patients who have been told by their doctor that if they don’t take a statin drug they are putting themselves in line for heart attack. However, that is not what the research has found. A recent (2013) study found that high cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels in subjects over 50 years was associated with lowered all-cause mortality. The Cochrane Collaboration, an independent group that is not associated with Big Pharma money stated, “Statins do not have a proven net health benefit in primary prevention populations and thus when used in that setting do not represent good use of scarce health care resources.”

                                    New Cholesterol Drug is Likely to Prematurely Kill You

                                    A new class of drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors promises to reduce LDL cholesterol levels to previously unheard of lows, dropping your level below 50. These drugs will undoubtedly kill many before the risks are fully realized. Your body needs cholesterol for the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids that help you to digest fat. If your levels get too low, you increase your risk of dementia, violent and aggressive behavior, depression, suicide, cancer, Parkinson’s disease—and likely heart disease, as a result of cholesterol sulfate deficiency.

                                      Ubiquinol Rescues Cells from Statin-Induced Side Effects

                                      Ubiquinol, the reduced form of CoQ10, effectively rescues cells from the damage caused by a statin drug thereby protecting muscle cells from myopathies. Patients with statin-associated myopathy who took CoQ10 experienced significantly less pain, decreased muscle weakness and cramps, and less fatigue. Ubiquinol is not only important for those taking statins, it’s also been found to lower the risk of a variety of chronic diseases and has anti-aging properties.

                                        Statin Use For 10 Years? Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer by over 200%!

                                        The Big Pharma Cartel has scared Americans into thinking that if they don’t lower their cholesterol, they are a ticking time bomb that will eventually end with a fatal heart attack. It is an amazing feat when you consider that these drugs have never been shown, in any individual who has not had a heart attack or stroke, to save lives, prolong lives, or reduce the risk of a fatal heart attack. A recent study reported that in women, current users of statins for 10 years or longer had a 83% increase risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and a 97% increase risk of invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast as compared to never users. Among women with high cholesterol levels, current users of statins for 10 years or longer had a 204% increase risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and a 243% increase risk of invasive lobular carcinoma as compared to never users. Breast cancer is a plague affecting nearly one in seven U.S. women. There are many, many studies showing a lowered cholesterol level increases the cancer risk. It should come as no surprise that chemically lowering cholesterol levels will increase cancer rates.

                                          Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Shown to Nullify Benefits of Exercise

                                          Exercise is a foundational strategy to naturally maintain healthy cholesterol levels and optimize your heart health. However, research now shows that if you take a statin drug, you’re likely to forfeit any and all health benefits of your exercise. Statin drugs, which millions are taking as a form of “preventive medicine” to protect their heart health, can have detrimental effects on your heart.