Trump’s Call for Building “Freedom Cities” Plays Right into Globalists’ Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid

Low and behold, the paragon of American conservatism has now come out of the woodwork with a message built on repackaged, reformulated smart cities as the way to go moving forward. Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans. Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump. In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of. Instead of warning us about the globalists’ plans for digitization of everything, including our money and our very identities, Trump puts his own patriotic twist on the same globalist technocratic theme. He is distracting us here with stupid talk about flying cars and Americanizing the tools of our slavery. Instead of buying the tools from China, he will make sure they’re all American-made. Doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

You Are Being Watched! More Security Cameras Per Capita in the U.S. than in China: Silicon Valley Whistleblower

The technology used in China to confine people to quarantine camps and determine social credit scores already exists here in the U.S. also. In fact, according to a Silicon Valley whistleblower, there are more security cameras per capita here in the U.S., right NOW, than there are in China! This is most certainly an important issue that everyone needs to be educated about, and so I highly recommend you spend the time to watch this recent interview with Silicon Valley whistleblower Aman Jabbi who was recently interviewed by Maria Zeee. I used to earn my living from Big Tech, and have been warning people for years that the biggest threat from Big Tech is NOT technology that is supposedly going to replace humans or breed new "transhumans," but that the biggest threat was from using artificial intelligence (AI) to be able to monitor huge amounts of data to try and track every single person on the face of the planet. But having been out of the technology field for many years now, even I learned many things from this interview with Aman Jabbi, who has since moved out of Silicon Valley to live in a remote area of Montana. Aman's area of expertise is in camera technology, and watching his presentation introduced me to new concepts I was not previously familiar with, such as geofencing, panopticon, talk pedometers, and LED incapacitators. If you are not familiar with these terms, as I wasn't, this video is must viewing. It was published a week ago and already has over 270,000 views at the time I am writing this. One of things Aman discussed was the fact that collecting data on children is a "BIG BUSINESS," and parents are unwittingly supplying this data to Big Tech by using their products, such as the "Talk Pedometer." This gives the State and Child "Protective" Services a way to spy on parents and take away their children if they don't approve of their parenting style. Another topic Aman covered in his presentation was "LED Capacitators" and "smart light poles." These are weapons, and the fact that these LED light weapons exist is not an area of dispute, as there is even a Wikipedia page about them, and law enforcement agencies are allegedly already using them.

New 5G Cell Towers and Smart Meters to Increase Microwave Radiation – Invade Privacy

When the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved the use of 5-G microwave communication technology in 2016 and approved the use of microwave frequencies in the 30 Ghz range, they opened the door to even higher levels of human illness and severe disability for American children and adults. The introduction of even more intense levels of microwave exposure at higher frequencies will push many people into life-threatening chronic illness. High frequency microwave radiation is often overlooked as a causative factor in illness, because most conventional healthcare providers, government regulators, telecom companies, and electric utilities believe microwave radiation used in communication technology is harmless. Are the dreams of mega-corporations to create smart cities saturated in high frequency microwave electromagnetic fields worth the harm that this technology will create for the people who live in those cities? In smart cities, no one will be exempt from microwave exposure. We won’t be able to opt out, because the 5G microwave system is designed to reach every space in a city. Those who experience microwave related illness and disability will have few options. They will either stay in the smart city and stay sick or they will need to try to find a place to live in some sparsely populated off the grid location where the 5G system does not reach. Which future do you want for America? Super-fast internet and corporate control of every aspect of your life, or good health and longevity?