Could Your Morning Coffee Ward Off Skin Cancer?

    Is coffee a health elixir or an addictive toxin? The evidence goes both ways. But a study from Rutgers University now casts another vote for the health benefits of coffee. It finds that in addition to drinking that morning cup, you may even want to bathe in some coffee as a way of preventing harmful sun damage or skin cancer.

      Is Your Moisturizer Increasing Your Risk for Skin Cancer?

      by Dr. Mercola

      A study has found that topical applications of moisturizers such as Dermabase, Dermovan, Eucerin Original Moisturizing Cream, or Vanicream could increase skin cancer risk.

      Irradiated mice who were treated with the moisturizers exhibited a significant increase in their rate of tumor formation and increase in tumor size per mouse. Treatment of the mice […]

        Why Using Sunscreen Will Actually INCREASE Your Risk of Skin Cancer

        by Dr. Mercola
        Contrary to popular belief, using sunscreen will increase your risk of melanoma. Sunscreen ingredients inhibit inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Sunscreens prevent UV-induced redness, which occurs in part through the action of nitric oxide (NO), synthesized in the skin. But NO is an important immunoregulatory molecule, and it is crucial in the […]