Attorney Explains how to Protect Against America’s Epidemic of Senior Medical Kidnappings

As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, the medical kidnapping of America's elderly is a $273 BILLION industry. Medical kidnapping of senior citizens occurs when a doctor, usually a psychiatrist, deems that the senior can no longer take care of themselves, and gets a judge to sign an order of "guardianship" or "conservatorship" to someone working for the State. This state-appointed guardian then comes in and seizes all of their assets, and keeps them a prisoner locked up in a mental facility, most of the time against the wishes of their family members. This epidemic in the U.S. is even a larger problem than child medical kidnapping, as state-appointed guardians currently have 1.3 million elderly people nationwide under their control. The few stories we have covered here at Health Impact News regarding seniors medically kidnapped represent just a tiny fraction of what is going on all across the U.S. every single day. Attorney Mark Nestmann has written an article that was published on giving people practical advice on how to oppose these adult medical kidnappings: Protect Yourself from America’s Corrupt Guardianship System.

Massachusetts Senior Citizen and Attorney Medically Kidnapped – Estate Plundered – Represents National Epidemic

Retired lawyer Marvin Siegel of Boxford, Massachusetts, has lived an isolated and heavily-medicated existence, against his will and wishes, after court proceedings in August in 2011 resulted in his being placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship that his family considers to be unlawful. His meticulous estate planning has been eviscerated, and millions of dollars continue to be plundered from the 88-year-old’s estate. He is being held prisoner in his own home, under medical providers that his daughter has termed "24/7 guards." Meanwhile, his daughters Attorney Lisa Siegel Belanger and Devora Kaiser tirelessly advocate for him in the court system, despite those who are working vigorously to shut them out of their father’s life. At this point, those in charge of Mr. Siegel’s estate have drained half of the retired attorney’s approximate nine-million-dollar estate deceptively and fraudulently, according to Lisa. Further, as Lisa began to research her father’s case, she uncovered a network of corruption within the family and probate court system of Essex County, where the case is, as well as in other Massachusetts counties. The daughters’ court documents allege fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering, involving 40 litigants in the Siegel case alone. Lisa states that the medical kidnapping and plundering of senior citizens' estates is common, as they target poor and rich alike: "The scary part of it is that this is not an isolated incident. This is business as usual. It is a pattern of isolate. Medicate. Liquidate. It doesn’t matter the amount of a person’s estate, even if a person has virtually nothing to their name. The fact that an elder is receiving some sort of government benefit that automatically brings you into their clutches. People don’t realize that it affects basically everyone."

Medical Kidnapping of Baby Boomer Seniors Not Rare – Now the Norm

While the vast majority of stories we cover on report on how parents are losing their children to a corrupt CPS and medical system, we have had multiple readers also contact us regarding elder abuse and senior medical kidnappings. Our reader's problems are compounded by the courts and their ability to dictate who can do what, with whom. The door to elder abuse has long been knocked off its hinges starting as early as the 1980s with the S&L scam that was perpetrated against the elderly Baby Boomers. Unfortunately, this road map for Boomer carnage has led the way for a more clandestine, organized, and once undocumented illegal activity--kidnapping and medical abuse of today's senior Boomers. Under the guise of court appointed guardianship, our seniors are being drained of familial contact, removed from their homes, isolated, given unnecessary drugs rendering them lethargic and semi-comatose, and then relieved of their property.