Freedom of Information Request Reveals 5,522 People have Died Within 28 Days of Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines in Scotland

    After 7 months of mass COVID-19 vaccination efforts worldwide, we are receiving more and more reports about just how severe the casualties have been from injecting so many people with these experimental shots, and the massive efforts of censorship to try and prevent the public from understanding the full scope of the deaths and disabilities these shots have caused. Another report came to our attention today from Scotland, where Public Health Scotland apparently has responded to numerous freedom of information requests to provide data on how many people in Scotland have died within 28 days of receiving one of the shots, due to reports to their agency. They published the results on their official COVID-19 statistical report page, where as of June 23, 2021 they report that 5,522 people have died within 28 days of receiving one of the COVID-19 injections in use within Scotland. The total population of Scotland is about 5.5 million people. The Daily Expose, based out of the UK, covered the story earlier this week. Using the same percentages as the statistics supplied by Public Health Scotland, based on the population of the UK, they state that would equate to about 57,470 deaths in the UK within 28 days of being injected with the COVID-19 shot. For the population in the United States, that would equate to about 331,320 deaths within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection. Could this be true? We reported earlier this week how officials in the City of Baltimore have stated that the safety of residents of the city are in jeopardy due to staffing shortages with firefighters and police officers. I have personally been told that a major Sheriff department of a major U.S. city is also facing severe staffing shortages, and that deaths of Sheriff deputies following COVID-19 injections are being covered up. And what is going to happen to our healthcare system if hospitals across the country keep firing staff who refuse to take one of these dangerous injections? Hang on folks, because I think we are in for some very rough times ahead, and most of the American public is in "summer vacation" mode right now enjoying their new "freedoms" as COVID restrictions have relaxed in most parts of the country, completely oblivious to the dangers that seem to be awaiting us later this summer or early this Fall.

      Scottish Mother and Science Officer Warns School Teachers of HPV Vaccine Risks

      Mrs. Caran Dynan, mother of a vaccine injured daughter, Kilsyth, Scotland, Science Officer and political activist for AHVID has sent this letter to many schools in Scotland and England to raise awareness that school girls are becoming very ill following HPV vaccination and are missing out on so much of their education. "With regards to the Human Papillomavirus Vaccination administered in your school, I would like to raise your awareness to the real possible side effects of this vaccine, as well as the lack of studies and safety tests carried out on this Vaccine. To make it clear, I am writing this letter from the stance of a mother whose perfectly healthy (apart from slight hay fever) daughter’s life was completely altered after receiving Gardasil. Very soon after receiving her first vaccination, her health started to decline, both mentally and physically, for what appeared to be no reason."

        Scotland Considers Dangerous Side Effects of HPV Vaccine

        I speak today on behalf of not only the UK Association for HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters who have had their lives turned upside down after HPV vaccine administration, but each of the 2019 people from 55 countries who signed because they are having similar experiences and support open scientific discussions. Our association was organized at the beginning of this year when it became apparent that we needed to co-ordinate everyone’s individual efforts as a group. Our association represents families from Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland operating under the banner of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID). Our association is in the process of compiling information to submit to the EMA for consideration during their safety assessment of HPV vaccines. Of the 88 family reports analysed to date: 68% reported their daughters experienced health problems serious enough to interfere with their education; 24% reported symptoms so severe their daughter could no longer participate in educational activities; 70% required help with daily care; and a full 91% reported being told their daughters’ medical conditions were psychological in origin. Do we accept what the manufacturer and their list of experts are saying and assume HPV vaccines are safe and effective and there just happens to be an epidemic of psychosomatic disorders spreading round the world affecting certain young people who have one thing in common, they were injected with HPV vaccines? Do we sweep all of these families under the proverbial ‘psychological disorder’ carpet and ignore their misery; or do we treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve by using every means at our disposal to identify those at risk of serious adverse reactions and develop successful treatment protocols for those already suffering? Please, demonstrate to the world that Scotland is still a country that does not ignore the suffering of innocents. Show the world Scotland is not afraid to hold open, honest scientific discussions no matter how controversial the subject might be.