Since National U.S. Elections are Rigged by The Globalists, Why are You Voting for Their Candidates?

The "right to vote" in political elections is regarded as a sacred duty for most Americans, as this "value" is driven into our subconsciousness from our earliest ages through the educational system and mass media. The illusion that the public has actual choices to "vote" into office is a fairly recent development in human history, and has been part of Western Culture since the 17th Century. Today in the United States of America, the American public is kept in check by the Globalists by ensuring that there is only a 2-party system so that the country can be perpetually divided and fighting against each other, instead of uniting together to overthrow the Globalists who control the world's financial system, and make sure that candidates who serve their interests are leading BOTH political parties. Here in 2023, almost ALL Americans admit that national election results are rigged. The Republicans have made this a central issue since the 2020 elections, and the Trump campaign recently released a video showing that the Democrats have also complained about rigged elections in the past. So why are the majority of Americans today still choosing to support and vote for one of the Globalists' puppets for the office of the President of the United States? The strongest message that the American public could send to these Globalists would be to simply STAY HOME AND DO NOT VOTE for their puppet candidates! Something like a 25% to 30% voter turnout would actually send the strongest message possible to these Globalists, communicating that the American public is on to them, and that they are NOT going to participate in their evil schemes anymore. This would actually terrify them, I guarantee it. But I already know the objections and criticisms that will be leveled against me for even daring to suggest we should not participate in national elections, as this is not the first time I have written this. People want their idols and heroes to vote for, and "choosing the lesser of two evils" is perfectly acceptable to most Americans. If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, however, you are mocking your King and Savior if go out and cast a vote for one of Satan's demonic representatives.