Big Food has Taken Over the USDA National Organic Program – Why I am no Longer Importing Certified Organic Food

    Since the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed standards for organic foods to be certified as "organic" by the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) in 2002, the quality of organic food sold in the U.S. has been rapidly declining, as the major food corporations that control most of the nation's food supply have continually applied pressure to the USDA to lower those organic standards so that they could capitalize on consumer demand for "certified organic" food, while still mass producing their food the same way they produce conventional (non-organic) foods. Unfortunately, things have only become worse here in 2024 for the USDA certified organic program, in terms of consolidating power for the industry for Corporate Big Food. When the United States was founded back in the 1700s, about 90% of the population was employed in agriculture. By the time of the Civil War under President Lincoln, that number had fallen to about 50%. Today, just a handful of companies produce our food, with less than 2% of the population employed in agriculture. In short, we are just one disaster away from our entire food chain collapsing. If you are among the tens of millions of people in the U.S. who rely on grocery store chains to purchase your food, and have never considered what you would do if the shelves of those stores went bare, then it is time you change your thinking and buying habits when it comes to food.

      Who Do You Trust for Your Food? REAL Food is Created by God – Biotech Food is Polluted and Poisonous

      As the techno-prophecies today are being proven to be mostly pure fantasy not based on anything real, and as we face the imminent collapse of our financial system drawing closer each day to the Great Reset, it is important that we learn from the mistakes these false beliefs that have propped up modern society have made, so that those who survive the difficult times we are now heading into, can begin to rebuild society on things that are true and lasting. And one of the most pressing needs is to decentralize food production, breaking our society's slavery to Big Food and their technology where just a handful of technocrats among the Billionaires and Bankers control most of the world's food today, food that is contaminated and poisonous. What I am going to cover in this article today are solutions to the problem of having so few people control most of the world's food, by first properly defining just what food is and where REAL food comes from, so we can break the monopolies of Big Food and their slavery over the world's population, and return to time-proven methods of food production that bring about health and food security. Most of this is information I have previously published over the past 20 years, but it is more important than ever to define real food, as we have entire generations now who have no clue as to where their food comes from, and how mass-produced biotech food affects our health.

        Sifting Whole Wheat Flour and Other Tips for Making Better Whole Grain Breads

        Baking bread is one of the most basic of tasks and yet, in this current day-and-age, it has been complicated by dozens of factors. To trudge through the confusion, like so many other topics, we need to get back to the basics. That starts with good quality grain and the ability to use it to create good bread. There are as many ways to make good bread as there are cultures around the world that rely on it for their daily sustenance. What follows is a simple list of tips and tricks for the home baker looking to create better loaves using wholesome ingredients. For those who like to stick with 100% whole grain breads, there are three techniques that can be used to work with the fiber and heartiness of whole grains, rather than against them.

          Top Chefs Serving Heads of State Served Raw Milk in Amish Barn

          The Club des Chefs des Chefs, known as the world's most exclusive gastronomic society, recently gathered in an Amish barn in Pennsylvania. In attendance were some of the world's most renowned chefs including: the queen of England's chef, chef to His Highness Prince Albert II, of Monaco, two chefs who serve Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, and President Obama's chef Cristeta Comerford. Among the local organic food that was served to these distinguished chefs by Amish farmer Leroy Miller, was raw milk. Did any of these chefs refuse the Amish raw milk? We don't know, but I doubt it. These were chefs, not politicians. Unfortunately, however, locally-produced farm food has become a huge political issue in recent times. Back in 2011 the Obama administration decided the FDA should prosecute Amish raw milk farmer Dan Allgyer in Pennsylvania, carrying out a sting operation against him and putting him out of business. His crime was supplying raw milk to a private food club a few miles away, but across the Pennsylvania state border. The incident prompted a demonstration in Washington D.C. Will the major players in the industrial mass-produced and heavily subsidized food system that runs America allow direct access to farm-fresh food? The movement towards community sustainable agriculture and local foods is definitely an economic threat to the current system. But for at least one day, the chefs of the politicians who often protect the Industrial Food system gathered together in an Amish barn to enjoy REAL food!

            Growing and Eating REAL Food is Affordable

            by Chiots
            Not Dabbling In Normal

            Growing your own food isn’t just about saving money, it’s about so much more. I truly believe that as humans we posses an innate desire or need to take a hand-on role in the production of the food we consume. Whether through growing your own, foraging in the […]