Judge who Ruled against Raw Milk in Wisconsin quits to work for Monsanto law firm

    By Rady Ananda
    Food Freedom

    The Wisconsin judge who recently ruled that we have no right to own a cow or drink its milk resigned to join one of Monsanto’s law firms.

    Judge Fiedler ruled that humans:

    “Do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;”
    “Do not have a fundamental […]

      Farmers (and Consumers) Denied the Right to Consume Milk from Their Own Cows

      Wisconsin judge goes further and rules that none of us—farmers or consumers—have the right to decide what we have for our own dinner. A state Action Alert!
      Last week, Wisconsin judge Patrick J. Fiedler ruled against the property rights of cow owners and their right to consume raw milk from their own cows. […]

        US Tries To Push Big Dairy Operations in Iraq

        (Health Impact News) Food freedom is a hot topic here in the U.S., especially regarding the Raw Milk wars. The government is coming down hard on small-scale dairy farms that are selling raw milk to consumers eager to buy it. The battle has been well documented in the media and blogs throughout the U.S. […]

          Raw milk is tied to lower risk of asthma, allergies in children

          Health Impact News Editor Comments: The government and anti-raw milk crusaders keep stating the mantra that there is no difference between pasteurized milk and raw milk in terms of nutritional benefits. Here is the latest study refuting that false claim.
          The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study
          The Journal of […]

            Raw Milk Still Illegal in Wisconsin

            by Wisconsin Campaign for Liberty

            Right now raw milk, milk taken directly from cows, is illegal.

            Farmers can be fined, taken to court and even jailed for selling a product to willing consumers.

            Does that make any sense to you? Me neither.

            Right now is the time for us to change this. Senate Bill 108 would legalize […]

              Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Raw Milk Farmers

              by David Gumpert
              The Complete Patient

              “Heads I win, tails you lose.”
              I couldn’t help but think about that kids’ expression–the kind of everything-going-your-way fantasy all kids dream about at one time or another–as I read through Wisconsin judge Patrick Fiedler’s opinion in two cases challenging the state’s ban on raw milk sales and distribution.
              The […]

                Local food advocates to protest in Santa Cruz a crackdown on herdshare programs for raw milk

                by JASON HOPPIN — Santa Cruz Sentinel

                BONNY DOON – As far as goat farmers go, Mali McGee counts herself among the militants.

                “We are out of the barn and willing to talk about it,” said McGee, who runs Milk Mama Goat Farm, a small goat and sheep farm in a remote corner of Bonny Doon.

                With […]

                  FDA Raw Milk Hit Man has Ties to Big Dairy Industry – Little Experience

                  by David Gumpert
                  The Complete Patient
                  FDA You have to wonder: What has John Sheehan been trying so hard to hide in refusing to disclose information about himself?
                  When I was researching my book, The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights, one of the items on my check list was to profile […]

                    FDA Increases Pressure on Raw Milk Movement

                    by Sara Burrows

                    In the name of protecting public health, the Food and Drug Administration has stepped up its regulation of unpasteurized or “raw” milk over the last few years, raiding Amish farmers in Pennsylvania and shutting down organic co-ops in Los Angeles at gunpoint.

                    Things could soon become even worse for producers […]

                      Government Protects “the Children” From Parents and Raw Milk

                      by Karen De Coster

                      This dumbed-down piece on the website Real Raw Milk Facts is one of the most inept propaganda pieces I have ever seen making the case against raw milk. The author of the piece, Richard Raymond, invokes hyperbolic history and distorted facts to make the case that, under […]

                        Raw Milk Consumer Guide: How to Choose Your Raw Dairy Farmer

                        Dr. Amanda Rose has been gracious enough to let us publish her excellent Raw Milk Consumer Guide. Depending on which state you live in and the current laws in that state, you will either be able to obtain raw milk from a health food store, direct from the farm, through a buyer's club, or via a herd share type of program. Current estimates put raw milk consumers in the USA above 9 million, and quite possibly closer to 12 million, and increasing rapidly. As a result, a consumer guide like this is absolutely essential to ensure you are obtaining the quality of raw milk you desire. Farmers are like any other sector of society: there are good ones and bad ones. Just because someone is willing to sell you their milk raw, do not assume that it is the type of product you want to consume simply because it is raw.

                          The Last Farm in the City – The War Against Small Farms and Raw Milk in California

                          A short version of a documentary-in-progress about Evergreen Acres Goat Farm, a small family farm in San Jose, CA, that is struggling to maintain their herd-share operation following the attempt of local law enforcement and the California Department of Food and Agriculture to shut them down.

                            Politics more than Science Behind Government Attacks Against Raw Milk

                            Foodborne Illnesses in America:

                            Complex Factory Foods pose the Highest Risk

                            by Rady Ananda

                            A close look at the people behind the raw milk scare, and the actual numbers of foodborne illness, reveals that politics more than science drives the food safety agenda in the U.S.

                            Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack just appointed Susan […]

                              California: Herdshare Dairy and Goat Owners File Suit Against CDFA over Raw Milk Private Ownership Rights

                              Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
                              Falls Church, Virginia (August 9, 2011)–The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund on behalf of its California members, San Jose goat farmers Mike and Jane Hulme and San Jose goat owners Ian Gerbode, Sara-Jane Skiwski and Sarah Sullivan, has filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Food and Agriculture […]

                                Tucker Adkins Dairy Asks FDA for Reputation Back: Test Results Vindicate Raw Milk and Dairy Farm

                                Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
                                “How do we get our reputation back?” That’s what Tommy and Carolyn Adkins of Tucker Adkins Dairy were asking after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged last week that raw milk suspected of harboring campylobacter tested negative. On July 16 FDA […]

                                  Raw Food Co-op in LA Raided Again for Raw Milk Distribution

                                  by David Gumpert
                                  The Complete Patient
                                  When you watch the brief video below of the raid yesterday on Rawesome Food Club, resist the inclination to focus on the conversation and shouting happening off to the left. Instead, keep an eye on the guy who keeps appearing on the right. He’s the law enforcement […]

                                    You are 35,000 times more likely to become ill from other foods than you are from raw milk

                                    By Ted Beals, MD
                                    Those Pathogens, What You Should Know
                                    Remarks delivered at the Third International Raw Milk Symposium, May 7, 2011, Bloomington, Minnesota.

                                    I wish to begin by saying that the real discussion of food, including raw milk, should focus on the undeniable values and benefits for our development and sustained health. Sally […]

                                      California Moves to Take Away Citizens Right to Board Cows, Goats

                                      Michael and Jane Hulme and Two Nubian Goats
                                      by Kimberly Hartke
                                      Michael Hulme is a 67 year old former Vice President of Business Development for a semiconductor firm. He lost his position as a result of our nation’s economic downturn. Because there were no jobs to be had in California, he and his […]

                                        The Advantages of Raw Milk…Cooked!

                                        by Maureen
                                        Home Made Mothering

                                        About a year and a half ago I wrote a post about my interest in raw milk. All the milk sold in American grocery stores is pasteurized at either 161 degrees for 15 seconds or 145 degrees for 30 minutes. Pasteurization kills any dangerous bacteria potentially lurking […]

                                          California Raw Milk Farmer Stands Up to California Department of Food and Agriculture

                                          Photo by BRYAN PATRICK / bpatrick@sacbee.com
                                          By Carlos Alcalá
                                          The Sacramento Bee
                                          Pattie Chelseth thinks she has the right to sell you a fraction of a cow.

                                          Chelseth, operator of My Sisters’ Farm in Shingle Springs, keeps two cows owned by 15 people.

                                          A cow’s owner can legally drink its milk filtered but unpasteurized, so she believes each […]