Phenolic Compounds and Enzymatic Activity in Raw Honey Positively Affect Oxidative Stress and Bone Density

Much of the research available to us today regarding modern-day diseases points to oxidative stress and inflammation. One of the easiest ways to combat this modern-day problem affecting our health is to replace refined sugars in your diet with honey. Let's take a look at how making this one simple change in our diet, to using honey instead of refined sugar, can have tremendous health benefits.

A Do-It-Yourself Cinnamon, Honey, Coconut Facial for Acne

Acne is an issue that plagues many people. This has led to countless specialized products being developed to combat the acne dilemma, many of which are more harmful than helpful. Since everyone’s skin reacts differently to so many different things, finding just the right product that is both healthy and helpful can get pricey and frustrating very quickly. Instead of wasting time and money searching for a product to purchase without harsh chemicals that works for you skin, make your own DIY facial using safe ingredients. Making your own specialized products with high quality ingredients is easier, safer for your health, far more cost effective and can work just as well, if not better, than the products on drugstore shelves.

Honey Plus Coffee Beats Steroid For Treating Cough

A remarkable new study looking at natural alternatives to medications found that compared to a systemic steroid, a combination of honey and coffee was superior in reducing symptoms associated with a post-infectious cough (PPC). PPC is a cough that remains after a common cold or an upper respiratory tract infection for more than three weeks, and in some cases as long as several months. Conventional treatment may involve any number of powerful drugs, many of which have serious side effects, including codeine and dextromethorphan (so-called centrally acting antitussives), antihistamines, narcotics, and bronchodilators. Given the relative safety and superior effectiveness of honey plus coffee versus prednisolone, this study adds to a growing body of biomedical research indicating that natural substances, including spices, vitamins and foods, are often superior in efficacy to synthetic drugs while often maintaining far higher levels of safety relative to them.

How to make your own Raw Honey Coconut Oil face mask

Both raw honey and coconut oil are nourishing for the skin and have been used for skin care for hundreds of years. Learn how to make a simple raw honey coconut oil face mask at home that will leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated.

Why You Should Ditch Sugar In Favor of Honey

While honey and sugar share similar degrees of sweetness, the differences in the way our bodies respond to them are profound.

80% of Grocery Store Honey Adulterated and Not Pure

by: PF Louis


Almost 80% of the brands from big box grocers and pharmacies tested by Food Safety News had no trace of pollen. Add 100% without pollen in those little packets of honey provided by airlines and restaurants. Products are listed here (…).

Both pure and adulterated honeys have similar identification markings, pollen. Fake […]