New “Fight For Kids” Site Launched to Inform Parents and Protect Children from Documented Psychotropic Drug Risks

    With documents revealing an astounding 622,723 U.S. children aged 0-5 prescribed powerful mind-altering drugs, a mental health watchdog launches campaign to Fight For Kids right to grow up label and drug free. The innovative website resource for parents faced with children labeled with a “mental” or “learning disorder,” provides them with facts about adverse effects of treatments being recommended to minors. Recognizing that parents and other caregivers often have to sift through considerable misinformation about mental health treatment to get facts about potential risks, the “Fight for Kids” (FFK) website, produced by the mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR), has streamlined this, providing a definitive resource that cuts to the chase when it comes to drug and other treatment damaging effects. CCHR International says the drugs are being prescribed like candy, despite many of them scheduled by the Drug Enforcement Administration as high risk for abuse and addiction. The group says the FFK website is necessary because few parents know that psychiatric drugs are not like general medicine prescribed to treat physical diseases. There are no physical tests to confirm a psychiatric diagnosis which is based largely upon non-medical opinions about behavior.

      FDA is Mind-Numbing America: Psychotropic Drugs and Electroshock Approval Boosts $35B Industry

      The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering approving Johnson & Johnson’s new nasal spray antidepressant, esketamine (Spravato) after an FDA advisory committee voted on February 12, 2019 in its favor. The drug is a chemical mirror of ketamine, a potent “dissociative anesthetic” that is abused as the illegal “club drug,” Special K, and generates an intense high and euphoric effects, and hallucinations. If approved, it would add to the mind-numbing of America that an FDA-psychiatric collusion is causing, says the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR). The group said the FDA’s continuing clearance of potentially addictive and dangerous psychotropic drugs and, more recently, electroshock treatment devices, fuels a lucrative $35 billion a year industry at the cost of consumers’ mental health and lives. Astoundingly, with more than 43.6 million Americans each year now taking antidepressants once touted as “miracle pills,” psychiatrists now claim that the drugs don’t work in one out of every three people taking them.

        Study: Youngest Children in Classrooms Frequently Mislabeled as ADHD – Drugged

        A recent study made some international mainstream papers recently that warned of medicating children misdiagnosed as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), simply because they were the youngest students in their class. UK’s online Daily Mail included a quote from the lead author of that study, Dr. Martin Whitely, who stated: "It appears that across the globe some teachers are mistaking the immaturity of the youngest children in their class for ADHD. Although teachers don’t diagnose it, they are often the first to suggest a child may have ADHD." The study was published by the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines on October 14, 2018, with the title: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder late birthdate effect common in both high and low prescribing international jurisdictions: systematic review. The “late birthdate” label describes situations where a child’s birthday falls on a later date of the year than most of his or her classmates’ birthdays. This potentially places that child at a less mature stage of development as the others in the same class. A description of a child’s behavior considered ADHD leads to a prescription of pharmaceutical psychotropic drugs that mimic cocaine and amphetamine, even to children four years old and younger. The researches examined 19 studies in 13 countries that looked into over-diagnosing school children as ADHD, and they added another three studies that were related to bring the total studies reviewed at 22. Because the 22 studies used too many divergent methods, the review authors used the systemic review method, which examines each study individually, instead of the meta-analysis method, which combines the statistics from the studies reviewed to form an opinion or conclusion. They concluded: "It is the norm internationally for the youngest children in a classroom to be at increased risk of being medicated for ADHD, even in jurisdictions with relatively low prescribing rates."

          Another Mass Shooting, Another Psychiatric Drug—27 Drug Warnings and 1,531 Cases of Drug Related Shootings

          Twenty-seven drug regulatory agency warnings cite psychiatric drug side effects of mania, psychosis, violence and homicidal ideation; 1,531 cases of psychiatric drug induced homicide/homicidal ideation have been reported to the US FDA; 65 high profile cases of mass shootings/murder have been committed by individuals under the influence of these drugs, yet there has never been a federal investigation into the link between seemingly senseless acts of violence and the use of mind-altering psychotropic drugs. Paul Harasim from the Las Vegas Review-Journal obtained records from the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program showing Stephen Paddock was prescribed 50 10-milligram diazepam (Valium) tablets on June 21st, as well as 50 10-milligram tablets in 2016. The drug Paddock was prescribed, diazepam, is a benzodiazepine documented by several studies to cause violence, aggression, homicidal ideation and suicide risk or attempts.

            Prescription Drugs Now Factor in Higher Percentage of Fatal Car Crashes Than Alcohol or Marijuana

            Prescription drugs and multiple drug combinations are frequently found in the blood of drivers involved in fatal car crashes on US roads, according to a new study in Public Health Reports. Drivers today are more likely to test positive for drugs than drivers 20 years ago, and drugged drivers are now likely to be older than 50. Gone are the days when drunk drivers were our only concern—alcohol is but one of MANY drugs that can make you dangerous behind the wheel. And now many people are on multiple drug cocktails, especially prescription drugs, which multiplies their impairment.

              Number of 0-5 Year Olds on Psychotropic Drugs Skyrockets 42% Since 2009

              While the national media has been running that the use of psychotropic drugs in children has decreased based on a “sample study” of only 43,000 kids, the fact is, according to data obtained from IMS Health, the number of children 0-5 on psychiatric drugs has increased 42% since 2009. In 2012, there were 1,085,410 children aged 0-5 on psychiatric drugs, which is the highest the number has been in the last decade.