Physician Group Exposes False Government Measles Statistics – Opposes Mandatory Vaccination

    Government Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, and Threaten Public Health. Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an organization of doctors and scientists who encourage using statistics to safeguard public health, recently flew in doctors from across California to educate members of the Senate Committee on Health about the risks of measles vs. the risks of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine—which are explained in PIC’s opposition letter to California SB 276, a bill that would allow only state public health officers the right to grant or approve vaccine exemptions to children at-risk of vaccine injuries. PIC’s doctors included Dr. Shira Miller, Dr. Lionel Lee, Dr. Edmond Sarraf, Dr. Melanie Gisler, and Dr. Charles Penick. Misinformation concerning measles data is rampant.

      Study: MMR Vaccine Causes Seizures in 5,700 U.S. Children Annually

      The California-based nonprofit organization, Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), recently reported in The BMJ that every year about 5,700 U.S. children suffer seizures from the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This finding is derived from results of the most statistically powered safety study ever to measure the association between MMR vaccination and febrile seizures. More than half a million children were evaluated, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, from a Danish population that is relied upon globally to examine vaccine safety. The results showed that seizures from the MMR vaccine occur in about 1 in 640 children up to two weeks following MMR vaccination. Applying this risk of seizures to the 3.64 million U.S. children vaccinated with a first dose of MMR every year results in about 5,700 annual MMR-vaccine seizures.

        Physicians Opposed to Mandatory Vaccines Start “Physicians for Informed Consent” Organization

        On June 30, 2015, Dr. Shira Miller felt personally assaulted when California SB277 was signed into law. Since Dr. Miller does not follow the SB277 list of mandatory vaccines for her children, she suddenly found herself, like many California parents, in a desperate position. While she was busy taking care of her patients and raising her young children, legislators voted away her fundamental rights. So, she called upon a team of doctors, scientists, and attorneys, and Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) was born. The recent PIC press release states the following: "A newly launched nonprofit called Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) is now joining the cause to get the government out of some of the most important conversations parents have with their pediatrician. PIC is committed to protecting the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their children, and safeguarding doctors’ professional responsibility to act ethically and in the best interests of their individual patients. PIC is dedicated to raising public awareness about the problems posed for both parents and doctors by mandatory vaccination laws. In June 2015, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB277, one of the most expansive and intrusive mandatory vaccination laws in the U.S. These laws discriminate against families who, in the best interest of their child’s health, do not follow the CDC’s recommended schedule. Politicians have forced their way into the conversation about one of the most important medical decisions families will make in consultation with their doctors."