Justice for Medical Kidnapping! Philadelphia Judge Confesses to Illegally Jailing Parents

    In May of 2018 Health Impact News published the story of Philadelphia Family Court Judge Lyris Younge, who was accused of “judicially created parental alienation” by a Pennsylvania state appeals court. The Superior Court of Pennsylvania reversed the termination of parental rights that had been decreed under Judge Lyris Younge of Philadelphia Family Court. According to the ABA Journal, a child referred to as N.M. was taken from her parents after she was found to have two broken ribs. The appellate decision is public record, with the parents and children identified only by their initials.  The baby was taken to the doctor after signs of “increased fussiness.” The pediatrician had the family take the baby to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), where they ran a series of x-rays. When two fractured ribs were found, the Child Abuse Team, including Dr. Natalie Stavas, decided that the only explanation was abuse. The Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) was called on April 7, 2016, and the baby was seized from her parents. DHS refused to place the baby with her grandparents, and she was placed into foster care. The parents’ rights were terminated. It is apparent from the appeals document that there are other medical possibilities for the baby’s injuries that were not considered. The family was not permitted to have other medical experts testify as to other possible diagnoses. Because the parents did not have an explanation, the foregone conclusion at CHOPS was “abuse.” Judge Lyris Younge was later removed from the bench as her trial was pending. Today, (February 19, 2020), Philadelphia media is reporting that Judge Younge has admitted to the allegations to avoid trial.

      Philadelphia School Officials to Start Home Visits of Children not Vaccinated

      School officials in Philadelphia are reportedly prepared to start doing home visits for students that have not provided medical records showing that they are up-to-date on their vaccines. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports: "Over the summer, parents of Philadelphia students got phone calls, text messages, and letters reminding them to have their children vaccinated. By Monday’s deadline’s for immunizations, the district may start planning home visits to families that have not provided medical records or sought exemptions. District officials on Thursday said they want to minimize the number of students who are excluded from attending school for vaccine-related reasons. This year, students were given 60 days to provide their records or obtain a religious, medical or philosophical exemption."

        Philadelphia to Investigate CPS Medical Kidnappings and Possible Child Sex Trafficking

        Earlier this year we covered the story out of Philadelphia regarding City Councilman David Oh, who presented testimony before the Philadelphia City Council regarding abuses in the state-run child protection services (DHS – Department of Human Services), and how they were continually breaking state law, while not admitting to any wrong-doing. Councilman Oh states, on the record, that he was threatened when he began looking into cases of CPS abuse: "There have been threats made, threats intimated, that there will be retaliation, that there will be political consequences – all types of threats. And I wonder why? Why is that, when all we are doing is our duty to provide an oversight to an administrative agency that is responsible for protecting children. Why the threat, why the problems?" According to Megan Fox of PJ Media, the Philadelphia City Council has now passed a resolution to look into the matter.

          Philadelphia City Councilman Endures Threats To Expose Corruption in CPS and Child Sexual Abuse

          Earlier this month (May, 2019), Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh presented testimony before the Philadelphia City Council regarding abuses in the state-run child protection services (DHS - Department of Human Services), and how they we continually breaking state law, while not admitting to any wrong-doing. In fact, the councilman claimed that DHS "routinely and intentionally" violates state law. He claims to be representing over 50 "not-at-fault" mothers who all have solid evidence of wrongdoing, and have approached other elected officials many times over the course of years, with no results. He states that they were: "...never accused of doing anything wrong. They were never accused of being abusive or negligent. It was determined by DHS that the allegations were unfounded. Yet, they have been denied their children for years. Their children are being placed in multiple foster care situations where they are abused, they have run away, they're depressed, they're medicated, they're sexually violated. And it continues." During his testimony, Councilman David Oh states that "In the course of pursuing this....." And he then pauses for about 5 seconds, very obviously carefully considering just what exactly he wants to say next: "There have been threats made, threats intimated, that there will be retaliation, that there will be political consequences - all types of threats. And I wonder why? Why is that, when all we are doing is our duty to provide an oversight to an administrative agency that is responsible for protecting children. Why the threat, why the problems?"

            Top Cities with Highest Rate of Child Removals: Philadelphia Overtakes Phoenix as Most Dangerous City for State-sponsored Child Kidnappings

            For several years now Phoenix, Arizona has had the dubious distinction of being the #1 city in the U.S. for taking children away from their parents and placing them into state-funded foster care. Phoenix judges and CPS workers have consistently taken children out of homes and families and put them into harm's way at a higher percentage than any other city in the U.S. for the past several years. Health Impact News started their MedicalKidnap.com website in 2014 due mainly to the sheer volume of parents contacting us from Arizona and complaining about their children being medically kidnapped. However, based on public statistics compiled by the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), Philadelphia has now overtaken Phoenix as the top city in the U.S. having the highest percentage of the children being removed from homes and put into foster care. NCCPR reports that Philadelphia has become so bad, that they now take children away from parents at triple the rate of New York City, and quadruple the rate of Chicago. Sadly, while Philadelphia has assumed the #1 position in the country for state-sponsored child kidnappings among large U.S. cities, this is a problem that affects ALL Americans in every city. This problem will continue to grow worse as long as there are billions of taxpayer dollars to fund the Child Welfare system incentivizing the removal of children from families to feed the foster care and adoption business that employs hundreds of thousands of government workers, whose jobs depend on taking children away from families.

              Philadelphia CPS Tries to Silence Grandmother Exposing Rape of Grandchild in DHS Foster Care

              Child Protective Services, funded by American taxpayers, doesn't believe that they should be held accountable to the citizens who foot the bill. Repeatedly, we have seen efforts by various state CPS agencies around the country to silence parents who speak out about the abuse that they and their children suffer at the hands of social workers and courts as well as abuse that happens to their children in foster homes, group homes, and hospitals. CPS social workers and their attorneys sometimes request, and judges approve, gag orders demanding that families keep quiet about what they have seen. Not content with the violation of the parents' Constitutional First Amendment rights, social workers frequently retaliate against families members who talk, pushing for quicker termination of parental rights, denying visitation, or making up new fictitious allegations. The story we share today plays out in CPS cases every single day, all over the county. If Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) has their way, the story will disappear and no one will hear about it. Richard Wexler of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR) asks for the help of our readers to make sure that the story doesn't disappear. On his blog, he asks the question: "There is a news story that Philadelphia’s child welfare agency desperately does not want the world to read. What do you think we should do about that?"

                Philadelphia Family Court Judge Exposed and Charged with Illegal Medical Kidnapping

                A state appeals court has accused a Pennsylvania judge of “judicially created parental alienation” and a failure to provide due process when she kept a baby in “protracted foster care” after receiving no explanation for broken ribs and then terminated parental rights. The judge, Lyris Younge of Philadelphia Family Court, abused her discretion when she refused to place the child known as N.M. in the care of a grandmother, according to the May 4 decision by the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Younge also refused to allow the child’s mother to be represented by two lawyers at once, and refused to allow introduction of expert medical reports that attempted to explain N.M.’s broken ribs, the court said. Judge Younge has a history of violating parental rights in her courtroom, but because family court records and rulings are kept confidential on a non-public docket—unless appealed—they do not draw scrutiny. How many other families has Judge Younge destroyed?

                  Pennsylvania Mom of Medically Kidnapped Child With Rickets Tells Her Story to FOX News

                  A Pennsylvania mother now reportedly has the backing of a couple of world-renowned medical experts who say that the evidence supports her story that there is a medical reason for her baby boy's injuries, and that she did not abuse her son. Local media, including FOX 29 in Philadelphia, is now picking up Jessica Battiato's story, which was first reported by MedicalKidnap.com.