How a Chemical Defense Attorney Became DuPont’s Greatest Nemesis on Teflon Dangers

    If you’re still using non-stick cookware, you may want to seriously reconsider. Ditto for using stain- and water-repellant clothing, and opting for stain-resistant carpets and fabrics. All of these products — and many more — contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8), which has been revealed to be far more dangerous than previously thought. For 50 years, DuPont used PFOA to make Teflon. Throughout that time, the company has defended the safety of PFOA, and still resists accountability for health problems resulting from exposure to this day. However, the truth has finally come to light. I started warning people about the potential hazards of Teflon over 15 years ago. As a result, I was legally threatened by DuPont many times. The evidence is now crystal clear for everyone to see, just as I have warned of for the last decade and a half. The dangers have become undeniable, and DuPont’s connection to this pernicious poison is starting to receive attention in the mainstream media. The New York Times recently published an in-depth exposé on the legal battle fought against DuPont for the past 15 years over PFOA contamination and its toxic effects. I highly recommend reading through it; it’s an excellent read. Last year, The Intercept also published a three-part exposé titled “The Teflon Toxin: Dupont and the Chemistry of Deception,” detailing DuPont’s history of covering up the facts.

      Be informed – Non-stick pans pose danger

      by Dr. David Jockers
      (NaturalNews) For years people and restaurants flocked to the non-stick technological cooking breakthrough. However, studies done over the last 20 years have indicated that non-stick surfaces release deadly toxic gases and other poisonous substances that cause significant concern to users.
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