Popular Antidepressant May Promote Breast Cancer

A popular antidepressant may promote breast cancer and even worse, it’s frequently prescribed to the most at-risk group: women in their 40s and 50s. We’ve told you before about the dangers of SSRIs, an incredibly popular class of antidepressants that can cause violent outbursts—both homicidal and suicidal. But now, researchers have found another alarming side effect: they may promote breast cancer. About 70% of breast cancers are sensitive to estrogen—that is, estrogen contributes to their growth. Recently, researchers have found that paroxetine—the active ingredient in Paxil and Pexeva, some of the most widely prescribed SSRI antidepressants—has an estrogenic effect that likely promotes the development and growth of breast tumors in women.

Paxil Class-Action Lawsuit—Lawyer estimates 200 Canadian children born with heart defects due to Mother’s taking Paxil

by Citizens Commission on Human Rights International and Tamsyn Burgmann of The Canadian Press

A British Columbia mother whose daughter was born with a hole in her heart after taking prescribed anti-depressants during pregnancy will lead a class-action lawsuit against a pharmaceutical giant.

A B.C. Supreme Court judge has ruled that representative plaintiff Faith Gibson can proceed […]