Do Big Tech Billionaires Promote “Free Speech” or Child Sex Trafficking? What is “Free Speech”?

With the constant flow of articles I continue to see in my news feed each day with Americans bemoaning the loss of what they call "free speech" as they idolize their favorite Big Tech Billionaires, I want to highlight some facts in this article about these Big Tech billionaires that so many Americans now adore, and give a basic civics lesson on just what exactly is "free speech." Is Pavel Durov truly a "righteous Billionaire" who out of the kindness of his heart wanted to provide the world with a truly "free speech" platform as his main motivation, or is he linked into and funded by child sex trafficking networks just the same as his fellow Big Tech Billionaires, who are also connected to the Satanic Jewish cults which promote Zionism and child sex trafficking? If Donald Trump is (s)elected as President in November, maybe he can work out a deal with France and bring Durov here to serve in his administration together with Elon Musk, keeping the memory and legacy of Jeffrey Epstein who built our financial system going strong, and finally passing that "antisemitism" bill into law which will make belief in the New Testament and Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, illegal.