The State with the Sickest Children has the Highest Vaccination Rates

    According to the comprehensive state-by-state health rankings, Mississippi has remained squarely at the bottom of the nation’s overall health rankings for decades. Mississippi's vaccine “efficiency” is over 99.4% vaccine coverage in kindergartners, highest in the nation. This is because they do not allow parents to claim any exemptions for vaccines, one of three states that do not allow parental choice. Despite juxtaposing two critical pieces of health information about Mississippi’s children—high vaccine coverage and poor health rankings—Dr. Paul Offit, one of the vaccine industry’s most strident ambassadors, does not ask the obvious elephant-in-the-room question: Could one have something to do with the other? Offit makes it clear that he wants other states to follow Mississippi’s example and take away parental rights to make vaccine decisions.

      Confronting Vaccine Resistance: Brain Washing and Social Engineering of Medical Students

      On November 21, 2016, Dr. Suzanne Humphries and New York University (NYU) law professor Mary Holland attended a meeting called "Confronting Vaccine Resistance: Strategies For Success" at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, New York. The meeting's speakers were Senator Dr. Richard Pan, Dr. Paul Offit and Dorit Rubenstein Reiss - all proponents of mandatory vaccines. The speakers were primarily addressing medical students at NYU. Unfortunately, the medical students in attendance at this event apparently only heard the extremist view of mandatory vaccines, the view that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary. The students could have benefited greatly in an open dialog on this subject if Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Mary Holland had been allowed to participate. Dr. Humphries is a nephrologist (kidney doctor) who once administered vaccines in her practice, and has now come to the conclusion that vaccines are not the best solution to fight disease for anyone, and that doctors and medical students are not being taught all the science behind vaccines to make informed decisions for their patients. Law professor Mary Holland has lectured and written on the legal aspects of denying U.S. citizens the right to "informed consent" when it comes to a medical procedure like vaccines.

        Children Taken Away from Christian Parents to Receive Forced Vaccinations

        The New York Times has published an opinion piece from a pro-vaccine doctor who earns millions of dollars in royalties from the sale of childhood vaccines. The title of the article is: “What Would Jesus Do About Measles?” According to this medical doctor, Jesus would force everyone to vaccinate their children, for the sake of the “greater good.” This pharmaceutical industry insider is calling on all states in the U.S. to remove the religious exemptions for vaccines that currently exist in 48 states. Could the day come in the United States of America where parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will have their children removed from their home by force and injected with vaccines they do not approve of against their desire? Yes. Not only could it happen, it already has happened.

          Dr. Offit Wants to Eliminate Religious and Philosophical Vaccine Exemptions

          We have previously reported how Dr. Paul Offit, the mainstream media's go-to doctor to support vaccines, has huge conflicts of interest, and is a very dangerous man. We mentioned how Paul Offit wants mandatory vaccines for every single child in the United States, and he feels his voice in the matter should over-rule parental choice. So with the mainstream media giving him basically a free pass to preach his message, Offit has attacked anyone who dares to question his view on vaccines. Earlier this year, he publicly stated at the Health Journalism 2014 meeting that journalists should NOT be balanced in their reporting about vaccines. He wants only one side reported, his side, and he stated publicly that journalists who publish the other side should go to "journalism jail." Offit thinks that only medical exemptions should be issued for vaccines, and has campaigned for ending religious and philosophical exemptions. Allowing only medical exemptions would give complete control of America's school-age children to the medical system in regards to vaccines. So should doctors like Offit be considered authorities on religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccines? He claims science trumps philosophy or religion. So if you object to things in vaccines such as cells from aborted human embryos, monkey kidneys, aborted calf fetus blood, mouse brains, etc. - too bad. According to Offit, only doctors should make those decisions. For a response to Dr. Offit by another doctor, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, we republish with her consent a previous rebuttal she wrote to Dr. Offit below. Turns out that not all doctors agree with Offit after all...

            Dangerous Doctor: Media Vaccine Promoter has Huge Conflict of Interest

            The mainstream media's top "expert" on vaccines is unquestionably Dr. Paul Offit. Dr. Paul Offit is infamously known among vaccine safety advocates as the doctor who has gone on record stating that he believes a baby can handle as many as 10,000 vaccines during infancy. Dr. Offit is a dangerous man. If he gets his way, he will make all vaccines mandatory for every single child in America. He wants to take away parental choice when it comes to the issue of vaccines. And for good reason. He holds patents on several vaccines, and has earned millions of dollars on royalties. That income will increase in the future with the sale of more vaccines. Read More.