Study: Sesame Seeds More Effective than Drugs in Treating Osteoarthritis

A recent human clinical study demonstrated sesame seeds were as good or better than normal treatments using NSAID only (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen in treating osteoarthritis. The humans involved in the study all suffered from osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. This type of arthritis is the result of degenerated tissue in the joints that prevent bone against bone in any joint. Then where the joints join there is friction, damage, inflammation, limited movement, and pain. This degenerative disease is more common among seniors. The usual treatments with NSAIDs, whether over the counter (OTC) or prescription, create side effects that can worsen overall health. So, it’s only natural that we should focus on natural herbal or food cures.

Americans Consume 80 Percent World’s Pain Pills: How to Treat Pain Without Drugs

A new federal report revealed that the majority of U.S. adults (more than 54 percent) had some type of musculoskeletal pain disorder such as back, joint or neck pain in 2012 (the latest year for which statistics are available). Congressional testimony from the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) stated that Americans consume 80 percent of the pain pills in the world, and in a survey of more than 2,000 pain patients in the U.S., most said they were taking a dangerously addictive opioid pain medication. Research suggests, however, that these drugs work for only about three months, after which changes in your brain may lead to increased feelings of pain along with added emotional upset, including feelings of hopelessness and desperation. Many pain sufferers have tried virtually every treatment that conventional medicine has to offer — medications, injections, surgery and more — only to find that their pain hasn't gotten better and they may be struggling with treatment-induced side effects as well (one of the worst of which is opioid addiction). At that point (and for many far sooner), it's only natural that you would begin to seek other options, which brings many people to holistic, complementary or "alternative" health care options for relief.

How Chili Peppers Can Be Used to Treat Pain

Chili peppers’ heat comes from capsaicin, a compound produced to protect them from fungal attack. Capsaicin is available in pain-relieving creams and patches, and has shown promise for relieving shingles pain, osteoarthritis, psoriasis symptoms, and more. Capsaicin has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and has also shown some promise for cancer, weight loss, and allergy symptoms.

Study Finds Thyme Essential Oil Beats Ibuprofen for Pain Relief

Significant research has found thyme essential oil and its constituent thymol to be antiseptic. In fact, many mouth washes and antiseptic wipes often contain thymol. Research is also finding that thyme oil reduces pain. Traditional medicines have been using thyme oil and other essential oils to help relieve pain for centuries.