How to Handle Underestimated Indoor Pollution, Which Can Be Worse than Outdoor Pollution

    Your indoor air should be cleaner than outdoors, unless you live in a remote, pristine, heavily-wooded or coastline area. But for most of us, that's not the case. And most of us spend much more time indoors than outdoors thinking we're safe from the pollution of vehicular traffic, aircraft aerosol spraying, and industrial pollution. Most people don't think in terms of indoor pollution. But due to modern construction and insulation materials demanded for better energy conservation, chemically-laced furnishing and carpeting, stored toxic cleaning materials, and other particulates brought indoors into dwellings that are airtight, recycled air for cooling and heating tends to accumulate an invisible cloud of toxic pollution indoors. The toxic chemicals “off-gas” or release their vapors into indoor environments that are poorly ventilated with fresh air. In addition to chemical and particulate pollution, oxygen is diminished by the necessary practice of breathing without outdoor air circulating. The air inside your home or office can be worse than outside air. Since most of us spend the bulk of our time indoors, it would be wise to ensure our inside air is as healthy as possible. The amount and extent of indoor air toxins are surprisingly high. But there are ways of purifying your indoor air and protecting against those indoor airborne toxins.

      Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is so Effective it is a Threat to Medicine, so FDA Moves to Restrict it

      Oxygen makes up almost 21% of every breath we take. It is fundamental to life. Without it, we die in minutes. It is an odorless, colorless gas that is poorly understood by most doctors, even though it is regulated as a prescription drug in most countries. Many doctors have a visceral mistrust of oxygen due to complicated and erroneous things they were taught in medical school about too much oxygen suppressing the need to breathe in patients with chronic lung disease or causing blindness in premature newborns. Throw in some half baked ideas about sick people having high free radicals and supplemental oxygen inducing free radical formation and voila! The overlooked arrow in the quiver. It comes out of the walls at the hospital, is administered by nurses and respiratory therapists and is generally thought of as an adjunct only, not an important treatment in its own right. Rather, it is more comfortable for the conventionally trained doctor to prescribe ever more dangerous drugs when confronted with a chronically ill patient, even though there is vast literature supporting that HBOT, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-infective and promotes healing of injured tissue.

        FDA Seeks to Restrict Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used in Cancer Treatment

        Earlier this year we covered a new study conducted at the China Medical University in Taiwan showing how non-drug therapies such as the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy were being used to cure cancer. So it should come as no surprise that the FDA, in an obvious effort to protect the lucrative drug market for treating cancer, has issued a statement saying that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is "not approved" by them for such treatment.

          Study: Ketogenic Diet and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Stops Cancer

          The ketogenic diet (KD) is a low carbohydrate, high fat diet which decreases blood glucose and elevates blood ketones and has been shown to slow cancer progression in animals and humans. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO2T) saturates tumors with oxygen, reversing the cancer promoting effects of tumor hypoxia. Since these non-toxic therapies exploit overlapping metabolic deficiencies of cancer, this study tested their combined effects on cancer progression in a natural model of metastatic disease.