The Natural Product Doctors Have Been Using for Years to Prevent Heart Attacks

A natural substance was accidentally discovered from a plant in Africa to have rapid positive effects on heart conditions in the mid-19th Century. Eventually, it became part of mainstream heart medicine in Germany, but administered only by IV under clinical supervision. This natural heart attack remedy and preventative is currently known as ouabain (wah-bay-in) also known as strophanthin (stroe-fan-thin), which was initially extracted from the African tree Acokanthera ouabaio, leading to the English name version ouabain. Currently, there are many German doctors prescribing ouabain or G-strophanthin, and they want to keep it that way even though it’s natural and can’t be patented as a pharmaceutical drug, which is another reason that little is known of it outside of Germany. Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, debunks the current official explanation of heart disease by analyzing the inconsistencies and paradoxes of actual heart attack cases compared to the accepted arterial clogging explanation. Dr. Cowan is a holistic MD practicing in San Francisco, California. He states by having his heart patients on ouabain he has not lost any of them to heart attacks. His new understanding of heart disease and subsequent successful use of ouabain is attributed to the German doctor Knut Sroka, MD, who calls ouabain “an outstanding plant drug ignored by academic medicine”.